Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Chapter 14: I"m Here to Save You

Translator: Jun, Drakuro

T.N: Sorry again for another long absence. If you read ReBirth ch59 you’ll know half of the reason why I’m late. The other half comes after I release that ch59. It’s mostly work related tho, as I had to go for a site visit with my boss to the other end of the country, I’m stuck there for more than a week with nothing but cheap a.s.s laptop that can’t even play youtube without freezing.

Anyway long story short I’ll try to post a few more chapters before this month end. Normally that’s almost impossible for me, but it’s doable now that I got the help from Jun.


Chapter 14: I"m Here to Save You

Author’s Note: Fast forward for a bit. And so with that, don"t worry as you did not missed a chapter.

[T.N: Dezas"s POV]

――――――The day of the wedding….

I, who hold the position of the Demon Lord, am wearing a pure white wedding dress in my room. The wedding ceremony is held normally with us being in a room in the throne room. Only my partner will be called and as it could cause chaos from the abruptness, it is kept secret to the public.

A man named Terran had proposed requesting of me, and began to advance the preparation at a terrifying speed after having my reply.

My subordinates, the Five Great Demon Generals have been earnestly opposing the marriage, but it was too late to go against my intentions. Just by selling my body I could meet Setsu one more time. Of course it is possible that I will be deceived, but it is worth using my body for this.

Moreover Terran may be a nasty man, but as a merchant he won"t lie. Naturally I will have my subordinates examine the vicinity. After consideration, I have decided to offer myself to him. Once married it is taboo to betray your partner in this world. Even if you are a Demon Lord, this taboo does not change……

(fufu…… Setsu will laugh at me when he sees this appearance of mine……)

That is what I think when I see myself in the pure white dress. I myself like the colors black and red, and he too give praises to my red dress.

(Which reminds me…… I wonder if that black brooch had been repaired yet? At the very least I wanted to hold it in my hand……)

The pitch black brooch I received when he left the Demon continent has even my name carefully engraved on its back. There is no more than one of this present in this world and only I have it . At the very least I wanted to grasp the connection with him until the end of the wedding ceremony.

While I recall the brooch, there was a knock on the door of this room. I guess it"s almost the time……

"Disaster-sama. It is time."

"I"ll go now." (Dezas)

I got off the bed I was sitting on and went towards the ceremonial hall in the throne room.

I do not have the intention to hide or run away, everything is for our benefactor and for the sake of meeting the man I love……

Nevertheless, while I still hesitate somewhat, I opened the gates to the throne room and went through―――――

[T.N: Third person POV]

The bride entered the throne room. Even Terran, who is waiting in front of the throne as the bridegroom, and those partic.i.p.ating as his company a.s.sociates was charmed by her, whose body is covered in a pure white dress. However, the five great demon generals at this place are aware of her usual appearance and her tastes and they did not show a very pleased face.

"…As expected it really doesn’t suits you, Disaster-sama."

While playing with her deep blue hair that is grown until her shoulder, one of the Five Great Demon Generals Lily Laveint (リリー・ラヴェント; ririi ravento) mutters such line. The man who replied to Lily, was a giant who appears to be nearly twice her size making her looked like a child instead. Bulging with muscle without any excess fat, his whole skin was nearly black compared to the pale Lily.

"For our Lord it has to be red and black after all, I just cannot understand the hobbies of humans at all."

His name is Ides Armicks.(イデス・アーミクス; idesu aamikusu) He is one of the Five Great Demon Generals like Lily. The other three are not at this place, two of them are supposed to be keeping watch of the Human Continent. Depending on where the battle takes place, the gate was entrusted to them and so they could not attend. The problem the last person which is Brad, the last time they met was 4 days ago.

"What has Brad been doing I wonder……? Didn"t he say he was going to call the sea G.o.d and make a mess……" (Lily)

"We have no choice but to wait now, I still believe in him, see? Rather than that, let"s keep searching for opportunities." (Ides)

While Ides says that to Lily, he paid maximum attention to his surroundings.

