Joy of Life

Chapter 886

During the New Year festival, in accordance with palace customs, each prince and princess was given a gift by the palace. This year"s gifts were different from the norm. Firstly, the Crown Prince received the first gift. This was only natural, but it was much more generous than it had been in previous years: it was a book from the Emperor"s own collection. The next was the Second Prince"s gift, which was of a higher level. And the Great Prince, defending the distant border, received a bow and arrow. Most importantly, accompanying this imperial bow was an order to return to the capital at the end of the summer to accept the t.i.tle of king.

The officials of the capital were confused. They were unsure what His Majesty was thinking. It appeared that the Crown Prince"s position was still secure, so why summon the Great Prince back to the capital? This prince had spent the entire year on the edges of the kingdom leading troops; although he was not the son of the Emperor"s first wife,