Indulgent Husband And Sweet Wife

Chapter 31

Translator: Huang Jianxi
Proofread by He Li

After a quarrel with Bai Jin, Ji was even more upset, with an air of "do-not-come-close-to-me".

Ai tried several times to come closer to her, but cowered back. Especially when she saw those rice dumplings "tortured" by Ji, she was scared that she swallowed saliva secretly for several times.

Perhaps Yang also sensed certain kind of unpleasant emotion between them and she asked Ai to teach her cooking in the kitchen.

Ji wanted to stay alone, so she didn"t come in.

Yang was making dishes as she spoke in a surprised tone, "I thought stars never have trouble. You know. They live a fancy life and can get anything they want easily."

"How could they always live an enjoyable life? They look in public, but miserable in private. She is so skinny not because of diet. It is because she is exhausted doing the job. Way back in time when she was n.o.body, she jumped into the river in freezing winter. She had to have another take if the first wasn"t good enough. In the end, she got hurt black and blue. She earned everything she owned today. But, it is always risky to stay in a high position. The higher she stands, the more people there will be who keep watching her. A tiny mistake can be exaggerated infinitely. Take this time as an example, Ji was caught taking picture with Ye Chen. Do stars have no right to make friends? Are they dating as long as they stay with a man? So what if they are really dating? Stars are human, too, and have the right to date. What"s the point letting it be known all over the country?"

"Ah..." Yang seemed to really learn something, "Not everyone can be a star."

Ai looked at all kinds of dishes in front of her, frowning heavily, "Being a star is not an easy job. So is cooking."

Yang was amused, "Well. I"d like to show you how to make some refreshing appetizers."

Sour and spicy shredded potatoes, home-style tofu and fried eggs with tomatoes were all simple dishes. With the a.s.sistance of Yang Anxin, she at least made some decent dishes. They didn"t look nice but tasted not too bad. There were some more difficult dishes like stew ribs or chicken wings. Ai was only a helper And it was mainly Yang who cooked.

Although Ai didn"t have any talent in cooking, she made good soup. The fragrance of white gourd and kelp soup made everyone"s mouth watering.

Ai took what she made back home. She poured rice and water into the electric cooker and turned the switch on.

Everything was ready. It was 11:45. Lu would arrive home in 15 minutes.

"Fan," Ai sat down beside Ji slowly, "Well..."

Ji was sitting on the sofa, in a daze. She looked at Ai, "What?"

Ai kneaded her clothes, "I need to go out for something. Could you stay home alone?"

Looking at her uneasy and elusive eyes, Ji knew where she was going immediately. She seemed to have made her final decision. There was a complex emotion in her heart. How eager she was to hold Ai"s hand and tell her, “don"t go out.”

But...she held back when she thought about Bai Jin. She had no choice but to lower her head to conceal her compunction and shame. She forced a smile, "OK...Alright."

Ai grasped her hand hard and inhaled deeply, "Fan. It is you who give me courage. I know. I can"t wait. Waiting here for my news, please."

Then, Ai pressed her hand again and went out.

She was going to ask Du. Last time she was carried away by Lu. This time she arrived in front of Du"s home in advance and found a place to hide herself. She conjectured that Lu must think she was waiting for her at home. He would never expect she was at Du"s home.

Sure enough. It didn"t take her long to see Lu"s car pa.s.sing by in front of her and he didn"t notice her.

She thought she was going to wait for more time. But Du"s car followed very soon, just after a few seconds.

So, why didn"t she see his car last time she came? Or it was to say, he was also there on that day but didn"t show up.

When she was doing her reasoning, Du had already got off from the car. Ai jumped out in a hurry as she saw him, shouting, "Qin Zhan."

Du Yucheng"s footsteps suddenly froze.

Ai"s heart was beating wildly. He was Qin Zhan. He must be Qin Zhan. Otherwise, he would not stand still.

Ai ran up to him quickly, staring at him unmoved with tears rolling in her eyes, "Qin Zhan...Qin Zhan. Do you know I have been looking for you for ages? I texted you. Why didn"t you reply? Didn"t you see it? I am anxious now. I want to call you but I am afraid that I will bother you..."

