Indulgent Husband And Sweet Wife

Chapter 32

Translator: Ye Xinyu
Proofread by He Li

Ai Changhuan took out the wallet, which had been taken away by Lu Zhanke and taken back secretly by her, "You gave me this wallet, not for birthday or any other memorial day. You just happened to see the wallet in the shop window when pa.s.sing by. You said that you think of me every time you saw it, because I am always stupid like the pattern above, especially easy to satisfy."

“Dare you say you don"t love me? Don"t you think loving a person is always taking her to your heart, and you may think of her when you see something and especially somebody like her? Even if I only see a similar figure, I cannot help but follow up to see whether it is the guy. I don"t know what"s going on in your mind, but that"s me. And when this wallet was taken, I risked losing my life to get it back. Why? Because I love you, and I don"t know when I can see you again.”

Ai Changhuan said slowly, every word expressing her innermost feelings. She hoped her feelings could be perceived by him, which could make him know that she missed him so deeply.

Du Yucheng stood motionlessly. Suddenly, he felt that the sun was so dazzling that he could barely open his eyes.

Ai Changhuan went to the front of him again and stared right into his eyes, “Tell me, tell me that you are not Qin Zhan. Tell me you never loved me. The person who saved me on the street that day were not you, and the person who sent me back to school and deceived me that day were not you. As long as you say that everything has never happened before, as long as you are so cruel that you erase everything in the past, I can try to believe... I believe you are not Qin Zhan. You are not the one I love so much. "

There was a long time of silence, and they looked at each other like that. No one would budge.

Ai Changhuan was held in extreme nervousness that even her breathing turned light. She was nervous, and her hands were shaking. Only by grabbing her palms could she suppress her impulse to escape because she had a presentiment that he would deny.

She didn"t want to hear the heartbreaking answer, but she didn"t want to give up, either.

However, Du Yucheng just looked at her indifferently, and his lips were slightly raised, "What are you talking about? Do you forget that you are my sister-in-law? It"s too inappropriate to have such words between you and me. It will cause misunderstanding if it is heard by others."

What? He called her sister-in-law? Her heart was suddenly broken, piece by piece, falling to the ground, and then was crushed even more.

Ai Changhuan"s lips trembled and her whole body was stiff. She could not move: "You...What did you call me?"

Du Yucheng bypa.s.sed her and stepped into his own yard. Across the half open iron fence, he looked indifferently at her from his side. "Go back, don"t come again."

Then he strode away, without turning back his head.

Ai once heard that there was a kind of medicine in the world called Love Forgetting Water, that was, when people drank it, they would completely forget the past and the people they loved.

She didn"t know if Qin Zhan had also taken this medicine. She just hoped that if there was such a medicine in the world, please leave one for her.

Because it hurt so much that she could hardly breathe.

That kind of pain seemed to have originated from the bone. Even if she stood still, just breathing made her feel unbearable.

It was such a sunny day, but she felt her whole body was cold with her legs becoming weak and her eyes dizzy.

“Qin Zhan...”

Ai Changhuan called out the name in a low voice. Then everything turned black. She fainted and fell straight to the ground.

This was good for her. She no longer needed to think so much, and no longer needed to feel sad.

The story developed into two parts, and one was about Ai and Lu. When Ai Changhuan asked whether he would love to go home for lunch, Lu Zhanke was very calm.

Of course, Lu looked calm only. In fact, he was overjoyed with pink bubbles blossoming in his heart. He had been in the best mood since he went out in the morning. Even when he was training new recruits, he seldom had a good face. Although the training was still strict, there was no extra exercise at the end of the training.

Everybody exulted, secretly guessing that the regimental commander must have encountered something great.

After the training, Lu Zhanke went home with a little bit of eagerness. But when he got home, he didn"t see Ai Changhuan, only Ji Xingfan, who was sitting on the sofa and changing the TV channels.

Lu Zhanke searched every corner of the house, the kitchen, the bedroom...But Ai Changhuan was nowhere to be found.

Ji Xingfan turned off the TV and left the remote control on the sofa. Then she got up and said to Lu Zhanke, "Don"t bother looking for her. She has gone out. As for where she"s going, I don"t think you need me to tell you the answer."

At Yang Anxin"s home that day, Lu clearly noticed the unusual communication between Ai Changhuan and Du Yucheng, but he just did not show that on his face, so Ji Xingfan did not believe that he could bear it.

