Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 337: k.u.ma ch 337 Hey, guys, I’m back with another k.u.ma chapter…

Chapter 337: k.u.ma ch 337 Hey, guys, I’m back with another k.u.ma chapter…

k.u.ma ch 337

Hey, guys, I’m back with another k.u.ma chapter…

Sorry for the delays, I’ve been very busy this past few days after the lockdown was lifted… I’ve been busy with mundane tasks like car maintenance, etc. Now that we’re back to normal or should I say New normal, we’re going back to the usual schedule of 1 k.u.ma per week and Kaoru in between…

The virus is not over, so stay safe everyone. (^^)/


337 Bear-san, Making Ice Cream.

Cliff left the room, saying he still had a job to do.

I’m drinking the tea Lala-san served while watching Noa playing with Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

Noa holds their paws, touched their ears, touched their tail, and stroke their heads.

This life is the best.

Time to relax.

[Oh right. Yuna-san, I have a request.] Noa

[Yeah? What is it? I will not give you Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.] Yuna

[Of course, I want Swaying Bear-chan and Hugging Bear-chan, but that’s not it. Don’t a.s.sume that my requests are only about Bear-san.] Noa

Eh, I was wrong?

But I wouldn’t say it because the conversation won’t progress if I do so.

[So, what is it?] Yuna

[Is it okay if I invite Misa to the sea? I don’t think that she had ever seen the sea either. That’s why I want to take her with us.] Noa

That was an unexpected request. Certainly, it’ll be a shame if I don’t include Misa in the three-little girls + one Shuri. (ちびっ子三人組+一人シュリ)

I was good friends with her in the royal capital and she invited me to a birthday party.

Also, even if I add one or two more people, it doesn’t change anything.

[Sure, no problem.] Yuna

[Really? Thank you. Then I’ll write a letter now.] Noa

Noa gladly released Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, and prepared a pen and a piece of paper to start writing a letter.

But, Misa? I wonder if Gran-san will be with her because she can’t come alone. Her parents wouldn’t come after all.

Ah, it doesn’t make sense if Marina’s party were not the ones escorting Misa when she comes here. If that happens, the number of girls will increase.

If Gil came along, it would become like an event from harem mangas and novels.

But what about the reality?

If it’s the opposite situation, if it’s one girl and the others are men, it’ll become a dangerous situation rather than a reverse harem. (TC: gang ba.. ahem)

To be clear, it’ll only become more dangerous. But are they happy because they have different genders?

There should be no girls who attack men, right?

……I don’t know.

While I’m praying that no other extras will tag along, I watched Noa write a letter.

[I’m done writing. I’ll ask Lala to send it.] Noa

Noa darted out of the room, perhaps Noa wants to send her letter as soon as possible.

Then, after Noa handed the letter, she came back along with Cliff, they told me to .

She asked him if we can take Misa with us, but Noa’s voice seems apologetic.

[Think about Yuna’s troubles a little.] Cliff

[But Misa also wanted to see the sea.] Noa

[You…] Cliff

Cliff was astounded.

[Don’t be so angry, there’s no problem with it, also it’s my way of thanking Misa for inviting me to the birthday party.] Yuna

[What are you talking about? That was Old Gran and Misana’s way of thanking you, so you can’t thank them for that.] Cliff

Well, there were various things, but it can’t be helped.

[Well hey, I was called to the birthday party.] Yuna

[Anytime you were called to a birthday party, it was because they were grateful to you, that should be the end of it.] Cliff

That’s true. That’s why we invited everyone and not only Misa.

[Well, she’ll love to see Fina as well, so just forgive her already.] Yuna

Cliff seems to be convinced of what I said.

The next day, Fina and Shuri came to my house to deliver the eggs, so I caught them. Then, the two children who have been captured were invited into the Bear House.

[It’s so hot today. Isn’t it hot for you Yuna-oneesan?] Fina

Fina asked me while wiping the sweat on her forehead.