"..." Du Yucheng looked down. His long and curling eyelashes formed a dark shadow. Ai couldn"t see his expression clearly because he stood against the light.

The silence made Ai"s heart tremble again. She reached out her hand, holding his sleeve delicately, "Why didn"t you talk?"

Du"s eyes followed her gesture. There was no expression on his face. She could only see slight indifference and alienation in his long charming eyes.

Ai felt slightly painful as if a needle were p.r.i.c.king her heart. She tried her best to smile, saying "Say a word. I"ve already known. Easy. As long as you don"t want to say, I won"t ask why." What a shame. She didn"t get repaid by Du"s recognition.

Du pulled back his sleeve from Ai"s hand. He looked forward, over her head, "Sorry. You got the wrong person. I am not Qin Zhan."

Ai"s smile collapsed in one second. She stared at him, faking a smile again, "Don"t lie to me. I know you are. You don"t want admit because you are nursing a grievance, aren"t you?"

"Humph," Du sneered. His thin lips formed a sarcastic shape, "Don"t you think you are really strange to say those things to me? I have no grievance because I am Du Yucheng. Not the so-called Qin Zhan."

"You are lying. You look exactly the same as Qin Zhan. Same eyebrows. Same mouth corner. Even same unhappy expression. I don"t believe there are such two identical people in the world unless they are actually the same person. "

Ai gazed at him firmly, not missing any of his expressions. She believed he was faking. There must be something she could find.

Du avoided her sight. After a long silence, he turned around to Ai, "Well. Since you said I looked like him, show me a picture. Only after I see it can I make sure that you are telling the truth. And we can find out if there are two people looking exactly alike in the world."

"This..." Ai was frozen. Because she couldn"t. She didn"t have any picture of Qin Zhan at all.

She asked Qin Zhan for pictures before. He said he disliked taking photographs and he didn"t have any. She took a lot of pictures of them two when going out with him. But she found they were all deleted by him when they were back. She asked him why. He said they weren"t very nice so he deleted them. She was angry about that for quite a while.

But, she didn"t have any picture of Qin Zhan. None. Du narrowed his eyes, looking at her coolly, " You can"t? So I won"t believe you. I don"t know what"s for though, probably you are lying."

"I never lied to you. I don"t have his pictures. But I will never forget what he looks like. Because only memory lasts forever. Keeping one person in your heart can keep him from fading away. You are the person who never fades away in my heart. " Ai looked at Du stubbornly. Then she walked closer to Du, standing on her tiptoes as if she had found a secret. She whispered near his ear, "I am now starting to believe that you are Qin Zhan. Otherwise, how do you know I don"t have his picture. I caught you."

Du"s eyebrows trembled imperceptibly. His thin lips pressed tightly. Ai was like a kid stealing candies, winking at Du mischievously, "Never underestimate how smart women are. Sometimes we do not expose and it doesn"t mean we don"t know. Qin Zhan. I got you finally."

Du looked down. There were storms brewing in his eyes. But he was good at enduring and didn"t lose his temper immediately. He skirted Ai, walking forward with a sombre face. He said coldly, "I"ve said. You got the wrong person."

Obviously, he didn"t want to talk.

Ai lost her temper. Why did he still refuse to admit it up to this point?"

She said fretfully behind him, "If you weren"t him, why did you drink so much yesterday? And why were you unhappy? Fan has told me. It was obvious you cared about it. I believe my feelings. You are Qin Zhan."

Du didn"t stop walking as if she hadn"t heard it. Ai rushed to him and grasped his arm again, "I just want a replay. Is it difficult?" Du didn"t say any word.

"How can I keep waiting if you don"t say anything? Do you know how I survived those days? I was suffering every day. How I wish you could take me away." Ai started to sob while speaking. Her sorrow. Her grief. He couldn"t understand.

Du Yucheng closed his eyes. He finally pulled her hands off his clothes and threw them off, "I"ve told you before. I am not Qin Zhan. You got the wrong person."

He didn"t want to admit even at this time. Ai was dispirited, "Why did you lie to me? Do you dare to say it again while staring at my eyes? Say you are not Qin Zhan. Say you never loved me. I want you to say it when looking at my eyes. Du Yucheng. Dare or not?