Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 28: Coins That Take Lives

Xiao Li Fei Dao (Duo Qing Jian Ke Wu Qing Jian)

Chapter 28: Coins That Take Lives

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

After a long time, a sound of du, du, du, du� came from down the street, the sound monotonous and sullen.

Yet this sound coming at this time of the night has an eerie feel to it, as if pounding everyone抯 heart with a stick.

Du, du, du� almost can drive people insane.

The four yellow-robed men looked at each, then stood up together.

In the darkness of the night appeared a shadow of a man.

This man抯 left leg is broken, he抯 using a crutch.

As the dim light in the shop shine on the man抯 face, one sees disorganized hair everywhere, face black as a kettle, filled with cuts.

Triangle eyes[don抰 know what this means], big eyebrows, huge nose, huge mouth, a face ridiculously ugly even without the cuts.

Anyone would be disgusted by this sight.

Yet the four yellow-robed men simply went up to him, and bowed.

The one-legged man waved them off.

Du, du, du� the man walked into the shop.

Hunchback Sun saw that he抯 also wearing a yellow robe, gold strips down the side of his robe.

The thin man also saw him coming in, his expression changed.

That ponytailed girl had long turned her head away, afraid to look at him.

The one-legged man scanned the room, his eyes brightened a bit when he got to the thin man, then said to the others, 揧ou抳e been working hard.�

Although he looks scary, his voice is very nice.

The four yellow-robed men said together, 揑t抯 nothing.�

The one-legged man said, 揟hey抮e all here?�

A yellow-robed man said, 揟otal of forty-nine people. All here.�

The one-legged man said, 揂re you certain they抮e here for that thing?�

The old yellow-robed man said, 揑 have confirmed this. They all came within the last three days, so it must be for that. Or why else would they come here?�

The one-legged man nodded, said, 揑t抯 fine as long as you抳e thoroughly investigated them, so we don抰 want to hurt any innocents.�

The old yellow-robed man said, 揙f course.�

The one-legged man said, 揝o do these people understand?�

The old yellow-robed man said, 揘ot yet.�

The one-legged man said, 揟hen we should make them understand.�


He walked out the door, then said, 揑抦 sure everyone here knows who we are. As for your intentions for coming here, we also know that quite well.�

He continued, 揑 believe you all received the same letter, and that抯 why you all came.�

Those people can抰 nod, and they抮e afraid that they may say the wrong words. So no one responded.

The yellow-robed old man said, 揃ut considering your abilities, you don抰 deserve to come. That抯 why you抮e all standing here. Until we抮e finished with our business, to insure everyone抯 safety, just stand still, and no harm will come to you.�

He chuckled, 揑抦 sure everyone knows, that unless we absolutely have to, we won抰 hurt anyone.�

When he said this, someone suddenly coughed.

That person is Hu Mei.

Because she doesn抰 want to make her waist look big, she抎 rather freeze than to wear thicker clothing. This is a bad habit that most women share.

Not only did she wear very little, there just happened to be a lot of wind outside today, plus she抯 standing in the front, getting the brunt of the wind. No wonder she caught a cold.

As she sneezed, the coin on her head dropped to the ground.

Only to hear a clank sound, as the coin hit the ground and rolled away. Not only did her face turn pale, so did everyone else抯.

The yellow-robed old man said, 揇o you know our rules?�

Hu Mei stuttered, 揧� Yes.�

The yellow-robed old man shook his head. 揟hen you really should be more careful.�

Hu Mei抯 whole body shook. 揑t was an accident. Please spare me.�

The yellow-robed old man said, 揑 also know it was an accident, but I can抰 break the rules. Who would follow the rules if people can keep breaking them? You抳e been around the block, you should know this.�

Hu Mei turned around, looking at Hu Fei. 揃ig brother, you� won抰 help me out?�

Hu Fei closed his eyes, his muscles stiffened, 揥hat can I do?�

Hu Mei smiled. 揑 know�. I won抰 blame you.�

Her eyes moved towards Yang Cheng Zu, 揥hat about you, little Yang? I抦 about to leave, don抰 you have something you want to say to me?�

Yang Cheng Zu抯 eyes simply stared down on the ground, without an expression.

Hu Mei said, 揧ou won抰 even look at me?�

Yang Cheng Zu closed his eyes.

Hu Mei suddenly laughed, pointing at Yang Cheng Zu. 揈veryone, look at this. This is my lover. Last night he told me, as long as I love him, he抯 willing to die for me. But now? Now he won抰 even look at me, as if looking at me will give him a disease厰

Her laughter gradually died down, but tears rolled down her eyes. 揥hat is affection? What is love? What do I have to live for mow? It really is better to die now than to go on living.�

When she said this, her body suddenly rolled on the ground, quickly covered several yards, releasing numerous Ice Stars as she rolled, all flying towards the yellow-robed old man.

Her body levitated quickly, trying to get over the wall.

Hu Mei抯 specialties are hidden weapons and lightness kung fu, her abilities in these areas really are quite excellent, firing many stars, each quick, accurate, and deadly!

The yellow-robed old man simply raised his eyebrows a bit, then said, 揥hy do you bother厰

He might walk and talk slowly, but he certainly can move very fast. When he finished the sentence, he had captured all the Ice Stars into his sleeves.

