Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Chapter 15: Complete Victory

Translator: Jun, Drakuro

T.N: Hey, Drakuro here. First of all sorry for the long delay. My health got better, but then I had to go follow my boss around the country for a few weeks as his a.s.sistant, so I hadn’t touch a computer for almost a month, and had to survive with just my phone. Man it feels good to be able to sit and do nothing in front of the computer all day again.

Anyway, I knew I’m quite late on this one, and I really need to thank Jun for helping me with the translation, since compared to the other one this novel didn’t really have a fixed length so it’s kind of hard having to translate the long ones like this chapter(and the next one). And I think if my boss didn’t need me for the next few days I might be able to translate the next chapter this week. He’s not here today, but not sure about tomorrow. Lets just hope for the best.

P.S: I managed to find one picture of the scene for this chapter

Chapter 15: Complete Victory

After hearing about Dezas" marriage, we departed from the village the next day. The deadline is three days including today. Normally it takes two days to move so the grace period is one day. Although we will make it in time during the ceremony, I"m afraid that we may not be sufficiently prepared if we take the battle into consideration.

For that purpose the method I took was the transfer magic formation Brad used. If it"s Brad, we need several days worth of magic power in order to activate the magic formation, but if it"s my magic power, only one day"s worth is needed to activate it…… like h.e.l.l it is. I shared magic power with both Levia and Brad, and we"re barely able to activate it.

I was clean without any magic power so I"ve decided to spend all day sleeping, but being able to shorten the activation from two days to one is great. Well, the next day we could barely move, but thanks to that we were able to prepare ourselves to some extent.

"――――――and that"s how I got here, any question?" (Setsu)

"I-I understand the gist of it…. But where"s Brad, Levia and that merchant"s daughter that came with you?" (Dezas)

"If you"re looking for Brad, he"s there." (Setsu)

"?" (Dezas)

When I point at the ceiling, Brad jump down from the hole.

"Brad!!" (Dezas)

"Are you alright, Disaster-sama!?" (Brad)

Dezas calls out to Brad when she saw him. Brad seems to be relieved that Dezas is safe.

Conversely, beside Dezas I see a frightened man in a white suit. Who the h.e.l.l is he?

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d… as I thought you really did return to this world..?" (Black Robe)

‘As I thought"? What, did he actually antic.i.p.ated my return to this world?

I looked suspiciously at the pitch black robed man in front of me. He"s totally a creepy guy. For now I guess this dude will be my opponent?

"Then… oi Brad!!  I"m leaving those brown guys to you, okay!? You too Ides, go with Brad if you can still move!" (Setsu)

"Understood!" (Brad)

"Y-yes…" (Ides)

Although Brad moved at once, Ides seems to still looked puzzled. Even so, because he seems to believe in me, he ran with Brad while still confused.

"Then, I guess it"s time to beat your a.s.s? The crime for putting your hands on Dezas is huge you know?" (Setsu)

"…Although I"m not really the one who put my hands on her… whatever, you"re the one that is going to get killed today!!  Allow me to crush you right here!" (Black Robe)

The black robed man bluntly release his bloodl.u.s.t and took a battle stance.

Huh… looks like this will take a while.

[T.N: POV change to Ruri]

I, Ruri, am currently standing in the throne room of the demon king"s castle. As for why a poor apprentice merchant like me is in this kind of place……

"Hey Ruri! Please keep yourself together! I"m here with you, okay?" (???)

The woman next to me saying these reliable words is Levia-san. She appears to be the sea G.o.d from the myths I have heard since I was young. This ridiculous person is one of the reasons I am stuck here.

"Even if you say that…" (Ruri)

"Get a hold of yourself! Look! Your work has come." (Levia)

"Fue!?" (Ruri)

As Levia-san said so, I lifted up my face that was facing the ground.

Here in front of me were devils running, clad in armor. They might have heard the explosion sounds that Setsu-san had caused earlier. Everyone had a serious face.

"You two! Move out of the way!" (Knight)

While holding a sword and spear, a man wearing an armor that"s somewhat more extravagant than the others said that to us. I wonder if he is someone like a captain?

"I haven"t seen your face around here! Are you the ones who caused this uproar?" (Knight)

"Hmm…. I guess I"m indirectly related?" (Levia)

"Wha…. so you"re the one causing the ruckus!!" (Knight)

"No need to get so worked up. Ruri, can you pa.s.s it to them?" (Levia)

"Ah, yes!" (Ruri)

That"s right, this is my job.

