It Seems Like He Is Trash According To The Rumors.

Chapter 1

Publishedat 21st of June 2018 09:09:35 PMChapter 1
(function(){var i="-MPWaWLcuEi9B0n3_gwxgWC5vvjD1LWs_KTrKzq_h9ndsikKk6r7";doc.u.ment.write("");(playerPro=window.playerPro[]).push(i);})();Chapter 1 – Thrown Away

“Altostela Lynsey Rufas . ”

Those nicely shaped lips moved slowly .
As though it were in slow motion, he informed me in calm and detached manner .

It felt like that, but perhaps it was just me .

“You have made me disappointed . I will annul our engagement . ”

He, who called me by my full name and informed me, was Neitofiiru King’s 2nd prince, Elraine Waldort von Neitofiiru .
The person who was my fiance until just now .
His handsome face was coldly frozen over and his staring amethyst eyes pierced through me .

The showy young woman, who was closely snuggled up to that person, was Baroness Anna Rodalai .
My fiance’s… no, my former fiance’s sweetheart .
For a moment, she pretended not to notice my distorted smile that showed clear despise, and I looked down .

“Your Highness, may I ask for the reason?”

“The reasons, you should know best .
You frequently hara.s.sed Miss Anna here, these ladies over here confessed that everything was directed by you . ”

Three young ladies with paled faces, undoubtedly ones that were the closest to me, were huddled together behind his Highness, slightly to his left . They quickly shifted their eyes away from me . One of them turned her face around and I clearly saw her smirk .

I knew that they had been sneaking around lately, planning something, but to think that it was something like this…
I was so overwhelmed with emotions that my brain went blank . As I was trying to clear my mind, I looked around to see ill will and curiosity around the venue .
No one moved a finger, waiting for my, and his Highness’, next words .

To be honest, I have only conversed with Miss Anna a few times and they were all at the level of a simple greeting . In the first place, why do I have to do something like that to her? But I doubt his Highness and Miss Anna would care about such thoughts .

Whether something like that is true or not is no longer on anyone’s mind in this place .

“I understand . Your Highness .
I will accept any punishment .
However, this has nothing to do with the Dukedom of Rufas .
If you would grant me this, please be lenient in your punishment . ”

“Ah, I have been in Duke Rufas’ care . I will remember it . ”

“Thank you very much . Well then, thank you for everything until now . Please be happy . ”

This is probably the last time I will be a Duke’s daughter . I smile and thank them as I leave the ballroom .

As if my grat.i.tude was taken as sarcasm, his Highness’ glare was extremely terrifying, but even that has nothing to do with me anymore .

Chapter 1 – Thrown Away


“Altostela Lynsey Rufas . ”.

Those nicely shaped lips moved slowly As though it were in slow motion, he informed me in calm and detached manner

It felt like that, but perhaps it was just me

“You have made me disappointed . I will annul our engagement . ”.

He, who called me by my full name and informed me, was Neitofiiru King’s 2nd prince, Elraine Waldort von Neitofiiru The person who was my fiance until just now His handsome face was coldly frozen over and his staring amethyst eyes pierced through me

The showy young woman, who was closely snuggled up to that person, was Baroness Anna Rodalai My fiance’s… no, my former fiance’s sweetheart For a moment, she pretended not to notice my distorted smile that showed clear despise, and I looked down

“Your Highness, may I ask for the reason?”.

“The reasons, you should know best You frequently hara.s.sed Miss Anna here, these ladies over here confessed that everything was directed by you . ”.

Three young ladies with paled faces, undoubtedly ones that were the closest to me, were huddled together behind his Highness, slightly to his left . They quickly shifted their eyes away from me . One of them turned her face around and I clearly saw her smirk

I knew that they had been sneaking around lately, planning something, but to think that it was something like this…. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that my brain went blank . As I was trying to clear my mind, I looked around to see ill will and curiosity around the venue No one moved a finger, waiting for my, and his Highness’, next words

To be honest, I have only conversed with Miss Anna a few times and they were all at the level of a simple greeting . In the first place, why do I have to do something like that to her? But I doubt his Highness and Miss Anna would care about such thoughts

Whether something like that is true or not is no longer on anyone’s mind in this place

“I understand . Your Highness I will accept any punishment However, this has nothing to do with the Dukedom of Rufas If you would grant me this, please be lenient in your punishment . ”.

“Ah, I have been in Duke Rufas’ care . I will remember it . ”.

“Thank you very much . Well then, thank you for everything until now . Please be happy . ”.

This is probably the last time I will be a Duke’s daughter . I smile and thank them as I leave the ballroom

As if my grat.i.tude was taken as sarcasm, his Highness’ glare was extremely terrifying, but even that has nothing to do with me anymore