Life In Another World

Chapter 1

Early in the Morning, Sunrise is one of the most special times of the day.

While each and everyone gets up on their bed, seeing the sunlight come through their window, reminds us of the beginning of a new day.

In the Hachijo-Dori St. Kyoto Apartment.

Kirohoshi was in a deep sleep.

`Beep! Beep! Beep!` The continuous sound of the alarm clock awakens Kirohoshi from his deep slumber.

"... Yawn." Kirohoshi releases a morning sigh.

He moves his right hand, reaching out to the alarm clock to turn it off.

"Huuu... Good Morning."

Yes, My name Is Kirohoshi, Kiro means, Strong and Dependable, while Hoshi means Star. I"m 18 years of age this year, and I live here in Kyoto. When I started my senior high school days, I had already moved out of my parent"s house to live Independently.

I enjoy the life of being Independent, away from my parent"s nagging, I can even come home late at night, playing video games with my old school mates till dawn. Having Karaoke with my schoolmates without a worry.

Yep, I am living a blissful life. But every good thing has Its own ending.

My current daily routine now was reading a text-book for my upcoming college exam. Morning until the evening I dedicated most of my time for reviewing. Well reading a book wasn"t enough, I even attended a cram school just to be prepared for my upcoming examination.

Like any other person at my age, We"re busy preparing to take our college examination. Unlike before that we still have time to hang out until midnight. But right now, we put all of our efforts just to get accepted for a good university, like our life was on the line.

Getting up from my bed, stretching out my limbs for thirty seconds to have proper blood circulation. I couldn"t neglect my health even If I was busy preparing for my examination day. It would be a pity If I failed to get into the University just because of a few negligences.

Facing the mirror, I washed my face, brushed my teeth. Grab a slice of bread, while reheating the morning coffee that I prepared last night.

After eating breakfast I took a quick shower, dressing up myself as quickly as possible.

Once everything Is done, grabbing my small shoulder bag as I go out of my unit.

"... I"m heading out."

Even though I live here alone. The daily routine habit that I"ve been doing ever since my childhood wasn"t something I could easily cast aside.



What a hectic day, who would"ve thought that after coming inside the cla.s.sroom, that d.a.m.nable professor of ours would give us a mock exam. Is he trying to kill us to death? Haaa~

"Hey, Twinkle Star!" (???)


Kiro pretends that he didn"t hear a thing.

"Hey! ... I"m calling you." (???)

"What Is it?" (Kiro)

The one who only has guts to call me `Twinkle Star` was no other than my old cla.s.smate since Middle School.

She is Akira, even though her look is above average, her mesmerizing almond eye, Silky chestnut hair with the combination of her good body proportions.

Any man would willing to pay any price just to have her attention.

If It wasn"t for her tomboyish behavior she could"ve been the most popular girl In our school.

"Hehe~ come on don"t be mad, are you still not used to being called twinkle star?" (Akira)

"If you keep calling me like that, I"ll ignore you for the rest of the days from the upcoming week." (Kiro)

The reason why that horrible, horrible pet name is born, It was because of her. If It wasn"t for the fact she misheard my name before, I wouldn"t have this lame nickname.

"So what?" (Kiro) asked In annoyance.

"I was wondering If you have any plans this evening, you know, It"s been a while since we had fun, I was going to invite you for a karaoke." (Akira)

If It was before, Kiro will probably agree without a second thought.

But right now, he knows his sense of priority.

"Nah, I"ll pa.s.s this time, you guys should stop playing around you know? We are already at the stage of our life, where we should know our sense of priority." (Kiro)

"Waaah~ how boring you"ve become Kiirooo!~ Did the textbook eat your brain or something?" (Akira)

"Well Nevermind, If you don"t want to go just say it, you don"t need to reprimand me like an old man." (Akira) pouted.


On the way back home, It was already dark outside, the time of busiest hour at night.

Walking down to the street up until I reach my 1DK Apartment.

Looking at the building that barely stands, reminds me of the good times I have from this place. Even though this building was on the verge of collapsing, I still choose to live here. You could say it was because of the sentimental value? I guess so, probably It was because this is the place where I gain my Independence.

"Haah~" (Kiro) gives a reminisce sigh.

Going Inside my unit, I threw myself into the bed out of exhaustion.

Reaching out my Smartphone and I saw multiple spam messages from Akira.

`Idiot, Idiot Kiro, I hope you have fun with your book!"

That"s what Inside of the message.

"Hehehe..." (Kiro) Gives a bitter laugh, then throws out his phone on the bed.

Even though he wanted to come and have fun, his mind is occupied for his studies and the pressure of the upcoming university examination. He would be likely lying to himself if he says that he didn"t want to go and have fun with his friends and acquaintances.

He is a human too.

There was a time when he almost had a mental breakdown from the pressure and promised himself that he will go out to have a party for three days and two nights straight after pa.s.sing the exam.

Suddenly a sound of notification could be heard.


"Huh? what Is it?" (Kiro) Reach out his smartphone on his bed and saw a doubtful notification that appears on his phone screen.

`Congratulation! You"ve won the prize of your life~!"

Looking at the silly pop-up notification, out of curiosity, Kiro clicked the notification ads.

`Ting~! You successfully pa.s.sed the challenge~!"

"Huh? pa.s.sed what?" (Kiro) looks confused at the message he saw from his smartphone.

Then a blinding ray of white light covers his entire room, as Kiro"s consciousness escapes from his body.