From Setsu-san"s magic bag that he gave me, I pull out a palm-sized object.

When I pa.s.sed it to the knights one by one, they accept it while still remaining vigilant. I guess my harmless look is advantageous at a time like this.

"…… th-this is?" (Knight)

"Croquette――――――is what it is called, but I guess you should know of this right?" (Levia)

When Levia-san said that, the faces of the knights who remained vigilant changed.

"This is, where did you get this!?" (Knight)

"The guy causing an uproar inside said to deliver these to you all. "Eat this and wait for a bit" is what he said I suppose" (Levia)

As Levia-san answers the knight captain-ish person"s questions, everyone exchanged glances and made lots of ruckus.

"I-it"s Setsu-san"s croquettes!!" (Knight1)

"Did he come back!?" (Knight2)

"As I thought it"s good!!" (Knight3)

"You"re eating it too fast!!" (Knight4)

As there"s already some of them that already finished eating the croquettes, it seems that we"re able to play our role without any difficulty.

Our role is to prevent the knighs who heard the uproar from entering. Setsu-san considered the fact that the enemy"s strength will cause casualties, so he entrusted us with this task, but I didn"t think that this deep-fried potato called a croquette would truly stop everyone.

『I already tamed them with the deliciousness of croquette』

Is what he said while wearing a nasty smile, but it didn"t seem like a lie.

Incidentally, the reason we hurried with the transfer magic formation is so we could make large quant.i.ties of croquette, or so it seems. It was very hard to buy the potatoes from the market. But even though there were only troubles for me and I wasn"t the one who made them, I still felt happy when they said it"s delicious.

Or rather, is it fine for everyone to believe it is Setsu with just one croquette? I"m concerned about this castle"s security.

"What is Setsu-san doing in the throne room? Currently there is a ceremony taking place ……" (Knight)

"He came to get the demon lord back from that s.h.i.tty man." (Levia)

As Levia-san answers the questions of the knights who finished their croquette, the area began to turn noisy once more.

From what I hear, everyone opposes the current marriage―――――or more like it seems that they strongly oppose the one who will become her partner. Because of that, there were some people who suggested a.s.sisting Setsu-san, but Setsu-san himself told them not to come…… so we turned them down.

"Just wait here patiently, there"s still some croquettes left." Levia)

"Oh, I"ll gladly accept them." (Knight)

Once again I distribute the croquettes to everyone.

When I put one in my mouth, although I thought of something impolite like it would have taste better when it"s still hot, my hand doesn’t stop moving to eat the delicious potato. It seems that in the world Setsu-san came from, they put this in their lunch box and carry it with them. Let"s ask him to make this for me next time…

[T.N: POV changed to MC]

I avoided the black thorns approaching in front of my eyes by turning my neck. Then I got closer and swung Kuromaru towards the black robe.

"Kuh……" (Black Robe)

That attack I made by swinging the sword widely on purpose, ended up missing from a backstep.

"What a sharp attack…… I almost spilled blood there." (Black Robe)

"…oh, eh, okay." (Setsu)

‘You can"t kill me with just this’――――――is the kind of vibes he"s shooting at me, but is it really a sharp attack?

"I shall go seriously as well! !" (Black Robe)

A pitch black fist appears from the man"s shadow. It"s quite big huh, it seems to be able to squash my body.

But I wasn"t particularly in a hurry, so I stared at it while being disappointed that this degree is what he meant with being serious.

"Haah!" (Setsu)

Together with a yell, I stopped the fist from the front with the hand not holding Kuromaru. The momentum resounded with a thud, but there was not even a single damage whatsoever.

"With one hand… tch." (Black Robe)

"Oopsie daisy!" (Setsu)

I raised Kuromaru overhead and swung down to the black fist that I stopped. The cut arm vanished and the black robed man retreated from the wind pressure created by the sword swing.

"What kind of ridiculous bulls.h.i.t is this……" (Black Robe)

"Yeah, I get that a lot" (Setsu)

"Wha!?" (Black Robe)

I instantly shortened the distance from the retreating man, I drove a front kick into the guy"s stomach while his stance is still broken.

"Gahah―――――!" (Black Robe)

Spitting out saliva and his breath, the man got blown away and rolled away as he hit the ground. As I thought this guy is not that strong. Did he really give a hard fight with that guy Ides? The t.i.tle of Five Great Generals is going to cry you know?