They are about to ruin the wedding ceremony. It is naturally for the sake of not handing the Demon Lord Disaster to the man named Terran. Even after tightly investigating him they still cannot trust him. Besides, Lily and co. have the same opinion as Brad; they don"t want Dezas to sell herself just to call back Setsu. They think that, even if they were able to call Setsu back, it will only be painful for him.

If there is something that will become a problem when interfering with the wedding ceremony, it would be the robed men near the walls of the throne room. The number of people are four, three have light brown robes and one has a pitch black robe. Their faces are hid deeply in the hood, but it feels that the level of the man in pitch black robe is different among the four.

"So those guys are the guards…… Don"t go out unprepared, you hear Lily?" (Ides)

"I know that, I"ll move when I see an opportunity, okay?" (Lily)

Urging each other to be careful, the two blends into the a.s.sembly hall.

[T.N: Dezas"s POV]

Ah, in front of my eyes is Terran with a disgusting smile plastered on his face. He is wearing a suit with the same color as this dress I"m wearing, and that strangely arranged hairstyle really fuels up my disgust. But I have to get used to this, I have to spend my entire life together with this person after all.

"―――――――You"re beautiful, Dezas." (Terran)

Because he muttered those sweet words while brushing my cheeks, these gooseb.u.mps won"t go away. Strongly stepping on the floor, I fixed my body which is looking like I want to escape from this place.

The moment I saw those eyes, I felt like tons of insects crawling all over my body. It"s nothing but unpleasant to stand in front of this man…… such feelings are dominating my body.

"Without further ado…… the kiss of vow"

The man with the appearance of a priest standing beside me and Terran says this. I glared at the priest for not saying more unnecessary things, but because he was too afraid to stand up I stopped. The one who said that it is appropriate for us demons to end weddings and the like with a kiss was that person, but by no means was it widely practiced. However, I heard that humans have ridiculous obsession about this. I heard from another human there seems to be a ceremony where they end it by exchanging rings. There is no meaning in wondering whether or not the priest or this person is part of such ridiculous obsession.

I"ve steels myself and returned Terran"s gaze.

When I matched my face to his, his face slowly approaches.
[T.N: Eew]

(It would"ve been nice if my first time was with Setsu at least……)

While I have that kind of thought, I resign myself and close my eyes.

Even so, I desperately resist my instinct to bend my face and retain the posture to accept him.

As I can feel the breathing of this guy I can understand how close he"s getting, it"s already at this point――――so I gave up…… It was at that moment.

"AAHHーーーー! I can"t take it anymore! We"re doing this Ides!" (Lily)

"Didn"t I tell you to calm down!? But I agree that this is as far as my patience will go!" (Ides)

A voice I know comes out from the seats.

My subordinates there, Lily and Ides, appear to be trying to cast magic.

[T.N: Third person"s POV]

Lily and Ides entered battle stance the moment Disaster"s lips were about to be s.n.a.t.c.hed away. They already don"t care about opportunities anymore, the situation was too difficult to accept.

"I"ll go on ahead! Cover me!" (Ides)

"Leave it to me!" (Lily)

Ides strengthens his body with magic power and does a leap towards Disaster"s location.

"Wh-what is!? P- protect me!" (Terran)

Surprised from his approach Terran lets go of her hand and ordered the robed men who were on standby in the vicinity. Responding to that order were two of the four robed men, both of them light brown.


"You"re in the way! !" (Lily)

As the robed men leaped before Ides" eyes, two flame lances were fired from Lily and were approaching them.

It was shot in a position where it would hit his companion if he evades, and the robed person―――didn"t evade it.

"Magic barrier!?" (Lily)

Lily let out a shocked voice from the magic formation spread out to protect the two robed men. The so-called magic barrier refers to a shield created from magic power. The magic barrier itself is not unusual, it can be said to be a basic art when a person becomes a magician. What she was surprised about was its strength.

Naturally the magic just now is not a considerable magic for Lily of the Five Great Demon Generals. The magic is at the level of being as usable as breathing. For this reason she can fire them at rapid succession, but it"s powerful enough to blow away B cla.s.s monsters.

It was shown that the magic is defended by the magic barrier that" instantly spread out by the robed men. It can be said at this point that its strength is that of a A cla.s.s or higher.

"How about this!! Hmph!!" (Terran)

Towards the robed men who defended the flame lance from the sky, Ides attacked with his strong arm. His striking physical body, which is unusual among the demons, broke the magic barrier and struck the robed men to the floor.


"What, what is the meaning of this!?"

Terran"s merchant a.s.sociates, who were petrified from this, started running away at full speed. Without paying attention to the people who were running away desperately, Ides advanced towards Disaster"s position.

And over there, a person stands in the way.

"So I really have to be your opponent with this experimental body…… it can"t be helped."

"Move it!" (Ides)


Among the four robed men, the one wearing the pitch black robe caught Ides" extraordinary fist. The floor shatters from the impact, but the large fist completely lost its strength after intersecting with the black robe"s arm.

"Tch…… as one would expect from the Five Great Generals, you have great strength."

"Says the one who could stop my blow!" (Ides)

Ides again lets out a kick with his log like leg. However the black robed man released Ides" fist and bend his body to avoid the kick.

"It seems this battle with the likes of you will be dragging on a bit! !"

"What!?" (Ides)
[T.N: Nani!?]

As the man shouted, a black something came from the shadow of the robed man underneath Ides and extends towards him.

"Uuuun!" (Ides)

Narrowly avoiding the thing by bending himself by reflex, Ides strongly kicked the floor and added some distance from the black robed man.

The thing that grew from that guy"s shadow is…… a thorn.

"Oh, so you dodged it by reflex…… as one would expect from the five great demon generals, this degree of doesn"t work on you, now does it."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d…… You possess a ?" (Ides)

Unique Magic, that is a magic which suddenly came into this world and is inherent to the person. As they are all strong magic, they are strictly safeguarded and researched by the residing country as soon as they are detected. Take one wrong step and that they could rampage and it"s possible they may blow away the whole city. If it became possible for them to handle the magic they would release them under surveillance, but they are never free without effective control.

In other words, it appears that this man is someone who can handle his strong unique magic. By the way, Setsu have apt.i.tude in magic of all attributes, but he does not possess Unique Magic.

"Lily! Can I ask you for cover!?" (Ides)

"Sorry…… That"s a bit……" (Lily)

As it is a hard fight to do so on his own he requested for cover, however Ides turned his head towards the voice of her in pain. There was the figure of Lily, receiving magic attacks from various attributes by the three brown-robed men surrounding her.

Lily is a demon who could not display her full power when it comes to indoor battles. For Lily, whose strong point in battle is basically to blow away all around her by magic with high firepower, she could not fight the same way in the throne room. If she does it poorly, she could potentially cause terrible damage to the Demon Lord"s castle.

Conversely, the light brown robed men use this to their advantage and repeatedly releases magic while keeping distance to some extent. This kind of situation is definitely not good for her.

"Ugh……! What an annoying way of fighting ……!" (Lily)

"Kuh…… Lily! I"ll a.s.sist you" (Ides)

"Woah, is it fine to leave me alone?"

Noticing the bloodthirst coming from behind him, Ides leapt horizontally and left the spot.

Instantly large black fist was swung downward at the place he stood before. The floor of the demon lord"s castle shook along with a thunderous roar.

" …… As expected, I can"t bring you down with such simple attacks."

The black arm returned to the shadow of the black robe.

Unique magic that manipulates shadow, he instinctively broke into cold sweat towards that magic that he had not heard of before.

