I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 1 - Green tea prost.i.tute [1]

Chapter 1 - Green tea prost.i.tute [1]

Regarding tantric amulets in Thailand, I believe quite a few people have heard of them.

These past few years, they have gotten a lot of attention in the country, and many people are hunting them down. Even on the internet, you often hear news of celebrities getting Yin amulets to raise minor demons.

Whether it"s real or fake, I don"t know. But, whenever a few friends I know feel like coming to Thailand to get a tantric amulet, I always tell them one thing.

"Tantric amulets are dangerous, be careful when you"re getting tantric amulets."

I don"t say this to them to stop them from getting tantric amulets. The reason I say this, is because I"ve been in the tantric amulet business for five to six years, and have experienced many strange incidents, be they big or small. Even though the money earnt isn"t small, I"ve had to endure quite a few hardships, and almost lost my life quite a few times.

Thinking about it now, I"m actually quite scared of what happened.

To let you guys better understand tantric amulets, let me talk about an event that happened a few years ago.

This happened to one of my friends.

That friend"s name is Li Fan. His family makes steel products for a living, and has been through many b.u.mps on the road.

Li Fan was quite popular, and he was quite energetic. He even had a beautiful girlfriend that brought about the envy of others. At the time, their relationship was going extremely well. So well, that they didn"t even have minor fights or arguments. But who would"ve thought, that one day, they would suddenly break up.

Despite breaking up for less than a month, Li Fan managed to find another woman.

That woman was called Zhang Li. She looked to be about twenty years old.

To be honest, Zhang Li wasn"t beautiful in the least. Only her body could be considered pretty good. Her chest was big and her b.u.t.t was perky. And as she walked, they would sway or bounce, which was quite eye-catching.

It was obvious, that Li Fan deeply loved Zhang Li. A short while after confirming their relationship, he bought an apartment in the city, saying it was to prepare for their marriage. After that, he even gave Zhang Li a car.

At first, it was nothing. Conjugal love between a young couple was a good thing. But later on, something that completely changed my view happened. I remember that the day was a weekend. According to tradition, us friends would get together, chat, drink beer and what not. Also, Li Fan had just bought a new house then, so the meeting was set at his place.

When the time came, it just so happened to be lunchtime, so Li Fan was originally going to bring us out for lunch.

But when we were about to head out, Zhang Li, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV, said, "Why are you going out to eat? Food outside is expensive, and right now, money is hard to earn. The way I see it, it"d be best if you guys just ate here."

Li Fan was about to speak up, but after Zhang Li glared at him, he didn"t dare to say anything.

At the time, we didn"t think much about it. After all, it was still a meal no matter where we ate, it was all the same to us.

Taking advantage of the time Zhang Li spent cooking, Li Fan specially gave us a tour of his new house.

In this field, I lacked taste, so I merely felt that the house looked like it had a good atmosphere, and living in it would be comfortable.

The only strange part was the effigy of a woman in her birthday suit in Li Fan"s bedroom.

The effigy was about the size of a palm, and it"s posture was quite strange. It was actually squatting. Moreover, it"s legs were spread apart. Even the private parts were completely visible.

Being curious, I picked it up to take a closer look. Come to speak of it, it was strange. When I grabbed this female effigy, my head felt heavy and my chest felt dizzy. The feeling was similar to motion sickness.

This carried on until Li Fan s.n.a.t.c.hed it back. Then the feeling disappeared.

"What kind of toy is this? I felt weird just now." I was a bit curious.

"Zhang Li is relatively pious. This thing is her treasure. Supposedly, she got it from an eminent monk in Thailand, and it"s capable of protecting people. Even I"m not allowed to touch it without her permission." Li Fan was looking outside the door as he spoke.

I merely replied with, "Oh." Even though it was strange, I didn"t think too much about it.

When it was time to eat, the few of us were a bit stunned.

The dishes were two types of veggies and a soup. Forget about whether or not there was a lot, the biggest reason was that it was hard to stomach. If it wasn"t too salty, then it was too tasteless. Moreover, it was all burnt.

It was obvious to everyone from how the dishes looked that Zhang Li couldn"t cook.

As soon as we saw this kind of food, one of us half joked, "Sister-in-law, is this stuff edible? It won"t give us diarhea right?"

