Little Li’s Flying Dagger

Chapter 19: Impossible to Explain

Chapter 19: Impossible to Explain

Original novel written by Gu Long

Fan translation by Meh (Send an email)

Xin Me is also quite sure that the porridge has no poison. But he is a monk after all. So he only took two sips when Tian Qi finished the whole bowl.

Tian Qi smiled. 揂t this rate, we should be on Mt. Song(where Shaolin is located... and � hour driver from my hometown in China, I might add) by tomorrow morning.�

Xin Mei also looked relieved. He said, 揟here are bound to be some disciples coming to greet us these couple of days. As long as...�

He suddenly stopped talking. His body started to shake, dropped his bowl, spilling porridge all over his blouse.

Tian Qi抯 face became pale. 揜everend.... You...�

揟here is poison in this soup?�

Xin Mei sighed. Unable to speak.

Tian Qi grabbed Li Xun Huan抯 shirt. 揕ook at my face. Is my face...�

He suddenly stopped, because he knows there抯 no need to ask.

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揂lthough I抳e always found you disgusting, I still don抰 want to see you die.�

Tian Qi抯 face has no colors. His body shaking, staring at Li Xun Huan. Then he laughed, 揂lthough you don抰 want to see me die, I want to see you die! I should抳e killed you a long time ago!�

Li Xun Huan said, 揧ou think it抯 a bit late to kill me now?�

Tian Qi bit his teeth. 揟hat抯 right. It really is late to kill you know. But fortunately, not too late.�

His hands grabbed Li Xun Huan抯 throat.

Ah Fei stood up.

His face looks very pale, but his body is straight.

Ah Fei circled the room twice, then asked, 揇o you think he can arrive at Shaolin safely?�

Lin Xian Er said, 揧ou really can抰 go three sentences without bringing up Li Xun Huan, can you? Can抰 you talk about something besides him? Why don抰 you talk about me? Or yourself?�

Ah Fei looked at her calmly, then asked, 揇o you think he can safely arrive at Shaolin?�

No matter what Lin Xian Er says, he still only has that one sentence.

Lin Xian Er laughed. 揙h, you! I can抰 do anything about you, can I.� She pulled Ah Fei down to sit beside her, then said sweetly, 揇on抰 worry. He抯 probably having tea with Reverend Xin Hu right now. Shaolin抯 tea is very famous, you know.�

Ah Fei finally calmed down, and even smiled. 揊rom what I know, even if he抯 captured, he still wouldn抰 drink tea.�

Li Xun Huan couldn抰 breathe.

Tian Qi抯 face also looked worse and worse, also can抰 seem to breathe. But he seemed unable to release his hands even in death.

Li Xun Huan only felt that everything became dark, that Tian Qi抯 face became more and more distant. He knows he抯 about to die.

In this situation, he thought he would think about a lot of things, because someone once told him that.

Yet he didn抰 think about anything. No painful memories. Just something very funny. He almost laughed.

He never thought he抎 die with Tian Qi. Looks like Tian Qi will accompany him on the road to the underworld.

Only to hear Tian Qi said, 揕i Xun Huan. You really have a lot of breath. Why won抰 you just die?�

Li Xun Huan originally wanted to say, 揑抦 waiting for you to die.�

But he can抰 possibly say anything at this moment. He can抰 even breathe.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise, seemingly far, far away, but seemed to be from Tian Qi.

Then everything became bright again.

He saw Tian Qi.

Tian Qi has fallen in the carriage seat. His dead eyes still glaring at Li Xun Huan.

Looking at Xin Mei抯 irregular breathing, it seems he just used quite a bit of strength.

Li Xun Huan looked at him for a while, then asked, 揥hy did you save me?�

Xin Mei didn抰 respond. Instead he unsealed Li Xun Huan抯 pressure points. 揃efore Five Poison Kid comes, run away.�

Li Xun Huan did not even move. 揥hy do you save me? Are you certain now that I攎 not the Plum Flower Bandit?�

Xin Mei said, 揗onks try not to have too much blood on their hand before death. No matter who you are, just go.�

Li Xun Huan looked at his black face, then sighed. 揟hank you. Unfortunately, I can do many things, but escaping is not one of them.�

Xin Mei said in a hurry. 揟his isn抰 a time to be a hero. Your inner strength hasn抰 recovered yet. You can抰 beat him.�

Suddenly the horse gasped. The driver yelled, and the carriage rammed into the tree.