Lu Zhanke turned around, stood still and looked at Ji Xingfan indifferently. But in his eyes, there was a trace of coldness. Just for a moment, he figured out the cause and effect of the whole thing, which was just a little trick Ai Changhuan played, but he didn"t think so much, so he was tricked. Now that he had returned home, Ai Changhuan must have seen Du Yucheng. Suddenly, the last trace of joy in his heart disappeared.

It was a good plan to divert the tiger from the mountain.

Ji Xingfan took a few steps forward and looked at Lu Zhanke with a little provocation: "Why don"t you talk? Why don"t you go get her back? Or are you going to pretend that nothing happened?"

Lu Zhanke stared at Ji Xingfan with a gloomy face. From the first second of her appearance, he judged that she was not a friendly person. And he was right. But he hadn"t figured out the reason.

"You"ve been targeting me since the beginning, why?"

"I didn"t aim at you. I just wanted to protect her. I don"t think you two are suitable for each other." Ji Xingfan was outspoken.

Lu Zhanke simply sneered, "It"s not your right to give the final say, and we are married."

"Then you should also know that she didn"t agree to the marriage on her own initiative. She was forced by her grandfather. And a forced marriage will not end up well. You should let her go as soon as possible," Ji was pressing him step by step.

"From the second she married me, she is destined to be a member of Lu family her whole life." Lu Zhanke"s face darkened even more as he added, "If you are really thinking for her, you should not encourage her to do such a disgraceful thing."

Ji Xingfan nearly lost her tongue under the harsh words and said after a while, "I won"t do her any harm, nor will I bless you."

Only until this minute did Lu Zhanke take Ji Xingfan seriously. Thinking of her actions in the past few days, he suddenly came to somewhat realization. She and Ai Changhuan had been close friends for many years. Naturally, she wouldn"t do Ai any harm. So, it followed that her hostility was only to him, which also explained why she was always opposed to Ai Changhuan being with him.

Maybe there was nothing about Ai Changhuan. Her goal had always been him.

Thinking of this, he understood everything that seemed unreasonable before. Lu Zhanke raised his eyebrows, "You seem to have been trying to make me hate you, why?"

Not expecting to be seen through so quickly, Ji Xingfan was fl.u.s.tered, and her gaze was not as sharp as before. She evaded his eyes and said, "What are you talking about? I can"t understand it. I"m against at you purely because of Ai Changhuan. I hold no other intention."

"Why are you so anxious to deny? The more you deny it, the more it exposes your guilty conscience." Lu Zhanke sneered. "Your unconcealed hostility to me at the airport, plus that you frequently encourage Changhuan to find Du Yucheng would only cause one consequence, that is, I hate you more and more. Congratulations, you made it, but can you tell me why? We seem to have never met before. Have I ever offended you?"

No, she wanted to target not only Lu Zhanke, but also the whole Lu family behind him. Zhou Nianxin had made it clear last time. In order to help Bai family, she must marry into Lu family.

Since she herself had no ability to resist, she could only start from Lu family. As long as she offended Lu zhanke, the probability of her marrying into Lu family was a little slimmer. This was her ultimate goal.

And she had also used Ai Changhuan when she had to. That was why her att.i.tude changed so much. Before that, she scolded Ai Changhuan for not discerning what was good and refusing such a good man like Lu Zhanke. Now, she was totally contrary in her att.i.tude, urging her to find Du Yucheng.

She felt herself mean, but she had no choice.

Ji Xingfan bit her lips, and instead of explaining for herself, she just asked, "Since you have known everything, why don"t you go find her? You can expose my plot."

"Thank you for reminding me, but I don"t need it. I know what to do." Lu Zhanke seemed to be plotting something in his mind.

Ji Xingfan sneered, "Well, you are not going to give them time to get everything straight, are you? Aren"t you afraid that she will just elope with Du Yucheng?"

"She won"t!" Lu Zhanke clenched his hands.

"She will! She also told me last night that she loved Du Yucheng more than anyone else, and she married you to stimulate Du Yucheng. I believe that no man can stay immune to such deep affection."

Lu Zhanke"s face changed, and his fists were clenched even tighter out of rage.

Seeing that, Ji Xingfan continued: "If you don"t go, maybe they will really run away. Lu Zhanke, is it really so hard for you to put down your self-esteem? When you really love someone, you won"t hesitate like this. If you hesitate, it means that you don"t love her much. You are just being possessive."

Lu Zhanke"s face was gloomy and terrible: "Don"t try goading me. I won"t be fooled."

"Good. Then you don"t have to look for them. How about giving them more time, so that they can run further." Ji Xingfan smiled, "Lu Zhanke, have you ever heard that a clever guy sometimes is fooled by his cleverness?"