"Having something to eat is already quite good and you still want to be so picky."

Zhang Li said this sentence with a cold expression, then headed to her room. Along the way, her mouth was filled with discontent, "Leeching off our food and drink from day till night and still has the gall to complain…"

When we heard those words, we were speechless.

At that time, Li Fan"s expression was ugly, but he only kept his eyebrows creased and didn"t say a thing.

I was mildly curious. Li Fan was a person that cared about his image. Normally, if he met this kind of situation, he"d probably have long since lost his temper. But that day, he just kept silent. It was as if he was a completely different person.

Even though we were made uncomfortable by Zhang Li"s grumbling, we gave Li Fan face and didn"t say anything. We just bid farewell and left after exchanging the conventional greetings.

The day after this happened, Li Fan specially called each of us to apologise, and then even said that he"d buy us all a drink as compensation.

Originally, it was nothing much. After heading to the bar, everyone had quite a good time drinking.

But who would"ve thought that before we were finished, Zhang Li would suddenly dash in, in a fit of anger.

At that time, my friends had brought their girlfriends along with them to the bar. Coincidentally, one of them was sitting next to Li Fan. Who would"ve thought that as soon as Zhang Li saw this, she would directly slap the woman"s face without any warning.

She even shouted, "f.u.c.king s.l.u.t, you dare seduce my man!"

After hitting the woman, she grabbed Li Fan and was about to leave.

However, the woman that was. .h.i.t wasn"t someone that swallowed insults and humiliation without retaliating. She screamed at Zhang Li to stop where she was, then began arguing with her. While tussling, the woman accidently pushed Zhang Li to the ground.

Then, something unimaginable happened.

As soon as he saw Zhang Li fall, Li Fan"s eyes turned red and he immediately rushed up and fiercely threw down the woman. Afterwards, he even trampled her for good measure.

While stepping on her, he constantly said things along the lines of "Die." That ferocious expression on his face made it seem like he was somebody else entirely.

At that time, we were all stunned. After all, we never would"ve imagined that Li Fan would suddenly attack.

To begin with, this was a misunderstanding. Moreover, it was Zhang Li that hit first out of extreme jealousy. Logically speaking, pulling the two people apart and persuading them would"ve been enough. No one could have expected things to turn out like this.

Seeing his girlfriend get hit, my friend also lost his temper and directly got violent with Li Fan. The rest of us had a hard time pulling them apart.

This fight, caused the relationship between the two to become stiff, and in the end they dispersed with ill feelings.

At that time, I too was baffled. No matter what, I simply couldn"t imagine Li Fan acting like that.

That night, on the day this happened, I specially called up Li Fan to ask what was wrong with him and why he would suddenly get violent.

The answer Li Fan gave was very strange. He said that he himself didn"t know what had happened. After seeing Zhang Li get hit, his chest felt uncomfortable, as if he was suppressing a fire inside. Then, his hands and legs wouldn"t obey his commands, and his mind was completely blank.

When he finally recovered, the situation had already become like so.

After listening to what Li Fan said, I was puzzled and thought that maybe he was ill or something. So, I advised him to rest for a few days.

The next few days, nothing happened. This carried on until a night the following week, when I got a call from one of my friends.

At the time, I was watching TV. When I picked up the phone, I could hear him screaming on the other end of the line, "w.a.n.g Meng, it"s terrible! Something happened to Li Fan!"

"What happened?" I was surprised.

"Aiyoh, how could you not know something so big? Last night, Li Fan went crazy! While eating dinner, he ran his mother through with a knife for no reason at all!"

[1] t.i.tle is a reference to something big that happened in China a long while ago that I"m too lazy to read up on.

TL note: you know what? Let"s have a betting pool in NUF or at least the comments section. Payout is early access to the next arc for those who win. The bet is on what happens to the people using Yin amulets. As in, how they get f.u.c.ked over and what they do. The more right you are, the more access you get to the next arc. E.g. 25% right= 1 chap 50%= 2 chaps 75%=3 chaps 100%= all chaps. I"m definitely not hoping for this to become a full blown gambling ring from which I can earn nuffies easy…….

Oh and if you want early access to the next few chaps, support me on patreon! You can do so here: