Kill That Man

Chapter 3 Live Burial & Cremation

Kill That Man

Chapter 3 Live Burial & Cremation

Yu Qing Yao cheers up, turning over, preparing to continue smashing the coffin board.

Outside, someone shouts, "Get hemp rope, tie the coffin and carry it out of the village and burn it."

Hearing this Yu Qing Yao is angry to death.

He"s shouting, is she going to be buried alive and cremated? This girl isn"t dead yet!

Several big men rush over with hemp rope, and tie the coffin extremely tightly.

Then they lift the coffin up and walk out.

Yu Qing Yao is panicking, hitting the coffin board with her bamboo pillow, shouting in a mosquito-like voice: "No, I"m not dead, don"t burn me!"

However, theres an uproar outside and no one can hear her shouting.

The more she knocks, the more afraid the people carrying the coffin are, and they run even faster.

She looks out from the hole that had been smashed, and there are many people outside looking at the coffin in a panic.

A group of young men holding their dung forks and hoes, as if its New Years, cheerfully following the coffin, running, their mouths incessantly shouting: "Burn it!"

Yu Qing Yao bursts into tears, f*ck! They"re really going to burn me! Is there no reason?

Not long, Yu Qing Yao notices that she is taken out of the village and to an open s.p.a.ce outside the village entrance. This used to be a place for drying wheat. Now there is a pile of firewood there.

On the edge, there is an old man shouting:

"Hurry up, every home must contribute some firewood, do not be stingy!"

Through the small hole, she saw many children holding firewood, they throw the wood on the side of the pile, on the side they "haha" laugh and watch the liveliness.

A few strong men are seriously stacking the firewood, like stacking a neat table. Then they will carry the coffin up and burn it.

The man next to the woodpile is discussing how to stack it up, and when the fire is burning, how tall and how big should it be? After all, they have never done such a thing.

On the edge of the coffin, several youths are shouting, lifting their stools and tiptoeing on their feet to see.

The Patriarch and village chief Li Xianrong appears in an imposing manner.

An old man flatters him, saying, "Patriarch, look, everyone is here to help."

Li Xianrong nods calmly.

An aunt asks uneasily, "Patriarch, will this truly work?"

The Patriarch coughs sternly and says, "Possessed corpses* are afraid of the sun and fire. Now its midday, the sun is at its most intense, coupled with the fire, to ensure that this evil thing turns into ashes, then it can no longer harm people!"

The people on the side immediately flatter and praise the Patriarch for his wisdom and experience.

The old Patriarch smiles in a reserved manner, his face like a half-open chrysanthemum.

Listening to them, Yu Qing Yao is very bitter, watching these people discuss how to burn her, very serious and excitedly preparing for the task. Can"t do anything, can"t think of a way to save herself, this feeling is really bad.

Now she understands that the idea of burning her to death is from the old Patriarch.

Yu Qing Yao can"t help but secretly curse him: Die old man, dare to kill me, I curse you to have an unpleasant death! You"re a possessed corpse, your whole family is a possessed corpse!

Right after that, she suddenly felt that something had been drained from her body.

Originally a weak body, and now she has only one breath left, and she has no strength to smash the coffin board.

Yu Qing Yao cries out in her heart, despairingly: Don"t ah! Don"t drop the ball at this critical time ah!

But now she is panting and feels tired.

And then, a strange screen appears in her mind.

Yu Qing Yao (Human)

Occupation: The Curser

Curse point: 10

Skill: None

Yu Qing Yao"s heart is joyful, then a black line appears on her face. Great, is this system useful for me now?

You don"t dare give me a golden finger* that allows me to escape?

She silently says a few words to the system in her mind, but there is no response.

The peasants have stacked up a wooden platform one meter high, and eight meters wide.

Several youths shout and chant, stepping on a bench and lifting the coffin onto the wooden platform.

The Patriarch coughs and says, "In order to burn faster and make the fire bigger, each family must contribute a spoonful of oil."

Some people would like to say, "There is so much wood, don"t waste oil."

The Patriarch sneers: "If we don"t burn it cleanly, the evil spirit will get rampant, and kill your whole family, don"t you cry then!"

The villagers are suddenly frightened and reluctantly go home to get the oil.

The Patriarch yells, "Everyone move quickly. We must burn it at noon."

The villagers run home to get the oil.

Yu Qing Yao sighs, leaning her body up, looking greedily through the gap in the small hole.

