Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 17: True Nature Revealed

Chapter 17: True Nature Revealed

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

After Long Xiao Yun heard these words, he lowered his head for a long time 揟omorrow... tomorrow you抣l be leaving. I...�

Li Xun Huan said, 揇on抰 even think about sending me off. I never like to send others off and don抰 want others to do the same for me. When I see people抯 expressions on such occasions, I just want to vomit.�

He chuckled. 揃esides, I抦 not going very far. Maybe I抣l be back in a few days.�

Long Xiao4 Yun also looked energetic again. 揧ou抮e right. When you come back, I抣l definitely welcome you. Then we can get drunk together.�

Suddenly someone said, 揧ou know perfectly well that he抣l never come back after leaving, why do you still lie to yourself?�

Lin Shi Yin came in. Her beautiful face looking very frail.

Li Xun Huan抯 heart felt a deep pain. Yet he just kept smiling. 揥hy won抰 I be back? This is the place of all my best friends. I...�

Lin Shi Yin didn抰 let him finish. She just said coldly, 揥ho抯 your friend? You have absolutely no friends here.�

She suddenly pointed at Long Xiao4 Yun. 揧ou think he抯 your friend? If he抯 your friend, then he should release you this instant.�

Long Xiao Yun said, 揃ut he..�

Lin Shi Yin said, 揌e抯 not leaving because he doesn抰 want you in trouble. But why don抰 you release him? He can decide whether to escape or not. But you抮e the one who decides to release him or not.�

She didn抰 wait for Long Xiao4 Yun to respond, turned around, and left.

Long Xiao4 Yun stood up and said, 揘o matter what you want to do, I still should release you.�

Li Xun Huan started laughing.

Long Xiao4 Yun looked bewildered. 揥h..why are you laughing?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揝ince when did you start taking orders from a woman? The Long Xiao4 Yun I remember is a true man. Not a poor guy afraid of his wife.�

Long Xiao4 Yun clenched his fists. Tears came out of his eyes. 揃rother, you... you抮e so good to me. It抯 not that I don抰 know what you抮e thinking. It抯 just that how... how can I ever repay you?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 just happen to need a favor from you.�

揥hat do you need? Not matter what you ask, I抣l do as you say.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揜emember that youngster Ah Fei from last night?�

揙f course.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f he ends up in some trouble, please take care of him.�

Long Xiao Yun sighed. 揈ven under this situation, you抮e still looking out for others. Have you ever thought for yourself?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揓ust tell me if you抣l do it or not.�

揙f course I抣l fulfill your request. Except I might never get to see him.�

Li Xun Huan became shocked. 揥hy? Could it be that...�

Long Xiao4 Yun did his best to smile. 揧ou saw him leave yesterday. Why would he come back?�

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揑 also wish that he抎 never come back, except I know he will.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揑f he come to save you, then why is he not here yet?�

He took a deep breath. 揃rother. I know you care about friends more than anything else in the world, but others aren抰 all like you.�

Li Xun Huan tried to smile. 揑t抯 his decision what he wants to do. I just wish big brother to remember that he抯 my best friend when you see him.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揧our friend is my friend.�

Suddenly someone outside yelled, 揊ourth Master Long... Fourth Master Long.�

Long Xiao Yun stood up, then sat back down again. 揃rother, you...�

Li Xun Huan said with a smile, 揑 don抰 need to drink anymore, just go. And don抰 forget not to send me off tomorrow.�

Long Xiao4 Yun walked to the door and saw Tian Qi standing under a tree. He quickly walked over and asked quietly, 揇id you get him?�

Tian Qi said, 揘o.�

揥hat? All those people you sent, plus Reverend Xin Mei and Mr. Iron Flute... couldn抰 even take care of a kid?�

Tian Qi said, 揃ut this kid really is unbelievable. Even a bit scary. Not only did he injure Brother Zhao, he also injured Mr. Iron Flute.�

Long Xiao4 Yun stomped his feet. 揑 knew that this kid is not easy to deal with. But you said Mr. Iron Flute can deal with him.�

Tian Qi said, 揈ven though he escaped, he did get injured by Xin Mei抯 palm.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揑n that case, he shouldn抰 have escaped very far. Why don抰 you chase after him?�

Tian Qi said, 揟he Shaolin monks are already doing this. I抣l tell you when I get the good news.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揑抣l go take a look. You get someone to guard here.�

There抯 a fake mountain behind the tree.

Just as the two of them left, a person appeared from behind the mountain. Her beautiful eyes full of shock and disbelief, and also pain and hate.

Her whole body kept shaking, tears filled her face.

Lin Shi Yin抯 heart broke into pieces. Then, as if she made an important decision, she began to walk over to Li Xun Huan抯 room.

