Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Chapter 12: Just Eat the Squid Ring

Translator: Drakuro

T.N: Was planning to add this yesterday. Been busy this whole month, and this chapter is me procrastinating. A lot of people had been asking for my release schedule, but I don’t have them. I didn’t take any donation or payment, so I just translate them when I feel like it, but I’m trying my best to make sure that I post at least 4 chapters a month(2 ReBirth and 2 SecondSummon). That’s the plan but I will not be able to keep this up if I’m busy.

Do pray that I’ll be able to finish my final year report this weak, as I’ll be free as h.e.l.l if I managed to do that. You know what, if I do manage to finish the report this week, I promise that I’ll do at least 4 chapters of Second Summon for June.Chapter 12: Just Eat the Squid Ring

"――――――"What"s with this guy?" (Setsu)

I muttered that as I see a huge squid that floats on the surface of the sea in front of us.

We have been able to advance smoothly before,  and now we"ve already reached a position where we can see the Devil continent. Just when we"re about to arrive, this squid had jumped out of the sea.

"That guy is a Kraken, an A cla.s.s." (Levia)

Its a squid-like monster with high sounding name called Kraken which attacks the moment when other creatures entered their territory, and just as its descriptions, we were attacked the moment we enter this sea area too, but――――――

"It"s an eyesore huh, with that att.i.tude that insist on claiming it"s their sea." (Levia)

――――――The moment its body that is the size of a building appeared in front of us, Levia shoots a water bullet from her mouth, opening an air hole in the squid"s body.

The Kraken which had a big hole opened at the center of its body struggled with its 10 huge feet for an instant, and then died after a few seconds.

It is literally an instakill.

"There"s no other sea creatures that can beat you in the sea… although I knew that, instant kill is not what I expected." (Setsu)

"I am the sea G.o.d you know? This much is natural!" (Levia)

Her voice sounds so proud that I seem to hear an "ahem" from it.

Since it"s going to be annoying if she keeps on bragging, let’s just handle it moderately.

"Yeah yeah… so, what to do with it?" (Setsu)

"…we can"t eat it?" (Levia)

"What!? You can eat this!?" (Setsu)

An attractive remarks came from Levia that seems to be dissatisfied about something, I then unintentionally stare at the Kraken.

Squid huh…

"…I guess I could make Squid Ring?" (Setsu)

Ooohー it"s been awhile since my last time in the Devil continent." (Setsu)

"I-it"s my first time… " (Ruri)

[T.N: Ruri kind of usually ends her sentence with "desu", which is kind of her way of speaking politely. Should I keep it there, or not?]

To avoid the eyes of others, we didn’t head towards the port, and instead got off on a deserted sandy beach.

Ruri who had just gotten off was looking around restlessly with a tensed state.

I also jumped off from Levia"s head, trying to feel this nostalgic atmosphere.

First of all, unlike the Human continent, the amount of magic in the air is huge. The reason why the devil being the specialist in magic is said due to the fact that they grow up in such an environment.

"It"s not that fresh for me since I"ve come here plenty of time in my free time." (???)

"N?" (Setsu)

I heard a voice from behind my back, and a girl with long light blue hair stood there when I looked back. She looks perfect that you might even think that she"s a model, she didn’t really have any breast but her beautiful face makes it a trivial matter. Her nose is straight, and she has a pair of huge eyes with red iris. The clothes that she puts on are the one called Jinbei in j.a.pan, light blue in color. The bottom part are shorts with some s.p.a.ce, and her white feet extending from it are really attractive.
[T.N: Jinbei is the j.a.panese’s tradition summer clothes. There’s a picture of her below wearing it]

"What, it"s just you, Levia." (Setsu)

"You think I"ll just quietly go back into the sea after coming this far? Not to mention… I also have a little business I have to do if we go meet the Demon King…" (Levia)

…Although it seems that she has a reason, I don"t really have any particular reason to refuse.

As you can see, she has a skill called 〈Human Form〉 that she can use. It"s not really all that rare for the monsters in SSS cla.s.s, or rather it"s a pretty common one. Although her power should still be the same even in this state, it seems that she would only be an S cla.s.s monster if you consider her characteristics. Still, since there are rarely any S cla.s.s monster, I can expect much from her war potential.

"Are you okay, Ruri?" (Setsu)

"I-I"m okay… but are you really going to follow me till Evil Barrow?" (Ruri)

"I have some business there too, so for now I"ll act as your guard." (Setsu)

I guess Ruri think I"m going to do something bad by going to meet the Demon king, so she"s been asking me anxiously.

Since I"m already planning to meet that fellow, I almost forgot that I am to act as her guard. So there"s no demerit of us going together.

"Then I guess it"s going to be the three of us… so what do we do first?" (Ruri)

As it had took 4 hours, the sky had turned red.

Since you must prepare to sleep in the open, I want to cook somewhere the Kraken that I"ve put in my magic bag.

