Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 306

The Shadow was shocked by the sudden appearance of the armored man, however, his reaction was top-notch so he still managed to dodge the attack. While doing so, his training kicked in and he instinctively slashed his dagger at his opponent"s weak spot.

Unfortunately, a crystal wall suddenly appeared where he attacked and blocked it. The armored man once again disappeared and appeared instantaneously behind the Shadow and attacked.

His attack was blocked, but the Shadow finally discovered the reason for the sudden increase in speed.

"The Heavenly Abode can allow him to use the power of s.p.a.ce to teleport. Even that crystal that blocked my attack was a s.p.a.ce Wall."

The Shadow continued to use his insane reaction time to dodge all the attacks. Meanwhile, he was observing all the abilities of this G.o.d. As an elite of the Fate Shadow Guard, he was personally trained by w.a.n.g Wei himself to not only be a powerful intelligence gatherer, but also an and warrior.

He was trained to be able to react in many different situations. So, to the Shadow, this Void G.o.d was incredibly weak because of how little fighting experience it had.

Nevertheless, the opponent"s ability to control s.p.a.ce gave him an advantage. The Shadow pondered whether to use a Void Blocking Talisman to prevent his opponent from teleporting.

However, after thinking about the fact that someone else was watching this battle, he decided otherwise; he wanted to gather information from his opponent, not give them information about himself.

A few minutes pa.s.sed since the battle, and the armored man realized that he had not accomplished anything; he did not even wound his opponent once. This fact made him more furious, so he decided to be even more ferocious.

Unfortunately for him, the Shadow had already gathered enough information about his opponent and decided that it was time to end this farce.

He waved his hand, then countless shadows came from the ground and encased the armored man. In just a few seconds, he turned into a ma.s.sive black ball with strange characters or runes written on top. A thumping sound could be heard from inside as the armored man tried to break free from his restraint.

Unfortunately, even his Heavenly Abode seemed to be isolated from him, so he was powerless. Under the Shadow"s control, the black ball started to shrink as he prepared to seal and capture him.

Midway through, he felt something and raised his head to look at the sky. He saw a giant red hand burning with flame descending on him. The Shadow"s heart palpitated as he saw that hand.

"The power of Law?" he thought with shock. "The Supreme G.o.ds can use law?" The Shadow could feel the Law of Fire on that gigantic hand. From the information he gathered, this world was only a Middle Thousand World, as such, only cultivators in the Primordial Spirit Realm should be possible.

Even though this world has a different cultivation system, it did not change the fact that only Greater Thousand Worlds could give birth to individuals that can control the law.

As the hand rapidly approached, the Shadow gave up on capturing the armored man. He took out a Teleportation Talisman and activated it. Unfortunately, the s.p.a.ce around seemed to block by that hand.

Having no choice, he quickly took a jade talisman from his s.p.a.ce ring. This time, he took out a Breaking Void Talisman. A white light enveloped the Shadow and he disappeared from his location.

The red hand that was descending suddenly stopped after noticing this. Then, a tyrannical Divise Sense began to search the location he was along with the surrounding few thousand kilometers. After not finding anything, the Divine Sense expanded its search.

Above the sky, in one of the stars, a man dressed in red slowly opened his eyes. He had a red goatee and his hair was replaced by flame.

"I could not find the outside after searching the entire Fire Realm," muttered the Fire G.o.d. After that, his consciousness traveled to a far distance.

Close to the Crystal Wall was a temple floating in the s.p.a.ce. The temple was golden and a n.o.ble breath exuded from it. At the entrance of the temple were 36 statues of both women and men.

Of course, some of these statues looked nothing like humans, while some had their faces blurred.

Inside the temple was a circular table with exactly 36 seats, and each seat had a character written behind them.

Suddenly, an illusory figure appeared on the seat with the character "Fire" written; it was the Fire G.o.d. As soon as he appeared, a strange wave came from him, then another person appeared to take a seat.