Xin Mei lied on the side of the carriage, asking, 揥hy are you still here? Do you want to save me?�

Li Xun Huan said calmly, 揑f you can save me, why can抰 I save you?�

Xin Mei said, 揃ut I抦 not far from death. What does it matter when I die?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揃ut you haven抰 died yet, right?�

He stopped talking. Instead simply took out a dagger.

A light, thin dagger.

A Little Li抯 Flying Dagger!

Li Xun Huan抯 lips seemed to be smiling.

The carriage lies on its side. The wheel kept spinning, making an annoying creaking sound. At this wild place, the sound is excruciating.

Li Xun Huan said calmly, 揟his wheel really needs some oil.�

At this point, he actually thinks whether the wheel needs oil or not! Xin Mei found that this person is strange beyond belief.

He抯 lived for sixty years, but has never met someone like him.

This time Li Xun Huan carried him out of the carriage. The cold wind cut through their faces.

Xin Mei said, 揧ou don抰 have to do this. Just... go.�

There抯 no moon tonight. No matter how hard he tries, Xin Mei couldn抰 see a thing.

Only to hear Li Xun Huan yell, 揂re you here, Five Poison Kid?�

No response.

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f you抮e not here, then we抣l be leaving.�

Xin Mei asked, 揥here are we going?�

揝haolin temple, of course.�

Xin Mei was shocked. 揝haolin?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揥e spent all that effort just to get to Shaolin, remember?�

Xin Mei said, 揃ut... but you don抰 have to go now.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揂ctually, I must go there.�


揃ecause only Shaolin has the antidote to your poison.�

Xin Mei is bewildered. 揥hy save me? I抦 your enemy.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 save you, only because you抮e at least a human being.�

Xin Mei sighed. 揑f we really do get to Shaolin, I抣l tell everyone you抮e innocent. I know you can抰 be the Plum Flower Bandit.�

Li Xun Huan just smiled. He didn抰 say anything.

Xin Mei said, 揢nfortunately, by carrying me, you抣l never reach Shaolin. Although Five Poison Kid has not shown himself, he抯 not going to let you get away.�

Li Xun Huan coughed lightly.

Xin Mei said, 揥ith your lightness kung fu, you might be able to leave alone. Why carry me? As long as you have this thought, I抦 already very grateful.�

Only to hear someone laugh. 揥ow. A reverend of the Shaolin actually became friend with a womanizing drunk Tan Hua. Who would believe this?�

The laughter seemed close one moment, far away the next. It抯 impossible to tell where it抯 from.

Xin Mei suddenly asked, 揊ive Poison Kid?�

That voice replied, 揌ow抯 that porridge? Tasty?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f you want me die, why don抰 you come out and take it?�

Five Poison Kid said, 揑 don抰 need to show myself to kill you.�


揢ntil today, I抳e killed three hundred and ninety two people. Not only did none of them ever see me, they couldn抰 even see my shadow.�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揑 was told that you抮e a midget, and so ugly you won抰 let anyone see you. Looks like it抯 true.�

After a moment, he heard Five Poison Kid say, 揑 really owe it to you to keep you alive til tomorrow morning.�

Li Xun Huan laughed. 揙f course, I won抰 die before tomorrow morning. But I can抰 say the same for you, I抦 afraid.�

Before he stopped laughing, he heard a flute.

He suddenly saw many big and small shadows on the snow. He can抰 tell what they are. Whatever they are, he has to hold his breath.

Xin Mei said, 揥hen five poison appears, people抯 bodies decay. If you don抰 leave now, when will you leave?�

Li Xun Huan acted as if he didn抰 hear anything. Then said, 揑 heard he has thousands of poisonous insects, how come I only see a few? Did the others all die?�

The flute noise became quicker. Some of those insects crawled onto their feet. Xin Mei almost threw up.