(Even I would inevitably received some damage if I took direct hit for that…)

"Hmm, be that as it may…… because this has become this big of an uproar, we have no choice but to take her to our continent in order to continue the ceremony. All of you who have cause the disturbance will not be invited, but let us eventually come and see the complete change of the demon lord."

"Complete change…… you say? You! What do you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds plan on doing to Disaster-sama!?" (Ides)

Ides raged towards the man who spoke those inexcusable words.

However the man began to speak without changing his tone as if it doesn"t concern him.

"Come now, we won"t lay a hand on her…… However, that man named Terran will naturally train her over and over until she becomes his faithful woman, don"t you think? Without being able to disobey him, the figure of her mind and body gradually becoming his thing may be rather interesting, right…… kukuku"

So that"s the reason for the complete change―――――Ides says as if spitting it out. Something like their leader becoming that man"s faithful woman. To them this is nothing but despair. In reality, that man who is frightened beside Disaster would seize a life like that.

(We have to at least prevent that!)

However, the current Ides is in a deadlock. Disaster, the strongest fighting force, will likely not move. She is to become Terran"s woman and has the objective of calling Setsu back to this world. Currently there is chaos, so she couldn"t decide what to do.

Lily could not move either. Even now the three men are attacking her, so she is forced to struggle without moving.

(What can I do……!)

"The battle situation won"t change with you glaring at me hatefully you know? Even so …… you are quite a bit reckless aren"t you?"

"Tch!" (Ides)

Because he paid too much attention around him, Ides didn"t notice him. The fact that the shadow of the black robed man approached directly below him.

(He can even do that!?)

―――――――Thus he noticed it too late.

Away from him, Disaster called Ides" name. Her hand clad in magic power, perhaps she had decided to fight along with Ides, but that too was too late.


The shadows of the robed man wriggles, growing countless numbers of thorns. Those thorns with a pointed tip grew about to penetrate Ides" body―――――――――――

"――――――――Dosseeeeeeeeeeeei!" (???)
[T.N: Just some kind of battle cry]

Suddenly a thunderous roar rose with dust, a hole unfolded in the ceilings of the upper floor of the throne room and the blue sky can be seen. The remaining shadow thorns that grew dangerously long returned to its original size as ordinary shadow.

Ides, who narrowly escaped from death, quickly took distance from the black robe. However he only moved until that point. While he pushed his way through the debris from the ceiling, he looked at the thing that came out and stopped thinking. Because it  appeared to be a person, he stared at it and stopped moving.

―――――What appeared was a man who dressed like an adventurer. He wasn"t really tall, his face has very few features…… How to say, he was an unimpressive man. However, what is in his hand is a black large sword that doesn"t suit him.

" Cough cough…… s.h.i.t, did I make a mistake somewhere?” (???)

That man is brushing off the dust with the hand that isn"t holding the sword. Basically the fact is he is holding the large sword, which is larger than his height with those slender arms. The people in that place is captivated at the unbalanced scene.

Among them there are three people, Disaster, Ides and Lily, who noticed one particular thing. They are aware of the name of that large sword he is holding.

Disaster, who noticed it earlier than the other two, spoke out the name.

"That sword―――――― is that ?" (Disaster)

"Like I said stop calling this guy with that name!! It"s Kuromaru now!!" (???)

The man shouted and pointed at the sword.

That way of speaking, and that naming sense to call the famous sword Schwarz with such a name…… At that moment the three people are overflowing with nostalgic feelings.

Disaster, who didn"t stop hoping to meet him again, is already shedding tears and is staring at the man.

"Are you…… Setsu?" (Disaster)

"――――――――"Sup…… I"m here to save ya, princess." (Setsu)

Even though his appearance changed, the man is smiling like a mischievous child just like in the olden days. There"s no doubt he"s their "hero", Setsu――――――――

T.N: Ok, so which one do you prefer? Disaster or Dezastre?