Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Chapter 11: Going Along With the Sea G.o.d, and the Threatening Shadow

Translator: Drakuro

T.N: Sorry for the long absence. Been busy this month, and should be that way for another month. Can’t really promise much, but I’ll try to put another chapter this month if I can. Pray for me to be able to finish my report before this month is over as I really need that report to graduate.Chapter 11: Going Along With the Sea G.o.d, and the Threatening Shadow

"Okay, give me your hand." (Setsu)

"Ah, yes." (Ruri)

I got on the dragon"s head first, and pulled the still dumbfounded Ruri"s hand and pull her up.

"Um, the luggage from the carriage…" (Ruri)

"Ah…." (Setsu)

Although I just noticed it, we stopped the carriage on the other side of the rocky place. Even for a sea G.o.d it’s impossible to put the entire carriage on top, not to mention the horse won’t be calm either. However, the luggage is important.

"Wait here a bit." (Setsu)

"Eh?" (Ruri)

I jumped down from the head, and head to the carriage.

Although it"s impossible for the horse since my magic bag can only carry the luggage, I was going to collect as much as I can.

"Say, Ruri! Although the horse is good, can we leave it here!?" (Setsu)

Unfortunately, I can"t put living thing in the magic bag.

Although it"s alive, for example I can put living thing in the magic bag if I cast petrification on it. Though I don’t understand the standard too well, the one that moves seems to be no good.

"I-it"s okay!" (Ruri)

"Is that so-!" (Setsu)

Since we"ve been talking loudly since a while ago, the surrounding have started to be aware of us. Although there"s no sign of people yet, because no people should be here, other people will come in time.

"What a pain, I"ll just bring them all." (Setsu)

I separate the carrier and the horse. I brought close the open mouth of the bag towards the carriage. Although the magic bag is the size of a purse, by making them touch the open mouth, it swallow the whole thing entirely. It swallowed the carriage as if the bag momentarily became gigantic predator swallowing prey, and then it return to the size of a purse again.

The horse is leaving. I"ve heard that it was possible for it to live naturally once you set it free since the horse in this world seems to eat anything, and since Ruri who is her owner said it"s alright, it should should be alright.

"Alright." (Setsu)

I collect the magic bag, and then board on top of Levia-san again in a hurry.

"Okay, we"re good now, Levia-san." (Setsu)

"And I told you to stop calling me that!! …Then, shall I move?" (Levia)

"Ou. Ruri, please cling to me for a bit." (Setsu)

"Y-yes." (Ruri)

Ruri moves her hands to my waist, and then clings to it. Although she"s still young, I felt the softness of her feminine body and got me taken aback for a bit. I calmed down immediately since I"m not a lolicon, after all I prefer a woman that is a bit older and had a bit more "growth" to them.

"Somehow I felt like you just thought of something really rude…" (Ruri)

"Just your imagination." (Setsu)

Apparently I"m very easy to read. I need to be careful.

"For the destination, is the Devil continent good?" (Levia)

"Yeah, how long will it take?" (Setsu)

"Around 4 hours―――――I guess." (Levia)

By the way, it would take half a day in case of the ship, so it"s pretty fast if you think about it.

"Alright, please proceed." (Setsu)

"Be sure to hold on properly okay?" (Levia)

The dragon"s head leaves the rocky area. When the head turned towards the Devil"s continent, it begins to advance slowly at first, and then begin to accelerate in less than a few seconds. We left the rocky place from a while ago in no time at all.

"It"s…fast…" (Ruri)

"Can you breath?" (Setsu)

Receiving the momentum of the wind, Ruri gasps for breath and nods.

As expected, I lowered a bit, and focus the air around her. It"s not just for ventilation, it can also secure air too. It"s no big deal for someone like me that is good with wind magic.

"Eh? The wind…" (Ruri)

"Did it become easy for you?" (Setsu)

"Th-thank you very much." (Ruri)

Seriously, it would be bad if she got weary before we arrived to the other side.

Since she could relax now that I"ve intercept the wind, Ruri began questioning me.

"I"ve been wanting to ask since a while ago…. How did Setsu-san became acquainted with the sea G.o.d-san?" (Ruri)

"N? From a while ago.” (Setsu)

""From a while ago" my a.s.s!! Who"s the rude one suddenly coming and punch me!?" (Levia)

"And who"s the crazy one rampaging at the sea disturbing me!?" (Setsu)

Punching the sea G.o.d―――――Ruri had a dumbfounded look on her face so I explain it to her clearly. At that time I payed a lot of money to go from the Human Continent to the Devil Continent by ship. The sea becomes rough for some reason, we"re in a crisis of being overturned. What appeared from the sea at that time, is this sea G.o.d.

"I was already pretty p.i.s.sed of because of the war on land at that time…" (Setsu)

For the war in this world, basically the one who controlled the sea wins. This is because it is necessary to use the sea if you want to travel to other continents. If you managed to land, the magician could use the large scale magic called 〈Gate〉afterward, which could be connected to the 〈Gate〉 in your own continent. Then it became possible to move between 〈Gate〉. If the gate is opened once, it take a considerable amount of time to destroy it, so from the perspective of the attacked side, you can’t allow the enemy to land. It can be said that you"ve already win if you can open the gate.