As Hu Mei tried to get over the wall, she felt a huge amount of energy rushing towards her, causing her to crash into the wall, then dropped to the ground, all parts of her body started to bleed.

The yellow-robed man said, 揧ou could抳e had a painless death, but unfortunately厰

Hu Mei抯 hand held her chest, coughing continuously, coughing blood.

The yellow-robed man said, 揃ut before you die, I can grant you a wish.�

Hu Mei asked, 揟his is also one of your rules?�


揘o matter what I ask for, you抣l do it?�

The old man said, 揑f you have some unfinished business, we can do it for you. If you need revenge, we抣l carry out the revenge for you!�

He chuckled, then said, 揝o anyone who dies in our hands can be considered quite lucky.�

Hu Mei抯 eyes suddenly brightened, said, 揝ince I must die, can I choose someone to kill me?�

The yellow-robed old man said, 揟hat should be no problem. Who do you have in mind?�

Hu Mei bit her lips, then said, 揌im, Yang Cheng Zu!�

Yang Cheng Zu抯 face immediately became pale, said, 揥hat抯 the meaning of this? Do you want to kill me?�

Hu Mei said, 揂lthough you only pretended to have feelings for me, I actually do have feelings for you. As long as I die in your hands, I抣l die a happy person.�

The yellow-robed man said, 揑t抯 easy to kill someone, don抰 tell me you抳e never killed before.�

He moved his hand a bit, a knife came out. Then he walked over and gave it to Yang Cheng Zu. 揟his knife is very sharp. It won抰 need a second slice to kill someone.�

Yang Cheng Zu instinctively shook his head, said, 揑 don抰厰

Just as he said those words, the coin on his head dropped to the ground and rolled away.�

Yang Cheng Zu抯 whole body stiffened.

Hu Mei began to laugh without abandon. 揧ou told me, if I died, you would not live on. Now you really are going to die with me. At least you still have a shred of conscience left.�

Yang Cheng Zu started to shake, and then suddenly yelled, 揧ou *****! You heartless厰

He immediately grabbed that knife, walked over and sliced off Hu Mei抯 head, blood pouring on his body.

He finally calmed down, raised his head back up.

Everyone just stared at him coldly.

Yang Cheng Zu stomped the ground with his feet, then cut his own throat with the same knife, his body falling on top of Hu Mei抯.

Now Hunchback Sun knows why those people walk and stand in such a weird way.

These yellow-robed men抯 rules are not just scary, but also uncalled-for.

That thin man didn抰 seem to care at all, as if this sort of thing happens all the time.

At this time, the one-legged man stood up, walked over to that thin man抯 table, sitting down across from him.

The thin man slowly raised his head, staring at him intently.

They did not speak, but Hunchback Sun felt that something big is going to happen.

These two people抯 eyes are like knives, trying to stab the other抯 heart.

After who knows how long, the one-legged man smiled.

His smile is very unique, very strange. It can make people forget just how ugly he is, because it feels so warm and tender.

He said with a smile, 揑 know who you are now.�

The thin man said, 揜eally?�

The one-legged man said, 揑 bet you know who we are too.�

揑n the past two years, I抎 a.s.sume that there aren抰 many people who don抰 know you.�

The one-legged man chuckled, then took out a letter.

This looks like a regular letter, but Hunchback Sun couldn抰 help but want to know what抯 in it.

The one-legged man said, 揑 bet you came all the way here because of this letter too, right?�

The thin man said, 揗aybe�

The one-legged man said, 揊rom what I heard, over a hundred people received this letter, but no one knows who wrote it. Despite much investigation, I could not get any leads.�

The thin man said, 揑f you can抰 find any info about it, then no one can!�

The one-legged man said, 揃ut although we don抰 know who wrote it, we do know its intent.�


The one-legged man said, 揌e tried to get the famous fighters here, fight over this treasure, so he can gain something.�

The thin man said, 揑f that抯 the case, then why are you still here?�

The one-legged man said, 揑t抯 simply because this is such a deadly plan, that we have to come.�


The one-legged man smiled. 揥e came so we can tell everyone of his intent, so they would not fall into this trap.�

The thin man said, 揑n that case, you抮e being a humanitarian now.�

The one-legged man didn抰 seem to catch the sarcasm in his voice, said, 揥e just want to turn a big problem into a small one. A small problem into no problem, and everyone can live a happy life.�

The thin man said, 揂ctually, no one抯 certain whether there really is a treasure here or not.�

The one-legged man said, 揟hat抯 why it would be quite sad if someone were to lose his life over this.�

The thin man said, 揃ut since I am here, I might as well see what抯 really going on. So how could someone persuade me to leave with just a few words?�

The one-legged man抯 face immediately became serious, said, 揝o you definitely won抰 leave?�

The thin man laughed coldly, 揈ven if I leave, it still won抰 be in your hands!�

The one-legged man said, 揙ther than you, I really don抰 know who can compete with us.�

He pushed his iron crutch down, and after a cracking sound, the two-meter stick now has one and a half meters under the ground.

The thin man said coldly, 揜eally is great kung fu. No wonder in Bai Xiao Sheng抯 Book of Weapons, your Iron Crutch is ranked eighth.�

The one-legged man said loudly, 揧our famous Snake Whip is ranked number seven, so I抳e always wanted to see it!�

The thin man said, 揑抳e also been looking forward to this fight!