Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 29: The Whip with Eyes

Xiao Li Fei Dao (Duo Qing Jian Ke Wu Qing Jian)

Chapter 29: The Whip with Eyes

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

Only to see the thin man抯 left hand hit the table, his body rise into the air, the wind breeze by, a shiny black whip appeared in his right hand.

He flicked his wrist, the long whip carried the wind through the heads of the people standing outside, only to hear sounds of ding ding dang dang, as over forty coins dropped to the ground.

These forty-some people are all very experienced in the martial world, yet none of them had ever seen such intricate use of a whip.

When the whip is in his hand, it seems to be alive, and has a pair of eyes.

Those forty-some people looked at each other, then immediately applied their lightness kung fu, some dashed down the street, some climbed over the walls, the sky filled with shadows of people. In an instant, everyone had left.

That yellow-robed old man抯 face became pale. He said angrily, 揧ou took their Life Taking Coins. Do you wish to die for them?�

The one-legged man coldly laughed. 揟he G.o.d of Whips XiMen Rou抯 life certainly is good enough to replace those lives!�

He pulled out his crutch, standing on one leg, but it抯 as if that one leg is nailed to the ground, as it is solid as a tree trunk.

The yellow-robed old man stretched out his hands, an Official Brush appeared.

Anyone who uses this type of weapon must have incredible kung fu.

Four people surrounded XiMen Rou.

Only that one-eyed man retreated a few steps, opened up his robe, showing forty-nine spearheads, some long, some short.

The five people抯 eyes all fell on XiMen Rou抯 long whip, all seem weary of it.

The one-legged man laughed. 揑抦 sure you have figured out who my four friends are.�

XiMen Rou said, 揑 figured it out a long time ago.�

The one-legged man said, 揊rom a fairness standpoint, the five of us really shouldn抰 fight you alone, but today抯 different.�

XiMen Rou laughed. 揑抳e seen way too many people in the martial world win through superior numbers. Do you think I care about that?�

The one-legged man said, 揑 didn抰 want to kill you originally, but you did break our rules. So how can we let you go? If rules are allowed to be broken, then we抎 be considered liars, so I hope you understand.�

XiMen Rou said, 揥hat if I intend on leaving?�

The one-legged man said, 揧ou can抰 leave!�

XiMen Rou suddenly laughed. 揥hen I really do want to leave, the five of you certainly aren抰 going to stop me!�

The one-legged man grunted, his crutch slashing out.

Although this is a very simple move, its power is limitless!

XiMen Rou still kept his smile, his whip twisting even faster, as his person rise high above the ground.

That one-eyed man stretched his arms, thirteen spearheads came out, carrying the windy breeze towards XiMen Rou.

The longer ones were thrown first, but the shorter ones were faster, only to hear many clicking sounds, as the whip deflected all thirteen spearheads.

Like a tornado, XiMen Rou floated higher and higher, then twisted off into the distance, out of sight.

The one-legged man said, 揂fter him!�

Hitting the ground softly with his iron crutch, the one-legged man also floated into the air, His lightness kung fu is amazingly better than most two-legged people, disappeared out of sight.

The other four yellow-robed men immediately followed, and suddenly the shop became quiet again, with only two dead bodies left.

If it weren抰 for these two bodies, Hunchback Sun would抳e thought that this was all a bad dream.

Only to see that old man somehow awaken, his look seemingly without a hint of being drunk. He looked at where the yellow-robed men disappeared into, then sighed. 揘o wonder XiMen Rou抯 Snake Whip is ranked ahead of Yi Ku抯 Green Devil Hand. From the moves he showed, he certainly deserves the t.i.tle 慓od of Whips�. Bai Xiao Sheng really does know what he抯 talking about.�

The ponytailed girl said, 揑s he really the best among the people who uses whips today?�

The old man said, 揟he skill he has shown is unmatched by any other pract.i.tioner of soft weapons in the past thirty years.�

The ponytailed girl asked, 揥hat about that one-legged man?�

The old man responded, 揌e抯 called ZhuGe Gang. The people in the martial world call him 慡weep Across Thousand Soldiers�. His Golden Steel Crutch weighs seventy pounds, the heaviest of any weapon in the martial world.�

The ponytailed girl laughed. 揙ne is called XiMen Rou. The other is ZhuGe Gang. They really are born to be enemies*.�

*Note: 慠ou� means soft. 慓ang� means Hard. As you can see, their names reflect the type of weapons they use.

That old man took out some silver, put it on the table, and then walked out the door with his granddaughter, into the night.

Hunchback Sun watched their backs as they left, then looked back, realizing that somehow, the drunkard had also awakened, and has walked over to the seat where XiMen sat. He picked up the letter ZhuGe Gang left.

Hunchback Sun smiled. 揧ou really shouldn抰 have been drunk today, because you missed out on a pretty nice show.�

That drunkard laughed, and then sighed. 揟he real show hasn抰 even begun yet, I抦 afraid I抣l be watching even if I don抰 want to.�

Hunchback Sun raised his eyebrows. He found that these people have all been acting strangely today, like they all took the wrong medicine.

That drunkard took out the letter, looked at it for a second, then his face suddenly turned red, bent down and started to cough again.

Hunchback Sun asked, 揥hat does the letter say?�

That drunkard said, 揘o卬othing.�

Hunchback Sun said, 揑 heard they all came because of the letter.�


Hunchback Sun smiled. 揟hey also said something about some treasure. Whatever, they have got to be kidding me.�

He then asked, 揧ou want more wine? It抯 on me.�

He didn抰 hear any response, turned around, and saw that the drunkard simply stood there, looking into the distance.

His eyes showed no sign of alcohol, but a strange elegance.

Hunchback Sun followed his line of sight, only to see a lone candle from afar, seemingly even further away because of the fog�

By the time Hunchback Sun returned to the backyard, it抯 already midnight.

It抯 always peaceful in the courtyard, the drunkard抯 light is still on, but the door is open, waving as the wind blows by.

Hunchback Sun went over to take a look, knocking on the door asking, 揌ey, are you asleep?�

No sound came.

What抯 he doing outside at this hour?

Hunchback Sun walked inside, found out that the room in a mess, pieces of wood laying everywhere, but that little dagger is nowhere to be seen, half a jug of wine still sits on the table.

A crumpled piece of paper lay on the side.

Hunchback Sun recognize it as the letter ZhuGe Gang left.

He couldn抰 help but read it.

揝eptember 15th. Happy Cloud Manor has treasure to show. Hope you can come take a look.�

Just those three phrases, nothing else. The less written in the letter, the more mysterious and attractive it becomes.

The person who wrote this letter certainly knows psychology.

Hunchback Sun raised his eyebrows, a strange expression appeared on his face.

He knows that Happy Cloud Manor is the mansion across from him, but can抰 figure out just what kind of relationship that drunkard has with the manor.