In other words, for the early stage of the war, The sea will become the battlefield.

So the sea G.o.d is being a total nuisance making it troublesome.

"At that time I don’t really know the way of the war… but since I think it was an obstruction, I let this guy behave with my fist." (Setsu)

"No… even if you say fist…" (Ruri)

"Although I don’t really understand the principle, this guy"s fist is really something else…" (Levia)

Well I have some connection with both the Demon Lord and the Beast King.

I know some technique that could ignore your defense.

Although this guy is an adult too, she then goes 『I"ll let you pa.s.s through if stop the war!』 to the point that it was embarra.s.sing. Since I"m planning to do just that, I was allowed to pa.s.sed smoothly when I conveyed it. This dragon girl is really easy.

"Well, somehow she let me pa.s.s through, and I tamed this fellow with various food, then she started following me." (Setsu)

I omitted the part that I stopped the war to Ruri. It"s confusing, and she might not even believe me. The part where the Human country betrayed me… since the reason the war ended had been fairly modified, it will be hard for Ruri to easily accept it as the truth if I just blurt it out suddenly.

"Wait, who are you saying I"m trying to follow!?" (Levia)

Whoops, the sea G.o.d give some late tsukkomi.

Well, you"re the kind of cold-hearted guy that can be bought with fried fish.

"You"re mistaken if you think I"ll just follow you because of some fried fish!!
… But well,  since he goes out of his way to give it to me, I guess I don’t mind helping him out a few times when he needs me?" (Levia)

…I only tried making fried food with the fish that I caught by chance, but this fellow likes it very much, she starts trusting me in no time at all. When I tell her that I want to do some test or some request, she"ll agree to it without any hesitation at all if I gave her fried food. I keep on serving fried food to her while chuckling to myself, until she owes me a huge loan.

"Kuh… if I didn"t lose to the temptation at that time and didn"t eat too much, I don’t really need to listen to this in this way…" (Levia)

"What, you didn"t really need to listen to it in particular." (Setsu)

"I-it"s impossible for me who is the sea G.o.d to have a debt!!" (Levia)

"Is that so, so your promise with me is not that important to you!?" (Setsu)

"Huh!? I-it’s not like I really think it was that important anyway!" (Levia)

While she speaks that with awfully upset tone, the dragon"s head shakes wobbly.

What"s with this fellow, you have the tsundere trait?

"What’s with you… even though you suddenly call after disappearing for a long time, and you even bring a girl with you… not to mention I just waited like a fool even when the war occur…" (Levia)

… If you suddenly act like that even I would feel bad… well I do felt sorry for leaving her waiting for 5 years.

"For that I could only say that I"m sorry. As an apology you can ask me whatever you want. Only in the range of what I can do though." (Setsu)

"Eh!? For real!?" (Levia)

This time the head shakes joyfully.

Please control it soon because Ruri"s head had been shaking since a while ago.

"Have you thought about it? You don’t have to rush about it though." (Setsu)

"I"ve already thought about it! Anything is good right!?" (Levia)

"Yeah… if it"s something I can do." (Setsu)

Seeing the brain of this dragon, I"m kind of worried about what she would find interesting. But aren"t you a bit happy there? Are you really the sea G.o.d(lol)?

"You"re amazing Setsu-san… really, who are you?" (Ruri)

"I"m just a worthless adventurer, it’s just that I have many acquaintance." (Setsu)

Although I know a lot of dangerous fellow, knowing that the reaction of Ruri would be great, I kept my silence.

That reminds me, although I planned to go to the Demon Lord"s castle, where will Ruri head to? For now lets ask her where she"ll be heading.

"Ruri, where will you head to when you arrive at the Devil"s continent?" (Setsu)

When she heard that, Ruri returns an unexpected answer.

"Uhm… Evil Barrow." (Ruri)

"Evil Barrow…" (Setsu)

Evil Barrow, in other term is the Demon Lord"s castle. Although it also include the downtown around the castle street, that name is basically what you call the Demon Lord"s castle.

"You… are you going to the Demon Lord"s castle?" (Setsu)

"Yes! The client of this brooch seems to live there." (Ruri)

She said that while taking it out of her pocket, a beautiful brooch decorated with black jewel.

…I somehow felt like I"m familiar with it.

"…Can you show it to me for a moment?" (Setsu)

"Treat it carefully okay?" (Ruri)

"Yeah." (Setsu)

I receive it, and try to check the backside.

If it"s the one I knew, there should be something written right there.

(You serious…)

Judging from the conclusion, this is indeed the brooch that I know. Of course I also knew the owner.

What surprised me is that Ruri doesn"t know the owner.

"…you, did you try to send this brooch without knowing who it belongs to?" (Setsu)

"Eh? Yeah… I don’t know the details because Ojii-chan only told me the address…" (Ruri)

Ojii-chan… tell her properly would you…

What"s written on the back side of the brooch, it was a name.

[T.N: 〈デザストル・セレーノ〉(Dezasutoru Sere-no). Hit me up with something better, but I think this one is correct.]