Seeing the blue sky, the white clouds, the green gra.s.s, and the green trees.

With great difficulty she crossed, furthermore there is a system. d.a.m.n, who knew she would be burned to death on the first day.

I don"t even get to see what this fresh new world looks like.

What a tragedy!

w.a.n.g Yijie* is the Master of Feiyun Temple, in Baishan Prefecture. He is ancient, but looks like a thirty-year-old youth, with a feathered high hat, a three strand beard fluttering in the wind, riding on a white horse, a picturesque scene of a Daoist Immortal.

He is accompanied by a young man in black on a white horse, with a sword hanging from his waist and a blue headband.

The youths five features are beautiful, his scholarly appearance does not give others a weak feeling at all. His eyes are sharp and astute, and his pursed lips reveal his stubborn and unyielding manner.

His expression appears slightly sad.

This teenager is Li Huaide, he is naturally astute, *he can hear one and know ten, *raise one and infer three. w.a.n.g Yijie said he is a natural seed for practicing Daoism.

Li Huaide respectfully says: "Master, in front is my home."

Master Daoist w.a.n.g nods with a smile, saying: "Master will help you arrange a good marriage, you can rest a.s.sured to practice Daoism."

Li Huaide is at a loss and says, "Thank you, Master!"

He did not want to retreat from his previous marriage agreement, but his parents wanted him to retreat, and his Master wanted him to retreat. He is a filial child, he really cannot resist them.

He secretly ponders, set aside some time, tonight go to the Yu home, send some money to little sister Qing Yao, with her agreement, let her wait for him. After he"s married in the city he"ll pick her up. Either as a maidservant or a concubine, no matter what he can"t leave her alone.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g also has a scheme in his heart. Silly people have a fools blessing, actually set a marriage with a yin-year, yin-month, yin-day born woman as a wife. This woman is born to be a good *human furnace. If you can cultivate with her, she is the world"s best human furnace. If it wasn"t for the fact that he calculated his *eight characters as unsuitable, he would have let him return home and coaxed his parents to agree, and he wouldn"t have known that he had this blessing.

Of course, it"s my blessing now. This fool isn"t losing money, marrying a city lord"s daughter, from then on he doesn"t have to worry about his meals and clothing, he is also thankful to me.

Had it not been for this idea, Master Daoist w.a.n.g wouldn"t have been so enthusiastic acting as a matchmaker for his disciple, introducing a good family, and so enthusiastically going to the countryside to preside over this family to family affair.

Feiyun Sect is in charge of many things in this Prefecture, as the Master he handles many affairs.

At the village entrance, the two see a large group of people surrounding a wooden platform with a thin coffin on top of the platform.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g is curious, and asks, "Whats going on in your village?"

Li Huaide is also surprised. When he sees the Patriarch in the crowd, he shouts, "Grandfather, what are you doing? Who died in the village?"


(1*) Corpse Possession - 诈尸 zhà shī -Superst.i.tion legend referring to the strange phenomenon of a dead man"s body suddenly moving. The ancients folks said that when people die, sometimes there is still a breath left in their chest. If they are met by cats, dogs and mice, (who carry evil residual spirits) they will be resurrected. But this breath does not support life at all, only like a resurrected corpse beast. In the end, the breath will be exhausted, it will fall to the ground and then it is completely dead. Zha shi is different from resurrection, a kind of disorderly state, but also different from borrowing the body to return the soul. At first I thought they were talking bout zombies but its different, literally translates to swindling corpse. Credits to Baidu.

(*2) Golden Finger- Super cheat.

(*3) w.a.n.g Yijie is Master Daoist w.a.n.g. Master Daoist is just his t.i.tle.

(*4) 闻一知十 wén yī zhī shí -lit. to hear one and know ten (idiom); fig. explain one thing and (he) understands everything; a word to the wise

(*5) 举一反三 jǔ yī fǎn sān -To raise one and infer three; to deduce many things from one case (idiom)

(*6) "Human Furnace/Cauldron" are victims who are drained of their vital energies by a malicious person. This is normally done through Dual Cultivation (s.e.x). A male doing this to his female partner (as was usually the case) was said to be "Plucking Yin to Nurture Yang" (采阴补阳). Credits to

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(*7) Eight characters- Birthdate characters used in fortune-telling, based on a person"s date and time of birth, for astrological purposes, combined from year, month, day, hour etc.