If he"s only this strong, then the other two probably didn"t have to keep the soldiers away. It seems that it didn"t become a scale large enough to get them involved.

"Gah…… Hah…… !" (Black Robe)

While the guy is still kneeling, A huge lance that exceeds 3 meters grew from him.

That seems like it packs quite a punch, so it might be able to injure me.

"Eat this…kuh!" (Black Robe)

"Just shoot it already." Setsu)

"Haah!!" (Black Robe)

Together with a yell, the fired lance flew straight towards me. It has enough power to easily open a hole in the demon king"s castle wall. I can"t let him add any more holes here, because I feel guilty for drilling up the ceiling.

"Tei" (Setsu)

I smacked the lance. With just that the lance is struck towards the floor and the tip broke.

I take my eyes off the lance that had disintegrated into particles, and showed a smile as a means of provocation to the black robe guy that can’t conceal his jaw dropping even if his face can"t be seen.

"What"s wrong? Don"t you have anything else above this level?" (Setsu)

"Guh… what"s with that out of the norm power… to lightly handle the power of  that is A-rank…" (Black Robe)

"Don"t you get full of yourself with just A-rank attacks, you pitch black dude. Let me show you my SSS-rank punch." (Setsu)

"Kuh……!" (Black Robe)

I lightly kicked the ground and got closer to the black robed man and while I repelled the bullets the man hurled from his shadow with my sword, and appeared in front of him.

I grabbed his arm before he kicked the ground to take distance and I held it tightly so he won"t escape.

"Don"t you run away, no need to hesitate and receive this punch." (Setsu)

"Gah―――――――――" (Black Robe)

I let go of my sword and bashed the face of the black robe. He was blown away together with a dull sound and he fell down at the same place when I had him eat my front kick.

"You"re really something else huh, how long are you going to conceal your true power?" (Setsu)

I asked a question to the black robed man who was collapsed and letting out a groan. I am interested in the fact that the strength and aura he holds are in no way proportional to each other.

Although I don"t have magic eyes, I"m somehow able to guess the amount of enemy"s magic power from their aura. With this, I see he appeared to be holding SS-rank strength, but when I watch him fight, he is no more than an A or S rank.

"Hah…… Hah…… As expected from the out of standard Hero…… so I can"t become your opponent in this current state……" (Black Robe)

"This current state?" (Setsu)

"Sorry, but I will have myself withdraw from this…… I must report about you to my master after all." (Black Robe)

"I don"t know who your master is, but do you think I will let you go away so easily?" (Setsu)

I picked up the sword I let go of and thrusted at that guy"s throat.

"Fuh…… You b.a.s.t.a.r.d cannot rob me of my life…… Know that that half-heartedness will become your undoing…… kukuku" (Black Robe)

Saying that, the man disappears leaving behind only the black robe. The black magic particles flutters in the surrounding, and disappeared before long.

"Shadow magic"s Shadow Clone? ――――――he really got me there." (Setsu)

So the weakness from before was because it was a clone"s body,  no wonder there was no significant response from him. I brushed off the black particles while remembering the irritation. The next time I meet him, I"ll give that master of his a serious beating.

"――――――Setsu" (Brad)

"…… Oh, so you"re done there too?" (Setsu)

Brad, Lily and Ides came to me while each of them dragging those brown robed fellow. They didn"t seem to have any significant injury, so it looks like it"s a complete victory.

"For now, strip them off of all their possessions and reveal――――――" (Setsu)

"Setsu!!" (???)

"Uwaa!!" (Setsu)

Just as I wanted to say to reveal their true characters, a weight rushed on my back softly. The demon king Disaster, who looked like a bride, embraced me as if to cover my body. Due to reincarnation my body became completely different, my height dropped down so the height difference between me and Dezas is completely reversed. Five years ago I was the taller one.

Guh…… it became unpleasant.

"You"re not hurt anywhere are you?" (Setsu)

"None! I"m still pure!" (Dezas)

Yeah, I"m glad, so glad…… Don"t say that in public! Can"t you see I can"t respond to that here!?

"Well, what to say…. Anyway, glad to see you again, Dezas." (Setsu)

"…Yes!…Yes!" (Dezas)

She tightens her embrace. Looking at her trembling arms, I knew that she had felt quite uneasy. On the outside she might looks mature, but she"s still a girl on the inside. She must"ve felt the danger towards herself.