There should be a village nearby, but…
[T.N: Keep in mind that the devils are at war with the human, and they are three human right now(well, just 1 normal human, 1 OP MC, and a tsundere dragon. But you get my point).]

"Then there"s a village that I have a lot of influence nearby here, I mean I landed here to go there." (Levia)

"Is that so, then please guide the way." (Setsu)

"Leave it to me." (Levia)

Levia start walking and leads us.

Heading towards our destination, there"s weird forest where distorted trees grow thick.

A few minutes after walking in the woods, on the other side of the trees I saw buildings built from black tree.

According to Levia, it seems to be made from the trees growing in this forest. Certainly the twisted black tree that I"ve seen in this forest is black in color. Or rather how do you even use that to make houses…
[T.N: We human usually use straight log tree for the woods to make houses, not curvy type.]

When we came to the neighborhood, I saw high defensive wall made from the tree surrounding the village. Since the magic in the atmosphere is high in the Devil continent, the monster is strong too, so it is used to prevent surprised attack,

"――――――Stop." (???)

When we reached a distance where we could see the whole village, a male guarding the gate to the village take a standstill.

The man is wrapped in gray armor, his spear seems to be well-maintained.

"It"s me. Can you let us through?" (Levia)

"Ooops… I"m sorry for being rude to Wadatsumi-sama. These people are?" (Guard)

They"re my friends, can you let these 2 pa.s.s though?" (Levia)

"I won"t be able to refuse if they are a friend of Wadatsumi-sama. Please, do enter." (Guard)

"Thanks." (Levia)
[T.N: The guard used 海神様(Wadatsumi-sama), where the Wadatsumi mean sea G.o.d. It"s kind of sounds bad if I use sea G.o.d-sama so I"m using that when people refers to her that way.]

She"s really acquainted with this place, we"re allowed to enter the village without any precautions in particular.

"L-Levia-san is really great huh…" (Ruri)

"…Somehow it doesn’t feel that bad when it"s you who called me that way… well, since the village is near the sea it’s pretty easy to sink it if they offend me. (Levia)

For sure they wont offend you then… I guess if they did, she could just raised a tsunami to swallow the whole region here?

Are you trying to scare Ruri?

"Even I won’t really do such a troublesome thing, it"s tiring." (Levia)

"I-I"m glad…" (Ruri)

"Just what do you really think I am…"

A dangerous woman who shoots water bullet from your mouth, opening an air hole on anyone your meet?

The squid that we"re going to eat later is the proof.

"I humbly welcome you, Wadatsumi-sama and her friends." (???)

When we enter the village, we met with an elderly person with small horns on the sides of his head. The devil"s skin is pale as usual, at first I thought he look sickly, but seeing how the person in question is very healthy, I lost my worry.

"Village Chief, I want to stay overnight here, but is that okay?" (Levia)

"Of course. I will prepare with our utmost service." (Chief)

Ruri kind of looks uncomfortable with the word "service". That being said, we"re just a friend of Levia, so even I have a wry smile at the moment.

"Ah, that right, Village Chief. Can you lend a kitchen to this man? (Levia)

"Kitchen, is it?  You could use my house if you want, but…" (Chief)

Using it? His eyes that glance from Levia to me seems to say that. Although it kind of unpleasant, let’s just obediently return his glance.

"What do you plan on making?" (Chief)

"Aah… I just want to cook some squid." (Setsu)

…Squid? ――――――although he"s giving me a suspicious looks, he still guides me to his house.

"Alright! I"m done frying!!" (Setsu)

"Y-yes!!" (Village Girl)

I let the village girl nearby carry the dish that I put on the plate.

The deep fried squid cuisine is of course the so called Squid Ring.

Eh?  Why does the giant squid become ring-shaped  that can be carried with a plate? You"re going to be bald if you worry about those little details!! It just happened when I cut and fry it!

――――――So, why do I be the one having to handle all this squid since a while ago…?

"―――――I"m sorry… I have to leave the cooking for the party to you." (Chief)

"If you"re going to say that then help me, Village Chief!!" (Setsu)

"But I don"t know how to cook…" (Chief)

"Gaaahーー!! Dammit!!" (Setsu)

At the Village Chief"s house, although I started cooking the Kraken, the Village Chief who had seen it started to make some commotion and began preparing for a party. Somehow, it seems that they have taken some considerable damage from this Kraken, as they can"t go fishing if it appears at the sea.

As we have subdued the Kraken which would allowed them to start fishing again, the village decided to hold a party to celebrate it.

And then I"m left to be in charge for the cooking of the party. This is because of Revia too. Since she somehow pushed all the dishes to me, somehow it turns into the entire village entrusting it to me.

"…Even though she"s the one that wanted to eat it! Why am I the one stuck with this pain in the a.s.s job…" (Setsu)

I could have just refused, but it"s kind of hard to refuse it when they have some kind of expectation from me.

