Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Chapter 13: Anger Ring

Translator: Jun, Drakuro

T.N: My health is getting better today(but not that much), so here’s a release. This would have taken me a few more days to release if Jun didn’t feel like sending his(her?) translation draft, which I consider as already 80-90% perfect as it only needs a few tweaks here and there.  So yeah, go and virtually kiss his b.u.t.t through the monitor.

Anyway Jun, I would be more than happy if you could continue helping me with this novel.Chapter 13: Anger Ring

[Third person POV]

When the sun was setting and the view on the neighborhood became worse, Brad Allegra, one of the Five Great Demon Generals working under the Demon Lord Disaster, left the Demon King"s castle and was in the forest near the sea.

(With this the transfer will be temporarily unusable…… It will take two days from here to Evil Barrow, which should be plenty of time, but if I do not hurry……)

Behind him is a faintly shining magic formation drawn on the ground. If he were to leave that place, the magic formation will eventually lose its shine.

This is the transfer magic formation and as its name implies it is capable of transferring people and objects. Just by drawing two magic formations on the ground nearly fulfills the conditions of transfer, however the amount of magic power consumed by magic formation is not common. Even for him who hold the t.i.tle of one of the five great demon generals, he needed to fill the magic formation with magic power for several days in a row in order to activate the magic formation.

(―――――――If it was possible for me to borrow the power of the Sea G.o.d Leviathan, I may be able to rescue the Demon Lord)

The reason for him to come to the sea was to request aid from the sea G.o.d.

(If it is her who holds a "special connection" with the Demon Lord Disaster……)

It is a fleeting wish, but he has nothing but to depend on this so he observes the situation heavily.

The suspicious man called Terran held a mysterious composure…… a kind of composure where his aloof att.i.tude didn"t break even in front of the demon king who holds the Demon continent"s most powerful t.i.tle, just where in the world did he come from?――――――――

(It is certain that someone is working behind the scenes…… our plans to disrupt the ceremony will be hindered by that someone)

They, the Five Great Generals, are making a plan to create an uproar at the day of the wedding and rescue Disaster. They thought of this plan to humiliate Terran on the spot, so that he would never come near her again.

However, if the someone behind the scenes acting as his guard, it would definitely hinder their movements. The fact that Terran could speak whatever he pleases and be obstinate became proof that there is someone behind him that can fight.

For that purpose, he decided to ask for a.s.sistance from the Sea G.o.d who has a connection with the Demon Lord. Though her strength would drop if the battle is on land, nevertheless she is so powerful they can still entrust her a.s.sistance. From now on the negotiations will depends on him for requesting the a.s.sistance from the girl whose pride is really high.

"…….Hm?" (Brad)

When the smell of the tide became stronger, Brad noticed he had heard noisy voices he shouldn"t be hearing from somewhere.

Around this area there is a town…… or actually there is only one village, he had moved around this area several times by foot, but there had never been a bustling feeling such as this.

He suddenly became anxious and moved his feet towards the direction of those voices.

It is just right as he was thinking it is a bit early to met the Sea G.o.d. The reason he visited here during the night instead of daytime was in order to not let anyone heard the conversation between him and the Sea G.o.d, but as there is still time before the sun sets, he thought about killing time.

When he approaches the village, for some reason he can see the guards at the gate carrying a light brown, ring shaped object in their mouths.

"Hey, soldiers." (Brad)

"―――――Guh! Yo-you"re Lord Brad of the Five Great Demon Generals! What brings you to this place!?" (Guard)

"Don"t mind me, why is the village this lively? As if something like a feast is held……" (Brad)

"That"s right! The Great Sea G.o.d has subjugated the Kraken, the natural enemy of us who live by the coast! Tonight we"re having a feast with the Great Sea G.o.d" (Guard)

Brad understood from hearing the soldier"s words. Although the Sea G.o.d being in this village was out of his expectations, it saved him the trouble of calling her…… However there was one more thing he became interested in.

"I understand the commotion then…… by the way soldier, what are those light brown rings?" (Brad)

He had become interested in the plate filled with rings the soldier is holding onto since a while ago. Based on just the smell, it is similar to the one his friend used to make which he called "fried" food――――――

"This seems to be called Squid Ring. It seems to be the body of the Kraken covered with flour and deep fried, it is crispy and delicious I tell you" (Guard)

While he was saying so, the soldier offered him a piece and he threw it into his mouth.

After the crispy crunch, the taste of the squid wrapped in a coat spreads in his mouth. Originally Brad doesn"t really put these things called squid in his mouth, but he was surprised it was this soft and it properly pa.s.sed through his teeth. He spontaneously swallowed the the squid ring before he could finish enjoying the taste.

"This is… really good." (Brad)

He received a shock ever since he put the thing called fried food in his mouth. However the more he sees it and the more he smells it, the more he receives the impression it is similar to what he ate once before.

"It fills me with joy that it is to your liking, sir. This is created by the person who came to this village with the Great Sea G.o.d you know." (Guard)

"Together with the Sea G.o.d..? (Brad)

A person who journeys together with the sea G.o.d and can create the food that resembles to what he ate once before…… the face of one person arose in his mind.

When Brad enters the village, many tables were lined up and furthermore, dozens to hundreds of the things called squid rings he ate before are placed on the table.

The villagers are drinking alcohol while carrying the squid rings into their mouths, it is really lively here and there.