The she hear several footsteps. Lin Shi Yin immediately hid behind the fake mountain again.

Tian Qi led eight man here and said, 揋uard him. Don抰 let anyone in the room, whoever goes in dies.�

He抯 in a hurry to capture Ah Fei. So even before he finish talking, he already left.

Lin Shi Yin bit her lips. So hard blood came out.

She hate herself for always not caring about martial arts, never really practice it.

Now she understood that there are certain things that only fighting can solve.

She can抰 figure out any way to enter that room.

Suddenly she heard something. The person抯 footsteps aren抰 methodical, but very fast.

Lin Shi Yin realized that this Mr. Iron Flute.

She heard Mr. Iron Flute say loudly, 揑s that Li guy in this room?�

A guard said, 揥e抮e not sure.�

Mr. Iron Flute said, 揊ine. Let me go in and check.�

That guard said, 揗aster Tian said no one can go in.�

Mr. Iron Flute said, 揟ian Qi? Who cares about him? Do you know who I am?�

That guard looked at his blood-covered body. 揘o one can go in.�

Mr. Iron Flute said, 揤ery well.�

He raised his hands a bit. The needles shot out.

Li Xun Huan closed his eyes, as if he抯 asleep.

Suddenly he heard shrieks of pain. The sound was not loud, and quite short.

He raised his eyebrows. 揑s someone trying to save me?�

Then he saw a man carrying an iron flute walking into the room. His face full of murderous intent.

Li Xun Huan抯 eyes rested on his iron flute. 揗r. Iron Flute.�

Mr. Iron Flute looked at his face. 揝omeone sealed your pressure points?�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揧ou know that if there抯 wine in front of me and I抦 not drinking, then I must not be able to move.�

Mr. Iron Flute said, 揑f you can抰 move, then I really shouldn抰 kill you. But I must kill you.�


Mr. Iron Flute stared at him. 揧ou抮e not going to ask why?�

Li Xun Huan chuckled. 揑f I asked, then you抣l probably get say it and get mad. If I then try to explain, you won抰 believe me, and still would kill me. So why bother talking at all?�

Mr. Iron Flute suddenly looked incredibly sad. 揜u Yi, you really died a horrible death. But now at least I have avenged you.

He raised his iron flute.

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揜u Yi, when you see me you抣l definitely be shocked. Because even though you don抰 know me, I know you...�

Suddenly, Lin Shi Yin walked into the room. 揌old on, I have something to say.�

Mr. Iron Flute turned around in shock. 揗istress? I suggest you don抰 interfere with me. No one can interfere.�

Lin Shi Yin抯 face turned green. 揑 don抰 want to prevent you from doing anything. But this is my house. If someone is to be killed I should be the one to do it.�

揃ut why do you want to kill him?�

Lin Shi Yin said, 揑 have more reasons to kill him than you. You want to kill him to revenge your wife. But I抦 doing it for my son. I only have one son.�

Her point was obvious. You don抰 just have one wife.

Mr. Iron Flute thought for a long time. 揊ine, you go first.�

He抯 confident that his iron flute needles are quick as lightning. So even if she goes first, he can still kill him before she does. But as Lin Shi Yin walked past him, she suddenly turned around and attacked.

Although Lin Shi Yin抯 martial arts is fairly low. She抯 still not weakling. For this palm she used all her strength. Plus Mr. Iron Flute did not expect it at all, so her attack worked.

Due to his old injuries which got reopened, his whole body shook, blood came out, and he fainted.

Lin Shi Yin became startled, and almost faint herself.

Li Xun Huan knows that she has never so much as stepped on an ant before! Now seeing her hurt someone, he doesn抰 know whether to be sad or happy. But he suppressed those emotions and instead simply said, 揥hy the h.e.l.l are you here again?�

Lin Shi Yin took a few deep breaths before she could stop shaking. 揑抦 here to let you go.�

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揌ave I not made myself clear enough? I抦 not going.�

Lin Shi Yin said, 揑 know you won抰 leave because of Long Xiao4 Yun. But you don抰 know that he...he..�

She started to shake again, even worse than last time. She clenched her fists, her nails cutting through her skin. With all her power, she said, 揌e already betrayed you. They were all in it together.�

After she said this, she lose all energy. If it weren抰 for a chair there, she probably would抳e fallen. She thought Li Xun Huan must be shocked by these words.

Yet Li Xun Huan didn抰 change his expression at all. Not even a tiny bit. Instead he chuckled. 揑t must be some sort of misunderstanding. How could he betray me?�

Lin Shi Yin used all her energy to hold the table. The items on the table all shook.

