Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 406 The Last Moment

Chapter 406 The Last Moment

“Hey, did you hear about it? The immortal has left the message. The earlier we clean the corpses, the earlier we can have the porridge this morning.”

In the shack, two old ladies in tattered clothes are whispering. A sleeping person beside them wakes up immediately.

“Can we also have porridge today?”

One old lady nods and the man kowtows again and again to praise the merciful fairy. He asks the two old ladies who got up so early and knows that the immortal has made big pits in eight directions of the city overnight. She asks people to bury dead people there and then burn them together to prevent the epidemic from spreading again.

This person is somewhat knowledgeable. He is very appreciative of Lin Luoran’s opinion so he stands up and joins the team carrying dead bodies.

There are bodies of ten thousand people and even eight large pits are not enough. Lin Luoran stands tall on the wall. When she sees one full pit, she will throw down a fireball and lights those dead bodies.

The fire of the five elements is far beyond ordinary fire which is used to burn wood. There is no smell of burning corpses along the road and those corpses soon turn into ashes in the flames.

Everyone is united and things are all done before noon.

On the street of the mansion house, there are more than a hundred big pots. Just like last night, it’s porridge again. However, today is fruit porridge. Apple, banana and mango can all be diced and made into porridge. Lin Luoran has kept much fruit in s.p.a.ce and now she can finally use them.

These fruits contain a touch of Reiki, which is the best for patients. She has been enjoying the magical air here and she feels fine to give these fruits to ordinary people.

The fruit fragrance is mixed with medicinal fragrance. Gastrodia elata can be harvested overnight. Lin Luoran pulverizes it together with other herbs and then adds it to the porridge so that she doesn’t have to bother to make medicine soup.

A dose of medicine a day for three continuous days can ease the symptoms of the plague.

Lin Luoran looks at the women who are still busy in the backyard or serving porridge. They are much more diligent than she expects and haven’t rested last night. She can only rely on these a hundred people to walk all over Shen City and feed infected people in a coma medicine porridge. Otherwise, some of them will not survive last night.

Many people have already cried secretly after tasting the fragrance of the medicine in the fruit porridge.

If serving porridge is just to make them feel better, then now it is really curing the disease.

A warm feeling flows to their limbs and bones after the medicine works. Immortals have extraordinary power but the spirit medicine is not all over the streets. They can enjoy it only because the female immortal is very generous.

If Lin Luoran can read people’s mind, she will be surprised by the wisdom of ordinary people.

For rescuing a group of ordinary strangers, she even uses two ginsengs of thousands of years to supplement their resistance to the virus. If cultivators in the world of cultivation know it, they will feel indignant.

Even if Lin Luoran owns a lot of property, she should also have the spirit of sacrifice.

There are many heartless rich people. In the meantime, someone who helps students in the villages secretly sometimes may not be one of the rich.

It has nothing to do with property. Saving money feels very good. However, how many people can give away their property to do good things?

One day in Lin Luoran’s s.p.a.ce is comparable to one year in the reality. Even so, ginsengs of thousands of years were still planted at the beginning of her personal ability enhancement. They must be the earliest batch which were planted more than ten years ago. Except for those used to make elixirs, most of spirit medicine of many years are left for the Lin family.

These are the only two best ginsengs left in her hands.

Lin Luoran still has to plant more gastrodia elata in s.p.a.ce so she flashes into s.p.a.ce.

Ximei and her brother wake up and have two bowls of porridge obediently. Ximei doesn’t see her nice Sister Lin and the seventh prince Sang Ye is the only one she knows in the mansion house.

Seeing two young children approaching him, even Sang Ye can not stay indifferent.

Because of the cyan phoenix birthmark, he was sent out of the palace since childhood. His parents were both alive but his life is no different from an orphan’s. This little girl named Ximei and her brother are now also orphans…

Three days for a Bearing Essence cultivator with long lifespan are just like a minute which may slip away immediately.

But for those struggling for survival and fighting against the plague, they have more courage to face tomorrow as their fever gets better and their red spots disappear.

It is totally different from how they were waiting to die before. They are looking forward to the next meal, to being cured, and to survival.

With hope, there are fewer and fewer troublemakers in the city. The bad guys won’t suddenly be nice but they know that this is not the time for them to make trouble.

Nothing happens. After having porridge, they can only gather together and have chitchat.

At the beginning, they are just talking about how delicious the porridge is. Something like you eat mushrooms, I eat cuc.u.mber, or the weather is good.

Then they talk about each other’s hometown and whether their families have survived the plague. They all shed tears in the end.

But always talking about these things is kind of boring. When these infected people, most of whom are farmers, small businessmen, or the poor in the city, get energy and time, they are actually more curious and want to talk about where the immortal who spends a lot of effort to save these 20,000 or 30,000 people comes from.

