King of the Eternal Night

Chapter 1: b.l.o.o.d.y Night

King of the Eternal Night

Volume 1 Chapter 1: b.l.o.o.d.y Night

In Eternal Night Continent people were drowsy most of the time, especially during the dark season. The upper continent’s...o...b..t blocked the sun, and only a few hours were cla.s.sified as day.

That night, a rarely seen moon was hanging from the skies.

A giant moon occupied practically half of the sky, as if it would drop and hit you on the head the next moment. Even the normal humans could clearly see the giant craters and majestic mountains.

Everyone who had not yet fallen asleep was anxious.

The moon was actually blood red, and the moonlight, like chiffon flattened against the ground, moved up and down on the rugged land as if a living animal. Pieces of black shadow rendered across the deep red, just like giant scars or wounds, occasionally giving out cold metallic sparkles.

Howls and unknown beast cries echoed from a distance, creating an oppressive atmosphere.

In one of the Eternal Night Continent’s legends, the Blood Moon was rare and ominous. Its appearance meant suffering and chaos. When the moon was infected by red, the guards of the Dark World would open the doors to calamity, bringing violence and disaster.

The legend goes that, under the Blood Moon, all life forms would unwillingly become more violent and blood-thirsty.

A small black dot suddenly appeared in the red moonlight. It flew along the sky-line, becoming larger and larger. It was, surprisingly, a floating airship thousands of meters long!

It was already extremely tattered, and the giant balloon had many patches, with rusted metal parts splicing them together, making people who looked at it scared it would break at any moment.

As if mirroring the people’s doubts, the floating airship shook vigorously for a few moments, some parts, including a 10 meter long metal part, falling off.

The metal parts fell towards the ground, provoking a roar.

The floating airship struggled in the air. The metal pipes of the outer layer shook, the tail pipes of the machine spitting out a large amount of steam. A total of 8 groups of propellers gave off creaky noises, spinning madly to barely stabilize the ship.

Under the airship were 10 thick cables hanging messily, carrying an equally rusty giant ship cargo with a loosely closed cargo door. It was clearly visible that it was filled with rubbish.

(Puttty: the Cliff all over again.)

The corroded old airship was like a drowsy beast. With the hardest part of the journey over, it finally reached its destination. It was a shockingly big airship cemetery hundreds of meters below the ground!

At that moment thousands of people poured from their hiding places, leaving their fear of the Blood Moon behind. Waving their hands at the floating airship, they shouted words of celebration.

In this land forgotten by the empire, they were the lowliest ants of the earth, fighting for survival every day.

Here was the resting place of the huge, glorified monstrosities, sc.r.a.pped floating ships which usually carried a lot of rubbish from the mainland. After a long time this became a garbage dump containing anything. The people living in this airship cemetery survived on the rubbish thrown away by the residents of the upper mainland.

If a long time pa.s.sed without any airships coming, a large number of people would die of starvation. To them, the upper mainland’s rubbish was their hope.

And tomorrow…tomorrow was a word of luxury to them, as everyone was too occupied trying to surviving today.

The airship floating in the air gave off a painful moaning sound as the propellers stopped turning. The giant airship suddenly shook, bouncing up about 10 meters. The outer wall of the left front side of the ship split, and a small airship emerged.

The smaller airship had a cleaner appearance. It flew a full circle around the garbage dump and started to rise skyward.

And the airship in the sky lost its power and shook non-stop, suddenly tilting to the side. It fell towards the ground.

Its speed increased, and it finally reached the ground. A roar sounded during the disintegration, as countless pieces of garbage, trash and metal flew everywhere. A garbage rain came down on the airship cemetery.

Cheers resounded!

The residents shouted as they ran towards the garbage. Some of them even ran on four legs like a beast.

Many giant metal pieces fell from the sky, falling on sometimes a person that couldn’t avoid it in time. That person would become meat paste. However, the people next to them could not care less. They continued their rampage, hoping to reach the garbage filled place first.

In the crowd there were men, women, old people, and kids. Their age and gender held no meaning here. Everyone was categorized by their body shape and strength, the only criteria in the different turfs of the cemetery.

The strongest men in the entire cemetery reached the airship first, followed by the weak men and strong women, then the weak woman, and lastly the old people and children.

The people had formed concentric circles with the airship as the center. Each layer had an invisible and impenetrable line.

The outermost layer was the area for the children’s activities. Hundreds of children ran around digging for food non-stop, looking for the practically non-existent food.

Among them was a small skinny boy, trying his best to look for food.

He was about 7-8 years old, his face dirty to the point that you could not tell what he looked like. He wore an adult’s shirt that looked like a robe because it was so big. Not only that, but the shirt was so tattered that the original shape was gone. It was practically rags strung together over his body.

He used both hands, each covered with countless wounds, some which were festering, to rummage through the cold garbage. However, it was like he didn’t feel the pain, and he continued to dig through the formless pile of trash in front of him.

He had not eaten for 3 days already. If he again could not find food today, then he would not survive until the next airships come.

But, no matter how hard the little boy tried, he found nothing edible.

This place had been searched countless times by stronger people, and only after they finished would they leave this place for children younger than 10. These children were the weakest people in the landfill. When the strong people could not find food and were starving, their hungry eyes would stare at…the elderly and children.