Only to hear Five Poison Kid laugh. 揟hese are my special insects, combined from seven different poisons. Not only do they eat flesh, but afterwards, they抣l even eat your bones.�

Before he finished, a dagger flashed!
Little Li抯 Flying Dagger has been released!

Xin Mei almost yelled out loud.

He knows that Li Xun Huan抯 dagger is their only hope. But Li Xun Huan can抰 even see his target.

If this dagger misses, they抣l both die.

He抯 obviously gambling with their life here.

Their chances really are slim.

Xin Mei didn抰 think Li Xun Huan would take such a big risk.

At this moment, the dagger抯 glow disappeared into the darkness. But the darkness suddenly let out a short yet loud scream!

Then a person came out from the darkness.

This person looks like a little kid. He wears a short blouse, showing his little legs. Even in this winter condition, he doesn抰 seem cold.

His head is small, but his eyes are bright.

His eyes are filled with disbelief and anger, staring at Li Xun Huan. He wants to say something, but nothing will come out.

Xin Mei then noticed Little Li抯 Dagger on his throat. He couldn抰 help but pull out the dagger. When he did this, blood spilled out.

Five Poison Kid finally said, 揥hat a venomous dagger.�

By this time the insects on the has crawled onto Li Xun Huan and Xin Mei. But they can抰 even move.

Little Li抯 Dagger might have no equal in the world, but they抣l still probably be eaten.

Who抎 have thought that when Five Poison Kid抯 blood spilled out, those insects suddenly shot over to his throat.

In a short time, his body disappeared. Yet after those insects ate him, they also stopped moving!

It really is fitting that Five Poison Kid would die by his own poison.

Xin Mei finally let out a sigh of relief. 揘ot only is your dagger without equal in this world, so is your composure.�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揑t抯 no big deal. I just figured these insects must follow human blood. Actually, I was quite scared too.�

揧ou were actually scared?�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揙ther than dead people, where can you find someone who抯 doesn抰 get scared?�

Xin Mei sighed. 揧ou really are amazing.�

His voice was weak, finally lied down.

It抯 morning.

Li Xun Huan sat by Xin Mei, already asleep.

When he woke up he found a horse carriage to take them to Mt. Song. They stopped at the base of the mountain before Li Xun Huan carried Xin Mei the rest of the way.

On his way up, he saw some monks gathering firewood. When they saw someone walking up the mountain with lightness kung fu, they took noticed.

One person asked, 揥here are you from? Are you...�

Another one saw that he抯 carrying a monk, and asked, 揑s that a Shaolin disciple on your back?�

Li Xun Huan originally was walking calmly, but when he saw these two monks, he suddenly flew high into the air over their heads, then kept on climbing.

By the time those monks could give chase, Li Xun Huan is already gone.

It still took him a couple of hours to reach Shaolin. He saw many paG.o.das big and small. He knows that this is the sacred PaG.o.da forest, where all past heads of Shaolin are buried.

This really isn抰 a good place for someone like him.

He suddenly started to cough.

Then he heard someone say, 揥ho dare enter the sacred land of Shaolin? You really are an arrogant person.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揜everend Xin Mei is seriously injured. I brought him here so you can heal him. Please take me to your head reverend.�

Suddenly many monks appeared. One asked, 揗y I ask for you name?�

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揗y name is Li Xun Huan.�

Deep inside the bamboo forest, two people are playing Go(Wei Qi).

On the right is a strange looking old monk.

On the right is a skinny, short old man. His eyes are incredibly bright, charming, making people forget his height. He is definitely very charismatic.

Who other than Bai Xiao Sheng is worthy of playing Go with Reverend Xin Hu?

When these two play go, no one can stop them. But when they heard the words 慙i Xun Huan�, they stopped.

Xin Hu asked, 揥here is he?�

The monk who sent the message said, outside second martial uncle抯 room.

Xin Hu said, 揥hat happened to your second martial uncle?�

That monk replied, 揌is injuries aren抰 serious. Fourth and sixth martial uncle are tending to him right now.�

Li Xun Huan stood in the hall, looking at his surroundings.