They don’t even know her Taoist name so they can’t repay her for saving them even just by incense in the future. How can they feel at ease?

Of course people outside the city are also looking forward to knowing the situation in the city.

Especially the General who acts against the order and delays burning the city. Three days have pa.s.sed since Lin Luoran made a speech to save so many people. The eunuch in the palace supervising the army has repeatedly urged him to do it. He doesn’t even believe the “immortal” that the General is talking about.

This General, surnamed Zhang, has already made many contributions and become a threat to the monarchy. Otherwise, he would not be sent to the front line and ordered to do evil things like burning a city. The eunuch is the best at figuring out the king’s thoughts. In the face of General Zhang’s nice explanation, he still makes things difficult for him.

The night of the third day comes as scheduled but it’s hard to find the immortal.

The eunuch’s voice is like screaming, “General Zhang, do you want to defy the imperial order?”

“I don’t have that nerve. However, I can only follow the immortal’s order.”

The eunuch sneers. Immortal? Where is that immortal?

Some lieutenants are gritting their teeth stealthily. They don’t know if they should persuade the general to follow the order or fight for a chance to survive for the civilians in the city. It’s just that the sky is dark and now it’s the last day. The immortal in white hasn’t done anything since she showed herself three days ago.

The city is very quiet. If it were not for the tung oil lamps hanging under the eaves of the mansion house being lit one by one every night, they might suspect that Shen City has actually become a dead city.

Did the immortal break her promise and fail to save these 20,000 or 30,000 people?

Well, after all, it is not two or three people, nor two or three hundred people, nor two or three thousand people… Even she is an immortal, it is still a fantasy to save twenty or thirty thousand people at the same time, isn’t it?

General Zhang feels sorry. The eunuch keeps talking and urging him to take the order and burn the city. General Zhang is under great pressure.

The king of Ying doesn’t believe in him long ago and he doesn’t even have to make mistakes. As long as there is an excuse, something bad will definitely happen to the Zhang family.

For the sake of so many civilians, he can choose to die.

However, there are hundreds of people in the Zhang family and his first grandson just had his baby party a few days ago.

He frowns. It is a struggle of conscience and selfishness.

The eunuch seems to see the clues. He sneers a few times and goes straight to the outside. He chooses a high place and takes out a yellow silk scroll from his arms. He then reads the secret order.

General Zhang has lost the right to manage 30,000 soldiers!

The eunuch holds the decree high and his shrill voice spreads far away at night, “All soldiers, listen to me! Burn the city immediately! Burn the city immediately! ”

General Zhang retreats desperately. He seems to be ten years older now.

The arrows with fire oil are shot into Shen City. The city walls are combustible and the buildings in the city are all made of wood. The weather in Ying is very hot and the wooden boards are extremely dry. The burning speed is not much slower than that of the city walls splashed with fire oil.

In Shen City which is supposed to be a dead city, the hustle and bustle, the cry for help, the scolding, and the crying intertwine with each other. People are asking soldiers to stop shooting arrows… How is it possible? Fires are developing.

The eyes of civilians who are kept in captivity like pigs all turn red. They are very sad and angry and they are shedding tears.

Inside the raging fire wall, there are their loved ones!

It’s fine if they have been dead. Listening to the noise, it is clear that most of them are still very alive and energetic. Their relatives must have been saved by the immortal. They are not killed by the plague but burned alive!

“I will kill you!”

Civilians with red eyes rush forward. It’s not like the rich making troubles before. Such kind of deep grief resonates in people’s hearts. The soldiers are holding sharp swords. They obviously outnumber civilians outside the city by three to one but they are forced to retreat because of these living people.

Because they feel so guilty!

Gathering together, the anger of the civilians can also make people panic.

The conflict is on the verge and the eunuch is slashed with a shot by General Zhang who hears the noise and comes out.

Immortal breaks her promise, eunuch deceives people, and the conflict between civilians and soldiers is about to break out. General Zhang does not allow the swords made by his own country to be used on his own people!

At this last moment, the only way left is to save themselves.

He wants to make everyone quiet. If they break the city gate, he can still organize to save people. As soon as he looks up, it suddenly rains without warning. In fact, it is not without any signs. The mansion house had a flash of light before, but everyone was emotional and did not notice it.

General Zhang looks up and sees a white shadow floating above Shen City.

The rain doesn’t come from the sky but from the woman’s fingertips. Light is circulating. From far away, he can’t see her face clearly but he can still feel her compa.s.sion and mercy.

The conflict and the restlessness in the city now totally stop. It’s like an agreement and the people inside and outside the city all keep silent.

—Hot oil floats on the water. Can the rain she creates extinguish the fire?