When he advanced while being called sometimes, he finally reached the person he"s looking for.

"Sea G.o.d Levia…" (Brad)

"Oh? Aren"t you Brad who"s with the Demon Lord?" (Levia)

Levia puts the squid ring down on a small plate, and then she pick up something else that is of the same color but with a different shape.

As for what it is, it is something that Brad is familiar with.

"Th-that is…" (Brad)

"Ah, Fried White Fish? I won’t give any to you though?" (Levia)

How regrettable―――――Although he did thought that, that is not the main issue here.

"Where is the person who made this!?" (Brad)

"Eh? He should be at the village chief"s house over there but…" (Levia)

Brad forgot his business with Levia after hearing that and starts running towards the house.

When he arrived in front of the village chief"s house, Brad barged into the house without knocking on the door.

He head towards the kitchen at full speed while ignoring the surprised village girls, and then flung open the door of the kitchen.

"Who"s the one cooking the food here!!?" (Brad)

"Shut the f.u.c.k up!!  Just eat the d.a.m.n squid ring!!" (Setsu)

The moment he entered inside and ask that, a brown ring jumps into his mouth.

"Mguh――――――――H-hot!!" (Brad)

[POV Change to MC]

I threw the squid ring that I just finished frying into the intruder again. I"ve already fried the white fish just for that troublesome girl a while ago. I have no room for another selfish request.

"―――――――――H-hot!!" (???)

"…N?" (Setsu)

But I"m starting to have doubts as the voice that enter my ears is from a man"s. I thought that Levia had asked someone to deliver the message but was I wrong?

Not to mention, did I ever heard this voice before..?

"Y-you b.a.s.t.a.r.d…to do this to me…" (Brad)

I heard a voice from behind me while I was cooking.

He sounds exactly like Brad who"s the subordinate of the Demon Lord. I want to turn around and look but I can’t take my eyes off the oil, and I really want him to do this later.

"Kuh… I thought for sure you would be Setsu…. It seems like I"m just on a fool"s errand." (???)

The man spats out my name mixed with anger, so I stopped sending magic power to the magic stove that heated the oil and looked back.

"Ah~ it"s Brad after all huh?" (Setsu)

I"m finally convinced after seeing that face. The splendid red horn growing out of his head seems to be in good health. There was a time when I tried pulling it to see if it would come off, but that horn sure is st.u.r.dy.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d… how did you know my name?" (Brad)

Ah~…..I guess he wont recognize me since my appearance had changed…. I guess he won’t remember that easily if I didn’t let him learn with his body.

"Oh yeah, that"s right." (Setsu)

I pushed aside the squid"s tentacles and put my hand into the magic bag, and then took out the object I have in mind.

It"s a large sword that exceeds my height that I got from his master. It"s Kuromaru.

Since this guy is present when I got this, it should be good for proof.

"Th-that sword!" (Brad)

"Here, it’s the sword that your master give to me." (Setsu)

I threw the sword and let him check it. Brad timidly received it and checked the sword from top to bottom for a while and threw it back.

"I-it is certainly the genuine 〈Schwartz〉…" (Brad)

"That is not it"s name!! It"s KU・RO・MA・RU!!" (Setsu)

Don"t call it with such a lame name!!

"To call it with that name…… so you really are Setsu…… ?" (Brad)

"Long time no see, Brad. Your horn is interesting as usual." (Setsu)

"S-Setsu…… You came back…!" (Brad)

As soon as he knew it is me he started shedding tears. Why is this guy showing a face like he is completely relieved?

"――――――――I see, so Dezas did that" (Setsu)

"Yes…… Ah, could I have another helping of these squid rings?" (Brad)

"It"s troublesome so go get it yourself" (Setsu)

When the feast started to calm down, I called Levia and Ruri to the village chief"s house and listened to most of the situation from Brad. Ruri was fast asleep though……

"When I had her drink some alcohol she started getting dizzy, when I noticed she was already sleeping you know." (Levia)

"So it was your fault……" (Setsu)

Ruri, who seems to be sleeping comfortably, is still a minor, so it must be her first time drinking alcohol for sure. First of all, I dropped my fist onto Levia who made it happen, then I thought about what I have just heard.

"Terran Company huh…" (Setsu)

I heard the details about 5 years ago. Although the firm doesn"t particularly stand out at that time… now the president proposed to the Demon Lord huh.

"Don"t you go and use me as a pretext to get the Demon Lord…" (Setsu)

I really want to "spit" on him. It"s troublesome for me if he take what is mine without permission.

"Oi Brad! When is the wedding!?" (Setsu)

"Mugu…… ngu…… it"s in four days!" (Brad)

Brad answered with his mouth full with the squid ring.

In four days… I can"t move today, so I guess that leaves me three days?

"So based on your story, there may be a guard for this guy called Terran?" (Setsu)

"Yeah… Although I can"t confirm it, there"s probably no doubt about it." (Brad)

So there is a guy with a degree of power enough to give the powerless man leeway as an opponent against these guys. Well if it"s only on "that degree" it won"t be a problem.

"―――――――――Then, I guess I"ll just go and destroy the whole d.a.m.n wedding ceremony!" (Setsu)

I"m going to make him regret for trying to put his hands on what is mine.

While I wrapped up my thoughts, I grabbed one of the squid rings at the table in front of me and tossed it in my mouth.

Although it"s not the case every single time, it is the job of the hero to help the princess after all.