I"m not that much into cooking when I was in j.a.pan, but I occasionally made various things like this as a hobby. I"m kind of felt glad when my parents said it"s delicious, so it kind of jump out of the range of a hobby. So I"m kind of slightly glad that someone like Levia left me to be in charge of the dish. But I guess I kind of got carried away.

Since troublesome things are troublesome, I"m considerably regretting it right now.

I"m starting to get irritated at the squid"s leg that keep on coming from my magic bag. I take out one foot at a time since I can"t really cook all of them at once, but still, this is just the second one.

I applied bread crumbs to the squid"s foot that have become a mouthful ring-size for some reason, and then throw it into the oil. I then continue cutting the foot again, and then I take out the squid ring that have been deep-fried beautifully. Oil could be seen seeping from the squid"s foot. Since I don’t really know any detailed recipe, I just make it by coating it in breadcrumbs and thrown into the oil.

"Setsu, I"m going to get tired of the Squid Ring soon. I want to eat white fish." (Levia)

I cut the foot in anger while Levia nonchalantly enters the kitchen.

Although she should have known that I"m really busy right now, for her to ask me to make some fried white fish, I grab the deep-fried Squid Ring by hand, and then throw it into Levia"s mouth.

"Shut uupp!! Just eat this Squid Ring for now!!" (Setsu)

"Muga!―――――h-hooooottt!!" (Levia)

Waterーーーー!! Is what Levia keep on shouting as she goes out. Reflect on that for a while.

[POV change to third person]

―――――While Setsu and co went ash.o.r.e…

The man who got the promise of marriage with the Demon King, Teran Sneater, is currently in a carriage through the castle district.

It is not too wide in the carriage, as it seems that at only about 4 people could fit at once.

Other than Teran in the carriage, there"s a person wrapped in jet-black robe. With the robe deeply covers the head, it covers the whole body so that the characteristic of the body is not shown.

"―――――It seems to be going well." (???)

The robed person lets out his voice. It could be seen that he is a man from his voice.

While Teran frowns at the strange man"s atmosphere, he immediately started to float a big smile as he talks joyfully.

"You were right, I don"t think that it would go so well with just using the story of that man called Setsu. However, how will you do it? 〈Teran Company〉have no way to summon that man you know?" (Teran)

What he said just now is a complete opposite of what he said at the Demon Lord"s castle a while ago.

He had confronts Demon Lord Disaster, telling her that he could summon the man called Setsu again.

"That part will be left to me. You just enjoy your life with the Demon Lord as much as you can." (Robe Guy)

"That’s what I planned on doing…. but I don"t like it when you said it like that." (Teran)

"… Who was is again the one that makes you able to get the woman who rules this country?" (Robe Guy)

"… I know that already." (Teran)

Teran understood that defying this man would be a mistake.

His att.i.tude shows that he could erase him at any time if he wants, and he"s sure that it is not a bluff.

"You don"t have to think of any unnecessary things. Just prepare for your wedding. I"ll also partic.i.p.ate on that day too. Since I don"t want the Demon King"s subordinate to come and disturb the scene after all." (Robe Guy)

"Haah… if only you don’t look at people with that eyes full of hostility… I think you need to fix that so that it won’t be a hindrance." (Teran)

"I"ll only protect you up to that day. After that you can go back to business the same as always." (Robe Guy)

"Understood." (Teran)

"Then it"s good." (Robe Guy)

The moment he said that, the robed man disappearance. It was at the instant Teran blinked his eyes, he had disappeared from the moving carriage.
[T.N: Sounds like Batman, but more evil]

"Fuuhーーー… As I thought, conversing with him really makes me nervous.

For Teran who have been talking to hundreds of people for his business, he"s having a cold sweat every time he talks to that man. If he makes any bad remarks, there"s even a possibility that his head would fly.

However, for him it really is worth shouldering all that risk.

"Well, everything is fine as that is the only way I would be able to obtain that Demon Lord"s pretty face.――――――" (Teran)
[T.N: Some huge company boss you are, thinking with your lower head. I"m sure your company will prosper if you keep on thinking with that head]

The carriage he rides continue to move through the city streets.

A shadow is looking down at the carriage from a building. It is the same robed man that was inside it a moments ago.

"As expected he"s really easy to use…" (Robe Guy)

While the man mutters that, he lowers his hood more.

(――――――As for "that person"… I"ve heard rumors that he"s already back in this world…)

People going around town didn"t notice him at all. Indifference… treating him like a "shadow".
[T.N: Author kind of emphasize the word 影(Kage) which means shadow. It could be a name for his organization but I"m not sure yet. Just thought it was worth mentioning.]

(We exist for the sake of our master… I have to confirm his existence… the hero called Setsu that is similar to our master)

The next moment, his figure disappeared the way he disappeared in the carriage.

In a place that Setsu doesn’t know, threatening wind has begun to blow hard in this world――――――

T.N: Picture of Levia’s character design that I found.