"Fire G.o.d, why are you calling for a Supreme G.o.d Conference? Is there anything worth a.s.sembling all of us for?"

"It"s not me who wanted to call the Conference. The Destiny G.o.ddess told me to do so."

"Do you know what it is about?" asked the Thunder G.o.d.

"It should be regarding the Outsiders."

The Thunder G.o.d frowned, but he did not ask anything else. If it was anyone else, some of these G.o.ds might not come. However, since the Destiny G.o.ddess called the meeting, everyone would give her face.

A few hours later, all 36 Supreme G.o.ds showed up with the Destiny G.o.ddess the last one. As soon as he appeared, her peaceful and ethereal temperament attracted everyone; everyone was waiting for her explanation.

"I"m sure all of you are already aware of the Outsiders that suddenly appeared in the Fire G.o.d"s territory," said the Destiny G.o.ddess.

"So?" asked the G.o.d of Death with a little irritable tone in his voice. As the most powerful G.o.d in this Pantheon, he is quite confident of himself.

"From what I remember, only a few of them came; they should not be a threat to us."

"Not necessarily; what about the world behind them?" asked another Supreme G.o.d.

"As long as the crystal wall is still there, we do not have anything to worry about," retorted the Death G.o.d.

"Alright, let"s listen to what Mingyun has to say," said the Life G.o.ddess. So, everyone looked at the Destiny G.o.ddess. She paused for a moment, then said: "I"m afraid that the Dusk of the G.o.ds is finally upon us."

Everyone looked at her with shocked faces.

Ragnarok. Dusk of the G.o.ds. End of Age of G.o.d. No matter what name was used, it only meant one thing: all the G.o.ds will fall, ending their era of ruling over this world.

"Destiny G.o.ddess, although we respect you, this does not mean that you can say whatever you want without any consequences," said the Destruction G.o.d whose power was only second to the Death G.o.d.

Many people had a similar sentiment to him. However, few people dare to voice their opinion.

"As soon as these outsiders came into our world, I felt something was wrong so I contacted Mother G.o.d," said the Destiny G.o.ddess calmly.

Immediately after hearing the word "Mother G.o.d", all of them started paying attention.

"With her power, I managed to divine the future of this world. And this is what I saw."

She waves her hand in the air to show a scene: Stars kept falling from the sky until there was none left. Golden blood bathed the earth until it formed a river.

The faces of the G.o.ds became ugly as they watched this scene. They knew that the stars represented their Heavenly Abode, and the golden blood was their blood.

"How is that possible?" said the Life G.o.ddess. "We have experienced invasions from outsiders before, so why is it different this time?"

However, no one could answer her. Many people panicked a little, and after seeing this, the Death G.o.d said: "There is no need to panic. Fate or Destiny is not set in stone. We can still change the future."

"What should we do then?" asked another G.o.d.

"We need to a.n.a.lyze the situation and come up with a proper solution," said the Death G.o.d. "If anyone has any suggestions, say now."

However, no one said anything. Although the Death G.o.d calmed some of them down, they were still worried.

As the Destiny G.o.ddess watched the reaction of these people, she was slightly disappointed. This is one of the weaknesses of the G.o.ds. After being protected for so long by the Crystal Wall, they have lost the ability to react during a crisis.

Many of them probably never actually understood the meaning of the crisis. As for the more level-headed and clever ones, they might have their own selfish motive.

In the corner of her eyes, the Destiny G.o.ddess looked at the War G.o.ddess; she could not feel any dread from her, just the desire for war and conquest.

"I have a suggestion. I propose we bring the Wisdom G.o.d to a.n.a.lyze the situation and gather information," said the Destiny G.o.ddess.

"The little t.i.tle G.o.d in your pantheon?" said the Death G.o.d. "His divinity is perfectly suited for this situation. I think that"s a good idea, what about everyone else?"

"We agree."

Many people also agreed with this course of action, so the Destiny G.o.ddess called the Wisdom G.o.d.