She said, 揑 saw this with my own eyes, heard this with my own ears.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揧our eyes and ears are mistaken then.�

Lin Shi Yin said, 揝o you don抰 believe me?�

Li Xun Huan said gently, 揧ou抳e been too tired these couple of days. So it抯 not a big deal that you抎 be deluded. Go take a nap. By this time tomorrow, you抣l realize that your husband抯 a good man.�

Lin Shi Yin looked at him. Her mind lost. After a long time, she suddenly fell onto the table and started to cry.

Li Xun Huan closed his eyes. He couldn抰 bare to look at her. His voice trembling, 揥hy do you...�

Before he could finish, he coughed up some blood.

Lin Shi Yin finally could no longer control herself. Ten years of suppressed emotions all bursted out at this moment.

She rushed towards Li Xun Huan. 揑f you don抰 go, I抣l die in front of you!�

Li Xun Huan bit down hard on his teeth. He said slowly. 揥hat does your death have to do with me?�

Lin Shi Yin looked up at him, staring. Her voice weak. 揧ou... You... You...�

Every time she spoke, she stepped back a bit. Suddenly, she felt as if she just fell into someone.

Long Xiao4 Yun抯 face looks heavy as iron.

He tightly wrapped his hands around her waist. As if afraid that should he release her, she抎 disappear from his life forever.

Lin Shi Yin saw his hands. Regaining her senses, she said coldly, 揜elease your hands. And please remember to never ever touch me again.�

He finally released his hands, looking at her. 揝o you know everything?�

Lin Shi Yin said coldly, 揟here抯 no everlasting secret in this world.�

揧ou.. You already told him?�

Li Xun Huan suddenly smiled. 揂ctually, she didn抰 need to tell me. I already knew everything.�

Long Xiao4 Yun originally couldn抰 face him. Only now did he raise his head. 揧ou knew?�



Li Xun Huan sighed. 揥hen you held my hand, and allowed Tian Qi to seal my pressure points. But... even though I knew it was you, I don抰 blame you.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揑f you knew, why didn抰 you say it?�

揥hy do I need to say it?�

Lin Shi Yin looked at Li Xun Huan. 揧ou didn抰 say it because of me, right?�

Li Xun Huan raised his eyebrows. 揃ecause of you?�

Lin Shi Yin said, 揧ou don抰 want to hurt me, or break up this family. Because this family was your..�

She couldn抰 finish. Tears filled her face.

Li Xun Huan suddenly burst out laughing. 揥hy do women always think everything revolves around them? I didn抰 it say it because it抯 pointless. I didn抰 leave because I knew they won抰 let me.�

Lin Shi Yin said, 揑t doesn抰 matter what you say now. Because I already know...�

Li Xun Huan said, 揥hat do you know? Do you know why he did that? He was afraid that I抎 break up your family. That抯 why he did what he did! Because he views his family as being more important than anything else in the world. He feels that you are the most important person in his life.�

Lin Shi Yin stared at him, then also suddenly burst out laughing. 揌e ruined you, yet still help him? Great. You really are a great friend. But don抰 you realize that I抦 also a person? How could you do this to me?�

Li Xun Huan began to cough endlessly, coughing up blood everywhere.

Long Xiao4 Yun lost all his control and started to yell. 揑 was originally the head of this family. But once you came, I feel like a guest. I had a great son. But when you came, he became crippled.�

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揧ou抮e right. I really shouldn抰 have come.�

Lin Shi Yin closed her eyes. Tears covered all parts of her face. 揑f you thought of me for even one instant, you shouldn抰 have done this.�

Long Xiao4 Yun said, 揑 know. But I抦 just too scared.�

Lin Shi Yin asked, 揝cared of what?�

Long Xiao Yun said, 揑抦 scared that you抎 leave me. Because even if you don抰 say it, I still know that you... you haven抰 forgotten him. I抦 afraid you抣l go back into his arms.�

Lin Shi Yin suddenly jumped up and yelled, 揋et your hands off of me! Not only are you a vicious person, but what kind of person did you think I am? What kind of a person did you think he is?�

She dropped to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, 揇id you forget that I... I am your wife?�

Long Xiao4 Yun just stood there like he抯 made of wood. Only his tears are moving.

Li Xun Huan looked at them, thinking to himself, 揓ust who抯 fault is this? Who was wrong...�

Only to hear someone say, 揂re you awake?�

This voice is so lovely, so tender.

When Ah Fei opened his eyes, he saw a face of a G.o.ddess. This face has the world抯 cutest, kindest smile. Those eyes contain the most profound love.

This face looks almost like his mother.

He remembers that when he was ill as a kid, his mother would sit by his side like this, also watching over him tenderly.

But that was a long time ago. So long ago even he almost forgot about them...