The one that sits on the throne of the Demon Lord"s castle Evil Barrow, it"s the name of the "woman" that lead all the Devils.

"You… this belongs to the Demon Lord Disaster you know?" (Setsu)

"Eh… Demon Lord?" (Ruri)

――――――After that, Ruri"s third cry resounded throughout the sea.

While Setsu and co are moving on the sea, in the Demon Lord"s castle that is their destination, along with Demon Lord Disaster, stood a tall elegant male with refined appearance.

The Demon Lord who sits on the throne had a beautiful face that would attract any men. All the meat is in the right place, her foot having moderate flesh, having clear constriction, and the intense chest that is held up with red dress that is about to burst…. Her face is frighteningly well balanced, with red hair that flows beautifully had been grown till the waist. The pale skin which is the feature of the Devil brought about a mysterious aspect from her.

"―――――Demon Lord Disaster-sama, have you decided on an answer?" (???)

The man had a distorted smile as he asked the Demon Lord.

"…Really, will you grant my wish if I accept your demand as…  〈Teran Company〉"s power and mistress?"  (Disaster)

"I promise… as long as it is within the power of me, 〈Teran Sneeter〉 and the firm I lead, I will grant your wish." (Teran)
[T.N: テラン・スニーター(Teran Suniitaa). Seriously, author can’t pick a more punchable sounding name.]

Since that man"s smile is unexpectedly a doubtful one, although Disaster is about to change her thought, she stand firm in case he might really able to grant her wish.

"―――――Understood, I accept you demand." (Disaster)

"Thank you very much, Disaster-sama――――――no, as you"re going to be my "bride", so should I call you Dezas now?"
[T.N: He just use デザス(Dezasu) which is short for Disaster. I know, but Disas sounds kind of like some kind of Finland canned fish product, so I"ll use Dezas.]

Teran went up to her, with his hand moved to her shoulder.

"I"ll listen to your demand once you became my "wife", I will also firmly grant your wish." (Teran)

Disaster grits her teeth at the man"s indecent smile.

"That"s right… you don"t mind if I grant your wish after our wedding ceremony right?" (Teran)

"Yeah… that is fine." (Disaster)

"Thank you very much… well then, since we need to prepare for the ceremony, I"ll leave for now.

――――――and I"ll come pick you up in the morning 4 days later." (Teran)

"Understood…" (Disaster)

Teran patted her shoulder a few times before reluctantly part with her.

A slim man wearing a jet black robe enter and they pa.s.sed each other.

The robed man glared at Teran as the pa.s.s each other, but the glared Teran just shrug his shoulder as he left.

“Maou-sama…" (???)

"Brad huh?" (Dizaster)

The robed man, with long black hair tied at the back and a sharp look is called Brad. Blood colored horn grew on one corner of his head.

"…Why did you accept the demand of such a man!? Aren"t you already belong to "that man"?――――――" (Brad)

"All of this is for "that man"" (Disaster)

She said so with a regrettable expression.

Although she would endure it a while ago, she paid attention to her shoulder that Teran touched. She really want to tear it up and throw it away.

However she couldn"t do it. This dress, because Disaster"s beloved person said she looks really good in it――――――

(Don"t tell me I"m going to hate this dress…)

Since she couldn’t remove the disgust no matter how much she pays, resignation mixed in Disaster"s face.

"…I won"t accept it! Absolutely!!" (Brad)

"Brad…" (Disaster)

Brad heads to the doorway with an awfully angry mood.

He put his hand on the door of the throne room, and finally looked back and said.

"Even for me… if possible I want to meet him again… however I don’t want you to give your body for that…" (Brad)

His face is warped with a sorrowful expression.

He"s someone who understood Disaster"s painful feeling, and is annoyed at himself as he cannot do anything.

She was not able to say anything to that Brad.

Until he had left the room, she was not able to look up.

(There"s no other way… to meet that guy… I got no other choice but to do so to meet Setsu again…)

Disaster recalled her encounter with a man during the war for territory that awoke her eyes.

And the parting with him who was considered to be a threat by the Human country, and then sent back to his original world.

For a long time she though he"s still in this world. He didn"t say anything and just disappeared.

She couldn"t cry when she heard the story. Thus she started the war again as a retaliation.

(I want to see him one more time… so that is why)

The man called Setsu didn"t die, it was Teran that told her a while ago that he had been transferred by the Human Country. As he conveyed that, he also give a proposal.

――――――If you can be my wife, Setsu who is called everyone"s hero, I will summon him again――――――

Demon Lord Disaster believed the story of such a sneaky man.

Her desire to cling to the small hope――――――too much, she is requesting for Setsu.

Even if she had to be the belonging of other man, if she could meet that man who she should no longer be possible to meet…

――――――Obviously she didn"t know, the man himself didn"t stop wishing for a reunion, and has already returned to this world.

And then, he"s on his way to this Devil continent.

When Setsu found out about this, although currently the man called Teran had a dirty smile floating on his face, at that time it would easily fall apart.

T.N: Might do another one since I hate how this chapter ends.
and here’s the character for Disaster that I found. (She’s on the cover, so it’s not much for a surprise.)