Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 336: 336 Bear-san Goes to the Orphanage and Noa’s House

Chapter 336: 336 Bear-san Goes to the Orphanage and Noa’s House

336 Bear-san Goes to the Orphanage and Noa’s House

I left Anzu’s shop and now I’m walking towards the orphanage.

I haven’t been in the orphanage since I came back from the desert. I have the big eggs as souvenirs, but I’m thinking of making them at a later date.

Today, the children who’re working in the shop haven’t seen it, and they can’t cook it. So I’m going to show them the big eggs as souvenirs while we’re at sea or when the shop is closed. Today is purely to report my return.

When I got near the orphanage, I saw some children running around energetically outside. Are they playing tag? I can see one chasing the others.

When one of them noticed me, they stopped playing and came to me running.

[Yuna-oneesan!] Child

[I haven’t come here for a while, but are you doing well?] Yuna

[Yup.] Child

When one child comes, the other children get together. Everyone was so delighted.

[Where is the director?] Yuna

[She’s over there.] Child

One of the children holds my Bear Puppet. Then, other children grabbed the other Bear Puppet, and they also held onto the Bear Costume. They’re so happy that I can’t shake them off. It’s a bit hard to walk, but I’m going to be patient and head into the orphanage.

When we entered the orphanage, the children showed me to the director. Well, the place where the director was always the same, but the children still guided me.

It’s a playroom for children. The director was frequent in this room along with the children. When we entered the room, I saw the director talking with the other children.

[Yuna-san?] Director

The director noticed me entered the room. And, the children who were with me, let go of me and went to the director. The director looked delighted to see such happy children.

After all, the director seems to be above me. Even the Bear Costume can’t win. To begin with, it is wrong to compare it with the director and Liz-san. They had a hard time taking care of orphaned children for many years. Just like a parent and a sister. Even if I dressed as a bear, I can’t beat them.

I walked towards the director who was sitting on the floor.

[Yuna-san, welcome back. I heard from Tirumina-san that you returned yesterday, but were you injured?] Director

[No, I’m not.] Yuna

I’m covered in Bear Armor, so I’ll never get injured. Maybe I would get hurt if I fought against a dragon. However, I might escape if it appears. Of course, I want to fight it, but my life is more important.

[Yuna-san. I know you’re an adventurer, but please don’t overdo it. If anything happens to Yuna-san, these children will be sad.] Director

The director said to me while patting the head of the child who’s sitting on her lap.

The director who does not know my strength was worried from the bottom of her heart. She’s a kind person.

I sat next to the director

[Did anything happened while I was away?] Yuna

[If you look at the faces of the children, you’ll see it.] Director

The director looks at the children in the room with a warm smile.

In the room, there are children who are enjoying themselves by reading picture books and holding the Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear plushies. There’s a child who’s sleeping comfortably while holding Swaying Bear plushie even though it’s very noisy inside the room.

[But the director does not let the children worry.] Yuna

The director is the type of person who makes a sad face when the children are not around, and she smiles whenever in front of children. Therefore, I cannot trust what the director just said.

[No, It’s not like that. Now I’m happy to be with the children like this.] Director

There is no problem if the director is really happy.

[Please let me know if there’s any problem.] Yuna

It doesn’t matter even if it’s a tiny problem. I have connections and money. (TC: words of a big syndicate’s boss.)

There’s Cliff and also the King who seems to be willing to lending me their power. The commercial guild and adventurer’s guild are also more likely to help me.

Though when I think about it, n.o.body will go against me now, isn’t it?

[Fufu, of course, I will.] Director

I and the director smiled at each other.

[By the way, Liz-san and Nifu-san are not here?] Yuna

At this time, the bird care should’ve been done. Liz-san should have free time right now. And, Nifu-san should’ve been in this room with the director.

[Tirumina-san asked us to prepare what we needed when we go to the sea, so they’ve gone shopping with the other children.] Director

The two of them were out shopping?

Certainly, there might be some necessary things for travel. I can provide food and housing, but they have to prepare their own clothes. There may be other things we need that I’m not aware of.

In my case, most of my things are already in the Bear Box, so I don’t have anything that I need to prepare.

[But are you really going to take all the children?] Director

[It’s my way of thanking all of you for always being serious about your work.] Yuna

[We’re able to keep working because of Yuna-san, we’re very grateful to you.] Director

I hear that a lot from Fina. Still, I’m grateful to them as well.

[Well, each person has different values in life. Please enjoy it as well director.] Yuna

[Thank you, Yuna-san.] Director

While I and the director are talking about the sea, a girl hugging a Hugging Bear plushie comes to me.

[Yuna-oneesan. Can I bring Bear-san with me?] Child

The girl asked me while hugging the Hugging Bear plushie. On the other hand, the director opened her mouth the moment I tried to say, .

[No, you can’t. We made a promised to keep our luggage few didn’t we?] Director

The director pays attention to the girl.