Here, in this abandoned land, this airship cemetery, the residents would do anything to survive. They were no different from beasts. However, even the beasts lived with more dignity than they!

The boy refused to give up, and he rummaged in the trash non-stop. Many wounds on his body opened again due to his excessive movements and leaked blood, but he did not feel any pain.

The sky was still filled with countless pieces of falling garbage. One of the larger trash bags dropped beside the little boy.

The bag split, and all kinds of rubbish leaked out. In it was a transparent bag that caught the little boy’s attention. There was actually oil covering the bag!

He suddenly pounced on it like a cat, holding the bag tightly in his hands. He did not even bother to check the things inside and shoved it into his clothing, looking to the right and the left, he carefully climbed out.

This bunch of kids, they fight, s.n.a.t.c.h, and sometimes even murder. The brutality they showed was not less than the brutality in the world of the adults.

The little boy was so skinny, and, in this landfill, the weak were bullied. If the stronger kids had realized he had found something to eat and was thinking of keeping it for himself, the lightest punishment from them would be a heavy beating.

Luckily, the little boy escaped the sight of all the bigger kids and successfully left the district.  Due to his keen innate senses, he was always able to escape the big kids that were scarier than beasts by one step.

The little boy never stopped running, and, reaching another mountain of trash, he entered the small s.p.a.ce of a steel barrel.

This was his small nest, a place to hide from the rain and wind. In the little boy’s heart, this s.p.a.ce just over a meter in diameter was the happiest place.

He carefully took out the plastic bag. Without remembering to breath, he slowly opened the bag.

There was actually a piece of bread in the plastic bag! A bread that only had one bite mark in it!

The boy knew this thing was called bread when he first saw it. He had yet to see such a complete piece of food in his life. He didn’t know how he knew that this thing was called bread.

In reality, it was just a normal piece of round bread, a type of food that even the most common villager on the upper mainland could afford to eat one bite of and throw it away. However, in this landfill, it was worth a few lives.

If you had gotten closer, you would have been able to sense the faint smell of grain. The pain the boy felt suddenly vanished. He carefully held on to this piece of bread, hardly believing that he had found such a treasure.

Was this a dream?

A drop of blood fell from his injury and dropped onto the bread. The boy yelped in alarm and hurriedly rubbed his hand on his body, wiping off all the blood and sweat. His sad face looked back at the bread, wearing an expression like a relic had been desecrated.

At that moment, the little boy’s stomach growled. It was like his stomach was expressing its desire. He tore off the part where the blood dripped on it, gathered his courage, and prepared to put it in his mouth.

But, his hand suddenly stopped halfway.

Outside of the barrel was a little girl who appeared from nowhere.

She was about 4-5 years old. Her face was so dark that not even a hint of skin color could be seen, but the its outline brought to attention the fact that she would be a stunning woman in the future. Her shining eyes looked at the bread in the boy’s hand.

(Puttty: kill her.)

The boy sat up, his right hand wielding a sharpened iron bar. In this place it was the most reasonable reaction: when someone saw another person’s food, there would be a death match.

The little girl didn’t escape, her two eyes still glued to the bread.

The little boy slowly put down the iron bar and thought for a while. Making a decision, he slowly tore the bread in halves and gave one to the girl.

The boy’s actions were very slow, his hand shaking, his forehead covered with sweat, and the wounds on his body protesting in pain.

But, at last, the bread reached the little girl’s hands.

The girl could not believe the sight before her. She grabbed the bread and rubbed her eyes, making sure it wasn’t a dream.

She then suddenly shoved it in her mouth. A piece of round bread bigger than her fist disappeared into her mouth without even three seconds pa.s.sing!

The little girl finished the bread and licked off the residue on her hands. Finally, she looked up, gathered her attention to the boy’s face for a while, and ran off as fast as she could.

The little boy was conflicted; he did not why he did that. Perhaps it was because the little girl’s pure eyes moved a certain emotion in him?

But then, what was this weird thing called feeling? The boy lay against the wall of the barrel, tore off a piece of bread the size of a nail, and put it in his mouth. He did not immediately swallow, but kept it in his mouth, savoring the fresh flavor.

At that moment, a girl’s voice traveled from outside his little nest “He has something delicious in his hands! You promised to give me half!”

The little boy’s heart dropped, he saw some big kids standing outside.




THAT b.i.t.c.h


Okay, that was long, 2 hours? There’s so many excessive things and it’s far longer and harder than GoT, whew.

This is a rather tragic type of fantasy, I hope it’s fantasy though, I think it is, it should be since it’s in the same genre as GoT in my app, it better be.

How long is this chapter anyways

Shinjoiu’s note: In the raws the term “Blood Moon” is literally “Fei Moon,” or “绯月.”Fei means something like dark red (as in a blood red) or, oddly enough, purple silk. So, after I complained to Puttty that it is hard to tell what is more correct, she said to ask you all. So, what is better? Fei Moon or Blood Moon?

Okay now this is the customary chapter of the week, yippe. I don’t think I will be doing this much cause it’s more time consuming and much harder than GoT, when you donate, please do include a note which novel you want to see, I will alternate between GoT and this for the customary chapters so yeah….

Though if you don’t say anything I will split the amount in half and put them to both GoT and this, meow.