Ah Fei tried to get off the bed. 揥here am I?�

Just as he sat up, he fell back down again.

Lin Xian Er gently pulled him up, and said sweetly, 揇on抰 worry about where you are. Just think of this as your home.�

揗y home?�

He never had a home.

Lin Xian Er said, 揑 think your home must be very warm, because you have such a great mom. She must be very gentle, very beautiful, and love you very much.�

Ah Fei just sat there. After a long time, he said, 揑 don抰 have a home, nor a mother.�

Lin Xian Er looked a little confused. 揃ut... but when you were unconscious, you kept yelling her name.�

Ah Fei did not move, nor did his face show any expressions. 揝he died when I was seven!�

Although he still has a blank face, his eyes became watery.

Lin Xian Er lowered her head. 揑抦 sorry. I... I shouldn抰 have brought out your sad memories.�

After a while, Ah Fei asked, 揇id you save me?�

Lin Xian Er said, 揃y that time, you抳e already fainted. So I carried you over here. As long as you stay, I promise you that no one will come in.�

Ah Fei said, 揜ight before my mother died, she kept telling me to never accept anyone抯 grat.i.tude. I never forgot those words. But now...�

His stone face suddenly became alive, yelling, 揘ow I owe you my life!�

Lin Xian Er said gently, 揧ou don抰 owe me anything. Don抰 forget, you抳e save my life before too.�

Ah Fei kept on sighing. 揥hy did you save me? Why save me?�

Lin Xian Er looked at him kindly. She couldn抰 help but put her hand on his face. 揇on抰 think about anything right now. Later...later you抣l know why I...I saved you. Why I抦 doing this for you.�

Her hands really are beautiful.

Ah Fei closed his eyes.

He never thought he would have this kind of feeling.

He asked, 揥hat time is it?�

揘o yet midnight.�

Ah Fei tried to get up again.

Lin Xian Er asked, 揥here are you going!�

Ah Fei bit his teeth. 揑 can抰 let them take away Li Xun Huan.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揃ut he抯 already gone.�

Ah Fei feel back down onto the bed. His face full of sweat. 揃ut you said it抯 not yet midnight.�

Lin Xian Er said, 揑 did say that, but Li Xun Huan was taken away yesterday morning?�

Ah Fei looked shocked. 揑抳e been asleep for that long?�

Lin Xian Er said, 揧our injuries are very serious. Other than you, I don抰 think anyone else could抳e stayed alive. So right now you must listen to me and wait for your injuries to heal.�

揃ut Li...�

Lin Xian Er said, 揑 won抰 let you bring him up. Because his situation is not as bad as yours. Even if you抮e going to save him, wait til your injuries have healed.�

She moved him so his head rested on the pillows. 揇on抰 worry, since Reverend Xin Mei is personally escorting him, he抯 not going to be in any trouble on the road.

Li Xun Huan sat on a chair in the carriage, looking at Tian Qi and Xin Mei. He thought it was kind of interesting, and couldn抰 help but smile.

Tian Qi stared at him. 揥hat抯 so funny?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 just think it抯 really interesting.�

揥hat is?�

Li Xun Huan yawned, closed his eyes, as if going to sleep.

Tian Qi shook him. 揥hat抯 so interesting about me?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑抦 sorry. I wasn抰 talking about you. There are many interesting people in this world. But you抮e not one of them. You抮e ridiculously boring.�

Tian Qi looked p.i.s.sed, but finally removed his hands.

Xin Mei couldn抰 help but ask, 揇o you think I抦 interesting?�

He抯 never met anyone who thought he was interesting.

Li Xun Huan yawned again. He said with a smile, 揑 find you interesting because I抳e never been in a carriage with a monk before. I抳e always thought that monks never ride on a horse nor in a carriage.�

Xin Mei also smiled. 揗onks are also people. Not only do we have to ride in carriages, but also eat.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揃ut if you抮e going to sit in a carriage, why not sit in a more comfortable position? The way you抮e sitting makes people feel you have some skin irritation.�

Xin Mei抯 expression suddenly changed. 揇o you want me to close your mouth?�

Xin Mei looked at Tian Qi. Tian Qi抯 hands moved to one of Li Xun Huan抯 pressure point. He smiled, 揑f I press this finger down, you know what will happen, right?�

LI Xun Huan chuckled. 揑f you press down, then you抮e never be able to hear many interesting things.�

Tian Qi said, 揑n that case, I guess I抣l just...�

In the middle of the sentence, the horse suddenly let out a loud scream, then stopped.

Tian Qi yelled to the people outside, 揥hat抯 going on? What...�

When he opened up the curtain and looked outside, his face turned pale.

A person is standing in the snow. His right hand is holding the carriage, preventing the horse from going forward. He just stood there motionless.