[But Bear-san.] Child

[Sensei… I want to bring mine too.] Child

[Me too……] Child

The children want to bring their Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear plushies, so they’re asking the director for permission.

The director was surrounded by children, and her expression was floating with embarra.s.sment.

[We need to have less luggage. And we’ll be back soon, so just be patient for a little while.] Director

[U~u.] Children

The children sadly hugged their plushies.

U wa~a, the faces of Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear plushies also became sad.

[Umm, director. It’s just a plushie.] Yuna

[But we have other luggage to take with us. It will cause trouble to Yuna-san if we bring too much.] Director

There are quite a few plushies in the orphanage. I’m not saying it’s one per person, but the girls and the little boys have it. If everyone were to bring their plushies with them, it would be quite a lot and it would become luggage in itself.

[Then, please use this. The plushies can fit in it.] Yuna

I gave an item bag to the director.

[Are you sure?] Director

[Please use it. I’m happy that they like the plush toys that I gave them.] Yuna

When I gave permission, the children became lively again. I’m glad that the gifts are being used, rather than getting shelved and forgotten somewhere. But I hope it won’t get tattered, though when you see the children playing with it, it’s kinda difficult to say that isn’t it?

After that, I killed some time at the orphanage for a while, but Liz-san and Nifu-san did not come back, so I decided to leave.

I left the orphanage and went to Noa’s house. Tirumina-san is the one who has an appointment, but if I go and see her she’ll say, or or something like that. (「くまさん成分が~~」)

[Yuna-san. Give me Bear-san’s essence!] Noa


She told me that as soon as I met her.

[Noa, are you studying properly?] Yuna

[I’m doing it. So I can also go to the sea. Sometimes I went to Yuna-san’s house to refill the Bear-san’s essence, but Yuna wasn’t there.] Noa

[No, Noa should have known. I went to the capital.] Yuna

[I thought you would be back sooner since you have the bears.] Noa

Well, I have Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, so I can go back and forth faster than any horse. But with the Bear Gate, it would be instantaneous.

For the time being, in order to replenish the Bear essence, I summoned Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear in cub form. Noah happily embraces Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

[U~u, I’m so happy.] Noa

For an aristocrat, it’s very cheap happiness. Though I can’t help but understand that feeling. Holding Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear makes me happy as well.

[So, why are you here today? Of course, Yuna-san is always welcome even if you don’t have anything to do here.] Noa

[Today we decided on the schedule for the seaside trip, so I thought I should make a report?] Yuna

[You have decided?] Noa

I told her the schedule of departure.

[We’re leaving at sunrise, so don’t be late.] Yuna

[I’ll do my best not to oversleep.] Noa

Noa holds her small hand tightly.

Well, in Noa’s case, there’s the reliable maid, Lala-san, so it’s okay.

[But if you lend me Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, I won’t be late.] Noa

[I won’t lend them to you.] Yuna

[That’s too bad.] Noa

While I’m talking to Noa, Cliff came into the room.

[Excuse me for a moment.] Cliff

[What’s wrong father?] Noa

[I would like to greet the bear because I will leave my daughter in her hands for quite some time.] Cliff

Cliff looks at me.

[If my daughter does something unsightly, you can scold her. If you do that, she’ll listen to you.] Cliff

[I won’t do that!] Noa

[If so, then don’t complain if the bears are taken by the other children.] Cliff

Cliff picks up Swaying Bear that Noa is holding. Noa reaches out, but Cliff moves away.

Swaying Bear cried .

[Father! Give him back please!] Noa

[Does the other children say the same thing when you do that?] Cliff

[That is……] Noa

[You have to be careful about your position and your words. Don’t forget that.] Cliff

Cliff gave Swaying Bear back to Noa.

[To us who are lords, the people of the city are the a.s.sets. Do not loathe them. If you hate them, it will come back to you. You are a good lord only if you are liked by the people.] Cliff

[I know that.] Noa

[All right, then. I know that you don’t make fun of people. But when it comes to bears, you must behave yourself.] Cliff

Cliff pats Noa’s head.

[U~u.] Noa

Noa also knew about it so she remained silent.

[If you don’t want to be hated by that girl Fina and the bears, remember to be patient.] Cliff

[I… I understand.] Noa

Noa is basically a good girl. But when it comes to bears, she’s a little……

Still, Cliff has a good view of Noa. It reminds me of the first time Noa met Fina.

or , or so she declared to Fina. Such a nostalgic scene.

[So Yuna, you can scold Noa if she did something like that.] Cliff

[Noa is fine. She’s a kind girl.] Yuna

[If the bears weren’t involved, I can trust it. However…] Cliff

Yeah… I guess so~.

But Noa’s love of bears, is it my fault?

When I saw Noa happily petting Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, well, maybe it was my fault.

Let’s hope that someday I will be able to separate her from the bears.