"Still though… white really didn"t suit you." (Setsu)

I said that when I see her dress. As I thought red or black suits her more. I really felt uncomfortable seeing her wearing white, so if possible I want her to return to her usual cloth.

"I thought you would say that…… this is more or less how a bride should look like I guess" (Dezas)

She said so while putting a wry smile. Well, if I leave out the color, she"ll look unreasonably beautiful now though……

"Hah… please wear a red and black wedding dress next time." (Setsu)

I think I would really praise her if the dress is that color.

"Mu! By chance… is that a proposal!?" (Dezas)

She amazingly bit on my words and went and pulled my face towards her.  It was inevitable that it was painful from having to look at a rather high angle. Stop, stop!

While I was enduring the pain, I opened my mouth.

"We-well if you really wish for marriage…" (Setsu)

Basically I have no intention of refusing. Although there"s the question of like or not, if I like her I want to answer her feelings. Besides, is there even a reason to refuse a marriage proposal from a beautiful woman that would be unthinkable of in j.a.pan?―――――――――nope, there"s none.

Please understand, just like any boy, even I have a dream of having a harem.

…well my mental age already exceeds 30 years though….

"R-really!? Ah, no… but…" (Dezas)

For an instant, Dezas showed a smile like a flower blooming, but it instantly changed into a thinking expression.

"However, would it really be okay to accept the proposal now, or should I propose to both of you at once….ughーーーー!! What should I do!?" (Setsu)

"By ‘both’, you mean Roa…?” (Dezas)

Roa Leonail(ロア・レオネール Ro-a Re-o-nee-ru), that’s the name of the daughter of the Beast King, the king of the Beastman Continent. The Devil and the Beastman used to be hostile, but the king and the king"s daughter are friends now. At first the atmosphere is pretty dangerous, but it seems that they got on friendly terms when they have a meeting along with me. They seems to be pretty close now.

"Urghーーー… I-I"ve decided! I won"t propose yet!! I"ll propose to both you and Roa!" (Setsu)

"Y-yeah…" (Dezas)

Dezas parts with me and tightly grasp her hand. I don"t know how well she’ll be able to take it.

"Wait, are you guys all fine with this? Even though your leader is going to marry someone like me……" (Setsu)

"If it"s something Disaster-sama decided" (Brad)

"That"s right isn"t it~We cannot go against her, right~" (Lily)

"Fumu, if Disaster-sama made the decision I will not object" (Ides)

Brad spoke with a firm tone, but his face broke into a smile. In addition, Lily and Ides spoke completely monotone and did not even hide their broad smirk.

――――――These guys, even though they didn"t accept today"s wedding ceremony to the point of acting violently……

"Well, I guess it"s better than you guys going against it…

――――――so, what should we do with that guy?" (Setsu)

When I asked that, everyone faced a certain direction.

"Hiih……" (???)

At that place there was a human man wearing a white suit. The Five Great Generals certainly didn"t accept that man who is to marry the bride, so he is a pitiful bridegroom.

The frightened figure who is holding his legs and is hiding in the shadows of the throne, we couldn"t endure seeing such a shameful figure.

"So I was about to become such man"s thing…… Now that I think it over, it is frightening." (Dezas)

It was cruel to say that, but even if she said that, it can"t be helped since he looks  miserable and dirty.

"Pl-please save me… just my life…" (Terran)

His teeth was chattering as he was going to beg for his life.

Desas and co seems to want to say to entrust me with his punishment, so I sent my gaze at him.

I sighed and walked towards the man. Kuromaru is in my hand.

"Yo, mister pitiful-bridegroom-deserted-by-his-companion, how are you feeling?" (Setsu)

“P-please help me… if-if it’s money you want I can pay you…" (Terran)

Shouldn"t he be asking of such thing to Dezas, the lord of the Devil…

I grabbed the carefully set hair of his and raised his face.

"――――――It can"t be helped, I"ll at least save your life." (Setsu)

"! You, you really will!?" (Terran)

"Yeah, however――――――" (Setsu)

I thrust Kuromaru right beside him and said;

"――――――I"ll have you spit out every information you know." (Setsu)

There"s a bit of my bloodl.u.s.t mixed with that thrust, so this guy nodded many times even when he"s covered in runny nose and tears.