My appearance is the usual Bear Costume that looks hot. In that regard, Fina and Shuri were dressed in light clothes and were cool and cute.

[As I said before, it’s special clothes.] Yuna

[But Yuna-oneechan it’s so cool in here.] Shuri

If you don’t open the windows, the Bear House will always keep the temperature right. So you can live in the snow or in the desert.

[Here, have cold water.] Yuna

I prepared cold water for the two children walking outside.

[Thank you.] Fina

[Thank you.] Shuri

The two of them drank plenty of water.

[So, are you free today?] Yuna

[Yes, I have nothing to do. Maybe you have a dismantling job for me?] Fina

[Oh, yes, but today is a different matter.] Yuna

I’d like to ask her to dismantle the Scorpion, but today is no good.

[A different matter?] Fina

Actually, I’m thinking of making ice cream before going to the sea. You can eat it while riding on the Bear Bus or at the hot seash.o.r.e. I want to feed it to the children.

[I’m going to make cold sweets today, so I’m going to have you help me.] Yuna

Nevertheless, I have to make a lot for everyone when we go to Mereera. If you think of it as one per person for several times, it will become a huge number. It’s kinda lonely to silently make it by myself. I miss the lonely-pudding-making in the royal capital.

But this time it’s not a food for royalty, so you can get them to help me. However, Flora-sama may eat the ice cream I made.

But let’s not talk about that.

[Is it a cold snack?] Fina

[Yeah, when we go to the sea, I’m thinking about eating it together.] Yuna

[A shaved ice?] Fina

[No. A food called ice cream.] Yuna

I did some research (Crimonia only), there was something like a shaved ice, but no ice cream.

[I want to eat shaved ice.] Shuri

Shuri spoke in a small voice.

[Shuri, do you want to eat shaved ice?] Yuna

[……Un.] Shuri

I can make as much shaved ice as she likes. Just shave the ice and sprinkle with syrup.

And so I prepared plates, I made ice and used wind magic to sc.r.a.pe the ice. With the sound of , the finely shaved ice acc.u.mulated on the plates.

Finally, sprinkle it with fruit jam, honey, and sweet syrup. There is no syrup such as lemon, melon, strawberry, or Blue-Hawaii like in my former world. So I’m just sprinkling jam or sweets on it.

After I prepared the shaved ice, they started eating it deliciously.

[This is shaved ice!] Shuri

[Have you never eaten it?] Yuna

[Yes, this is my first time, after… Umm… until last year, my mom…] Shuri

So it was. They had no father, and their mother, Tirumina-san, was bedridden. And living every day back then was hard, they had no money to buy shaved ice.

[You can eat as much as you like. I’ll make as much as you want.] Yuna

[Thank you.] Fina

[Cold and delicious.] Shuri

The two eat the shaved ice deliciously.

A few minutes later…

[Yuna-oneesan, it’s cold.] Fina

[Yuna-oneechan, my stomach hurts a little.] Shuri

The two were eating too much shaved ice, making them feel cold and getting stomachache.

[You ate too much. Look at both of you. Here warm-up with tea.] Yuna

[Thank you.] Fina

[Thank you.] Shuri

It’s bad to make them eat it, but when I saw them eating it deliciously… It’s my bad habit of wanting to give them more. That’s why Tirumina-san said, (「ユナちゃんはフィナとシュリに甘い」)

Both the director and Cliff made the same expression when I’m giving sweets to the children in the orphanage and being too soft to Noa.

Maybe it’s because you have a lot of experience in , but it seems that if you like yourself, you’ll get sweeter.

(TN: No idea about this: ボッチ経験が長かったせいか、自分を好いてくれると甘くなるみたいだ。)

Maybe I don’t want to be hated, so I think that’s what happened.

I try to a.n.a.lyze my own behavior so far.

Even if I try to cure it, I couldn’t. I gave up on it, thinking that this is me.

