Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1659 - Destroying the Formation

Chapter 1659 - Destroying the Formation

Myriad city suddenly fell quiet. Whether it was the dragon cries or wind howls, all of it was gone.

The sea wind blew and the fire spread through the entire city rapidly. It whooshed away, perhaps from the wind or the fire. Crackling explosions erupted in between, turning into a sea of fire!

The Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes towered above the sea of fire, swaying within the black smoke and waves of heat. It seemed like it could collapse at any moment, yet also as if it would never move.

The Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes had eight entrances facing the four cardinal and intercardinal directions, corresponding to the eight trigrams, “qian”, “kun”, “kan”, “li”, “yi”, “zhen”, “gen” and “dui”.

By now, three of the gates were already in ruins, about to collapse at any moment. They were the southern, northeastern, and southeastern gates. The knuckle prints on the gates were clearly discernible, corresponding to the three trigrams that the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance had used against Li Qingshan. It was as if they would swing wide open from the slightest force, letting him into the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes.

However, as Li Qingshan was swallowed by the water, the knuckle prints on the gates gradually faded away as the cracks closed up at a visible rate. The southern gate was even close to complete repair.

The attribute of the south was fire, corresponding to the “li” trigram. It was the first gate that Li Qingshan had taken down.

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Just like that, unless Li Qingshan took down all eight gates at the same time and removed all of the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance’s options, he could forget about breaking into the place.

But given the current situation, that was clearly impossible! Right when he began taking down the fourth gate, the first gate had almost fully repaired. They were enough to continuously cycle on like this.

As it turned out, the direct disciples were merely p.a.w.ns. The All-encompa.s.sing Formation of the Myriad was the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance’s true chessboard. The further Li Qingshan advanced, the more powerful he would find the formation to be.

And that was under the circ.u.mstances when his powers were great with sufficient preparation. If it had been any other Human Immortal, they probably would have been swallowed by the fire dragon already.

Even with his numerous transformations of the demonic and divine, the spiritual qi was endless, while the beads on him only diminished. Only a handful remained.

“Li Qingshan, no matter what you’re capable of, you can forget about breaching my formation!”

The Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance’s tremendous, icy-cold voice echoed out from the black water that was just as tremendous and icy-cold.

Li Qingshan felt like he had returned to Ruin’s End. The depths, the darkness, the coldness, the loneliness. There was no sky or earth. He had swum around in it alone for who knew how long, so long that he almost lost all of his memories.

But at that moment, he sensed a Ruin’s End that was even more hostile. The piercing coldness m…

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