Indulgent Husband And Sweet Wife

Chapter 1

Proofreader: Feng Lei

Lu Zhanke was moved to a military area part.i.tion as the captain of the independent brigade, so Ai Changhuan was arranged to accompany the army as soon as she graduated. Having spent three days and nights on the car journey, she finally reached the military compound at dawn on the fourth day.

Two soldiers helped her carry the suitcases down from the car, telling her that Lu was busy and would not be free to come back until noon.

Ai Changhuan took a sigh of relief in heart, because she was not ready to welcome such a new life, nor to accept Lu Zhanke.

She looked around the interior briefly, and that was much better than her expectation: Three bedrooms with a living room were all furnished, with independent kitchen and bathroom.

Quite worn out by her journey, she looked weary. Ai Changhuan decided to take a bath first. She pulled out a set of clean pajamas from the suitcase, with her usual shower gel, shampoo and skin lotion, and turned into the bathroom.

Lying in the bathtub, thousands of things came across her mind, including why she married Lu Zhanke.

In this generation, there was no fellowship between the Ai’s and the Lu’s. The only connection was in the generation of her grandfather’s.

Once upon a time, the old Ai was old Lu’s boss. He took good care of Lu and even saved his life. Old Lu felt that he was unable to make any recompense while the idea of marriage came to his mind.

The old Ai had a son, that was Ai Changhuan’s father. At first, Lu wanted to have a daughter so she could be the daughter-in-law of the Ai’s family, but in the end he had two sons, and the idea almost faded out.

When the Lu brothers were sixteen years old, Ai Chuanghuan was born. But the two families still got betrothed, regardless of the opposition of both parties.

But why she agreed to marry Lu Zhanke was not for the engagement, but for waiting for someone.

YES. She already had someone in her heart.

While bathing, she was wondering how she could persuade Lu not to touch her when he came back.

Would he agree? Or he thought that every wife had to fulfill her obligations?

She was unable to figure out what he was thinking. After all, she had only seen him once.

She was fifteen in that year, following her grandfather to pay a new year visit to the Lu’s.

And Lu Zhanke had already been thirty-one, however, an age when a man was most attractive. The vigorous breath of a young man blended with the steady self-sustaining charm of maturity, smelt special, just like a new bottle of cologne.

In her eyes, the man suited military uniform and toweringly standing should be uncle, so she called out very kindly, "Little uncle."

Lu Zhanke had an elder brother called Lu Yanqing, so he was not wrong to be addressed as “Little uncle”.

Lu Zhanke was not unhappy, instead he gave her a big red envelop, and then said “Happy New Year.”

Who knows, just in short six years, he became her husband.

In this year, she was twenty-one, and he was thirty-seven.

After the bath, Ai Changhuan stood up to put on her clothes only to find that she forgot to bring her underwear.

The suitcase with the undergarments was not far away. After a moment"s hesitation, she quietly opened the bathroom door.

Her small head just poked a half when a pair of polished man"s shoes suddenly came into her sight. Two long legs stood straightly, and so did dark green combat trousers.

Then upwards, the unique man"s smell drilled into her nose. In a flurry, she lifted her eyes, and saw his extraordinary face with straight eyebrows and dark bright eyes.

It seemed that he was much more good-looking than before.

Ai Changhuan did not know whether the word “good looking” can be used to characterize a man, but that word was her only thought at that moment.

With a strong heartbeat, not daring to look on, she turned her gaze away quickly, very glad that she had wrapped herself in a bath towel in advance.



They spoke at the same time, but stopped simultaneously.

Eager to escape such an awkward situation, Ai Changhuan took the lead in asking, "Why are you back?"

Didn"t he say he was busy? She had thought she"d have more time to cushion, not expecting to meet up with Lu Zhanke so soon.

Though she knew that she could not evade it for all the time.

“To take a doc.u.ment.” Though Lu Zhanke was expressionless, but his eyes squinted slightly for a short while.

She was only fifteen when he met her for the first time, revealing a kind of green astringency. Afraid of the cold, she wrapped herself into a zongzi while her neck was also hidden in the white-collar coat, only to reveal a pair of dark and shining eyes. Then she particularly and sincerely called him uncle, and two pear eddies loomed near her mouth.

Having not seen each other for six years, she now became a mature woman. 36B, there was a nevus on her left breast, sesame seed size, red. A casual glance gave him the following information.

“Doc.u.ment?” Ai Chuanghuan blocked the half-exposed bosoms with her arm quietly. “You left it in the bathroom?”

“No,” Lu Zhanke paused for a moment, then said, “Just want to use the bathroom.”

"Oh, I see.” Ai Changhuan opened the bathroom door wider, then stood aside. "Your turn."

She was thinking of going out of the bathroom after he was in.

Lu Zhanke thought for a while, then nodded and stepped in.

This bathroom was quite big, but as soon as Lu Zhanke came in Ai Changhuan noticed that the s.p.a.ce had become much smaller and she was almost suffocated.

Turning around, she was about to go out when she suddenly noticed that her pink undergarment was clearly placed on the top of the basket.