After that, we rest until the two are in good shape.

After resting for a while, the two got up. It’s a secret, but I used a little magic.

[So, you’re ready to make cold sweets, right?] Yuna

[Yuna-oneechan. Is it delicious?] Shuri

[If you make it well, it’ll become delicious. For the time being, I will make you remember how to make it, so please do your best.] Yuna

[Un!] Shuri

[Understood.] Fina

The two replied energetically.

However, whether it is delicious depends on how well it is made.

The task is easy to remember, but the problem is the amount. I can’t remember the number of eggs, milk, and sugar because my memory is vague.

If I have a computer here, I can check it in one shot, but there is no way to ask for something that is not there. I will make it using the information in my vague memory today.

But I should be able to make it with the correct amount of sugar. It should be okay if I add milk while mixing it with eggs.

There is no choice but to bet on the Bear’s Intuition.

First, prepare egg yolk, milk, and sugar. It’ll be basic ice cream.

Put a few egg yolks in a bowl and stir. The problem is the amount of sugar, but I don’t remember it. For the time being, I, Fina, and Shuri are mixing it in varying amounts and adjusting it appropriately. Then add the milk and mix.

Then put it in the freezer.

[Yuna-oneesan, is this all right?] Fina

[Once it’s frozen, it’s complete. Though, I don’t remember how much we’re doing.] Yuna

For that purpose, the three people changed the amount while making it.

Also, there must have been a way to make ice cream from fresh cream. I also make cakes, so it might be easier for me to make a lot of them.

I’m going to give Fina and Shuri a little bit of time to change the way they make ice cream, then adjust the amount of sugar when we make another batch of ice cream. The cooling time should have been one hour at the earliest, and up to five or six hours long.

Well, I can check that from time to time.

[Ahh… Shuri. Don’t lick the cream.] Fina

[I’m sorry,] Shuri

Shuri ate the cream made by me. Fina noticed it.

[Look, there’s some cream on your mouth.] Fina

Fina took out a handkerchief and wiped Shuri’s mouth. They really are good sisters.

While watching those two, I concentrate on making ice cream.

Then I tried some of those ice cream. There’s time to set and you can’t tell which one can be delicious without tasting it. For the time being, I will try to make many variations.

[Can I mix it Yuna-oneechan?] Shuri

[Just a little.] Yuna

We tried adding fruit that tastes like orange, adding other fruits, trying tea that is similar to matcha, and trying different flavors of ice cream. To be honest, I don’t know which one will succeed. The difficulty is not knowing the quant.i.ty.

[Shuri, you’re putting too much sugar!] Yuna

For a moment, Shuri tried to add more sugar.

I can’t help but be too sweet to the children, but it’s not good to put in too much.

[And don’t forget to make a note of the amount of ice cream you made.] Yuna

And while making various ice cream, the batch of ice cream we made at the beginning hardens.

[Well, let’s taste it.] Yuna

[Yes.] Fina

[Yehey~] Shuri

We first tested the ice cream that I made.

Yeah, it’s delicious. It’s delicious.

[It melts in my mouth. It’s strange.] Fina

[It’s delicious.] Shuri

Both of them happily ate it.

Next, we tried the ice cream made by Shuri.

It’s too sweet.

[Shuri. I think you added a lot of sugar.] Yuna

[Because the sweeter the better.] Shuri

Well, Shuri’s ice cream was too sweet, but it also tastes good. Today we had various ice cream making and tasting parties. The ice cream, which has not yet set, is to be tested tomorrow.

And I plan to make a lot of delicious ice cream from the ones I made today.

I hope it tastes good.

Author’s Note:

And that’s why Misa will join.

I referred to how to make simple ice cream. (Please note that it was not how it actually made.)

But I wrote shaved ice properly. I don’t know if it’s delicious though.

Is it the oyster ice of Azuki? (あとはあずきのカキ氷かな?)