Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 26

What a ridiculous thought. Feng Jing was a top celebrity and star. Why would he be living in this area as Jiang Ran"s neighbour?

He Zhiyuan smiled and did not dig deeper into the matter.

Though he was no longer thinking about Feng Jing, Feng Jing was still thinking about him. At 2 o"clock, seeing that Jiang Ran was still not home, his brow was becoming more and more furrowed.

Were they stopping at the movies for the afternoon? After watching a movie, perhaps they would go shopping, walk around, and have dinner? Then perhaps they might go to a concert or something, and then...

Hah! Just looking at He Zhiyuan"s face, anyone would know what his intentions were.

Feng Jing picked up the phone to send Jiang Ran a WeChat, but hesitated over what would sound most natural. He flipped through the circle of friends in "Great Ke Ke Imports", quickly wrote a message and sent it off.

Feng: Miss Jiang, were you were still out? I saw your Fleur cream, and would like to buy some for my sister. [cute]

Great Ke Ke Imports: h.e.l.lo ~ We do indeed have some Fleur creams available ~

Feng Jing froze a moment. Oh, right, Jiang Ran said that she only used the WeChat web version to reply to messages. Since she was out right now, the person on WeChat wouldn"t be her. He thought about it, and responded to Great Ke Ke Imports.

Feng: Excuse me, but are you Miss Jiang?

Zhao Wei looked at the reply and thought that this man was rather strange. If you"d like to buy something then sure, but why would you need to talk to Jiang Ran specifically? Was he trying to hit on her?

Great Ke Ke Imports: I"m not, but I can do everything she can. Once she returns, I"ll send the order information to her.

Feng: Let me explain; I"m Miss Jiang"s neighbor, living above her. I was wondering when she would be home, so that I could pick up the items directly.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Oh, that makes sense! Wait, I"ll ask her.

Zhao Wei returned to the WeChat interface, and opened Jiang Ran"s personal number: "A neighbour of yours wants to buy something from us?"

Jiang Ran: Ah, yes. Surnamed Feng?

Great Ke Ke Imports: That"s him. He wants to buy Fleur face cream, and was asking when you"re at home for pickup.

Jiang Ran: I"m on the subway right now, and will be home in half an hour.

Great Ke Ke Imports: [OK]

Zhao Wei pulled up Feng Jing"s dialog box and replied: "Jiang Ran is on her way home. Once she arrives, she will contact you."

Feng Jing had been holding his mobile phone, waiting for news. Upon seeing this sentence, he could finally rest a.s.sured. "Sounds great. Thank you."

He put the phone aside and continued to sit on the balcony waiting for Jiang Ran.

Once Jiang Ran returned, Er Huang came up to welcome her: "Woof!"

"Er Huang, down. I"ll take you for a walk later." Jiang Ran stopped it from running out the door. Once her front door closed, she put on slippers and went to the cargo room to find Fleur face cream. Once she had it, she opened her computer to send a message: "Mr. Feng, Fleur face cream comes in 30ml and 60ml containers. Which do you want?"

Perhaps now that his heart felt relieved, Feng Jing had fallen asleep on the small sofa on his balcony. When his phone ringtone suddenly sounded, his eyelashes trembled and he opened his eyes.

Jiang Ran had replied.

Feng: 60ml.

Feng: Are you home?

Great Ke Ke Imports: Yes, I"ll send it over to you.

Feng: No need, I can come pick it up myself.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Sounds good.

Jiang Ran opened Excel to look at the order and sent him a copy of his receipt, at the end of which she attached the balance of his 10,000 yuan.

Looking at it, she once again thought how generous Mr. Feng really was with his sister. Let"s not mention the little things, but even a 30ml bottle of cream from Fleur, the world"s top skin care brand, was pretty pricey. Jiang Ran had been selling them for quite a long time, but had never used it herself.

Well, if she had a brother like Mr. Feng, she"d try Fleur too.

She tidied up the shelves and heard the doorbell ring - Er Huang rushed to the door and barked madly. Jiang Ran took out a bottle of cream and let Feng Jing in.

When it saw Feng Jing standing outside, Er Huang barked excitedly and pranced around him in circles. Jiang Ran handed over the cream to Feng Jing: "Here you go, 60ml."

He glanced at the bottle of cream and nodded his head toward the Jiang Ran: "Thank you."

"Not at all, did you see the receipt I sent?"

"I did. You work very hard."

Jiang Ran laughed, "Well, of course, you"re paying me after all..." before she could finish her sentence, Er Huang rushed past her to rub his face on Feng Jing"s leg. "Woof woof."

Jiang Ran:"..."