He felt someone coming towards him. He didn抰 bother to look.

When they were ten steps away from Li Xun Huan, Xin Hu and Bai Xiao Sheng stopped. Although he knew Li Xun Huan by reputation, this is the first time Xin Hu has seen him.

He couldn抰 believe this person in front of him is the famous wandering hero.

He looked all over his body, not missing any details. Especially those skinny, long hands.

What抯 so special about these hands?

How come a regular dagger turns into a legend once it falls into these hands?

Bai Xiao Sheng saw him ten years ago. He found that Li Xun Huan did not change much these ten years, and yet he seemed to have changed a lot.

Bai Xiao Sheng finally laughed. 揌ow has it been, Mr. Tan Hua?�

Li Xun Huan also laughed. 揑 can抰 believe you still remember me.�

Xin Hu said, 揧et I don抰 know if you recognize me.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揥ho doesn抰 know reverend抯 good name? Your fame is widespread. I really am grateful to meet you today.�

Xin Hu said, 揇on抰 be so modest. Thank you for bringing my martial brother here.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑t抯 no matter.�

Xin Hu said, 揂fter I check on the condition of my martial brother, we抣l resume chatting.�

After he left, Bai Xiao Sheng smiled. 揗onks really can hold their temper. I really couldn抰 have done the same thing.�

揥hat do you mean?�

揑f someone injured your students and martial brother, would you still be nice to him?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揂re you implying that I injured Xin Mei and his students?�

Bai Xiao Sheng put his hands behind his back. 揙ther than Little Li Tan Hua, who else can hurt him?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑f I injured him, why would I carry him here?�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揝ee. This is why you抮e so brilliant.�


揘o matter who injures a reverend of Shaolin, he抯 bound to forever have problems. The thousands of Shaolin disciples are bound to seek revenge.�

Li Xun Huan smiled. 揃ai Xiao Sheng really does know everything. No wonder everyone in the martial world wants to be your friend. It really is a great thing to be your friend.�

Bai Xiao Sheng抯 expression did not change. 揑抦 only saying the truth.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揃ut you forgot one thing. Xin Mei is still alive. He obviously knows who hurt him. By that time, I抦 afraid you抣l have to eat your words.�

Bai Xiao Sheng sighed. 揑f I calculate correctly, Xin Mei doesn抰 have any chance to say more words.�

Suddenly he heard someone say, 揑f you didn抰 hurt Xin Mei, then who did?�

It抯 not clear when he got back, but his expression is very cold.

Li Xun Huan said, 揧ou mean you can抰 tell he抯 been poisoned?�

Xin Hu did not respond. He turned around and said, 揝eventh brother.�

Only to see a yellow faced, ill-looking man, who said, 揌e was poisoned by Five Poison Kid抯 揊ive Poison Water�. This poison has no odor or taste. As colorless as water. If one does not immediately find the antidote, he抣l rot and turn colorless.�
Li Xun Huan laughed. 揧ou really are amazing.�

Xin Jian said coldly, 揧et I only know that the poison is Five Poison Water. I don抰 know who poisoned him.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揟hat抯 correct. Although the poisoned person is dead, the culprit is still alive.�

Xin Jian said, 揊ive Poison Kid has no grudge against Shaolin, why would he poison second brother?�

Li Xun Huan sighed. 揃ecause he was trying to poison me.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揟his is strange. If he was trying to poison you, why are you still here? How come brother Xin Mei is dead?�

He stared at Li Xun Huan. 揑f you can explain this, then I really must bow down before you.�

Li Xun Huan thought for a long time before smiling. 揑 can抰. Because no matter what I say, you won抰 believe me.�

Bai Xiao Sheng said, 揧ou really do make it hard for us to believe you.�

Li Xun Huan said, 揑 can抰 say it. But someone can.�

Xin Hu asked, 揥ho?�

Li Xun Huan said, 揜everend Xin Mei. Why don抰 you ask him when he wakes up?�

Xin Jian said coldly, 揝econd brother will never wake up!