She s.n.a.t.c.hed Er Huang up, somewhat embarra.s.sed to look at Feng Jing: "I"m sorry! I"m not sure why, but Er Huang really seems to like you."

Feng Jing smiled and rubbed Er Huang"s head. "No worries, I also quite like him."


At this moment Jiang Ran had a strange feeling. Was there some sort of secret between this person and this dog?

"Then I"ll leave first." Feng Jing petted Er Huang again, not wanting to bother Jiang Ran further.

"Ah, Mr. Feng." Jiang Ran caught him before he turned around.

"What"s the matter?" Feng Jing stopped, waiting for her to say something. Jiang Ran rubbed her hand over the unruly Er Huang and tentatively asked, "Are you still not recovered from your cold?"

Feng Jing"s eyes changed colour for a moment, but he quickly recovered. "I"m almost well, but the doctor said that my respiratory system was fragile, and that wearing a mask will help."

"So that"s it." Jiang Ran smiled at him. "That"s fine then. Take care."

Seeing Feng Jing leave, Er Huang wriggled about. Jiang Ran smacked it playfully, pretending to be angry: "Er Huang, is your a.s.s itchy?"

Just two steps away, Feng Jing paused: "..."

He seemed to recall some wonderful memories.

Jiang Ran closed the door and put Er Huang back down. It was wagging its tail, looking terribly adorable. Jiang Ran stroked it and asked, "Er Huang, why do you like Mr. Feng so?"


Er Huang enjoyed being petted, and its tail wagged even more joyfully.

Jiang Ran sighed a sigh of relief, folding her arms in contemplation. She didn"t quite believe what Mr. Feng had said, but she also wasn"t a person who enjoyed snooping. Since he was unwilling to be frank about it, she wouldn"t try to get to the bottom of it.

She clapped her hands together and did not think about it again. Er Huang saw her get up and followed behind her. Jiang Ran turned back to look at it: "Er Huang, I"m going to continue packing up today"s goods. After sending them, I"ll take you out for a walk."

"Woof." Er Huang understood and obediently trotted back to the living room to play.

Jiang Ran unconsciously wrinkled her brow. Strangely, she always feels like Er Huang during the day was so much more obedient than Er Huang at night. Had it really helped her pack that one time?

After sending her goods out and taking the dog for a walk, Jiang Ran felt lazy. She nestled into the sofa and ordered takeout, browsing the Internet on her tablet.

Feng Jing had not updated Weibo today, so Jiang Ran searched for him on Weibo instead. There was quite a bit of content about him, probably since Bunny"s new series of lipsticks would be on the market soon.

She browsed through images uploaded by various media outlets and fans on Weibo, and Er Huang curiously jumped onto the couch, squeezing into her arms and barking at the people on the screen.

Jiang Ran had a sudden flash of thought. Her hand covered the lips and forehead of the man in the picture, revealing only a pair of eyes.

How similar!

Her heart skipped a beat as she stared at those eyes.

No, it"s impossible, it makes no sense! She quickly rejected the idea. After G.o.d knows how long, the delivery man rang the doorbell. Jiang Ran put on her slippers to get it.

Whether she did it on purpose or was just unmotivated, she did not think about the possibility again. A few days later, Bunny"s new lipstick series, Serenade, was officially launched.

Yan Huan Huan called Jiang Ran two days in advance, inviting her to go shopping for lipstick. To no one"s surprise, the version used by Feng Jing in the video, Serenade No. 007, was the most popular item.

The Serenade series was sold globally, but the lip print cards were only given out domestically. In order to get one, many sisters abroad had to somehow acquire them locally. Jiang Ran suddenly felt like a wind was blowing.

Guests on WeChat had also requested her for this, but there were a total of only one thousand lip print cards. Who knew how hard it would be to get one? Jiang Ran refused the requests, and had Zhao Wei send out a note to their circle of friends letting them know that lip prints would not be for sale.

If she could really grab a lip print, she would keep it for herself.

However, it turned out to be impossible.

Although she and Yan Huan Huan went to the Starlight Department Store early in the morning, they were still too late to cut in front of the many, many other sisters in line.

"Huan Huan, look at the length of that line, we"re not going to get it." Forget the lip print cards, Jiang Ran figured they might not even be able to get lipstick.

"Don"t jinx it!" Yan Huan Huan looked over at her angrily, "Now if we can"t get it, it"s all thanks to you!"

Jiang Ran:"................"

On the other side, Feng Jing faced a new plot twist.

That morning, he received a message from the secretary of ChangXin studio.

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: Mr. Feng, h.e.l.lo! Good news, our boss is back ^_^