MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 106

The last stage of the relations.h.i.+p was Exalted when the NPC believed the player faithfully and would never abandon him. Unless the player does something that disappoints the NPC.

Liu Yang managed to lead Linda after earning a good relations.h.i.+p with her. In the Adventurer Guild, whenever a player had a good relations.h.i.+p with the NPC, these NPCs had to leave the guild, that was their golden rule. Of course, this was created by the developers.

Liu Yang"s relations.h.i.+p with Linda became good after he spoke a few ambiguous words to her when he went to the guild to buy information. After accepting Linda as a maid, she left the guild.

These days, they were walking around the mansion, they were exploring the rooms, living rooms to see what was inside. It took a long time for the pair to finish looking at every room in the mansion.

"Young master, we will need at least a hundred people to finish this by nightfall." As someone who was used to this kind of work, Linda calculated the time and number of workers needed to do the job.

"I see… Linda, get this." Liu Yang handed Linda a bag of money.

"Young master, this is…" Linda wasn"t believing how much money she was seeing, she knew Liu Yang was rich from spending five million gold coins to buy information. But she didn"t know how rich he was.

"Inside that bag is a total of fifty thousand gold coins, you can hire the people you want to do the job, but remember, people need to be trusted." Liu Yang entrusted the work to Linda, he didn"t want other players to enter the mansion. And since her request was for trusted people, Linda understood what Liu Yang wanted, she would only call NPCs to do the job.

"Young master, that"s a lot, every worker needs only a few or silver coins. A gold coin is too much. "Linda wasn"t believing that Liu Yang was planning to spend so much.

"Only use as needed, paying with a gold coin should be enough to improve workers" mood. Just tell them that if the job is well done, they will get a bonus of one or two more gold coins. This house also needs new furniture, Linda, you will order some beds, tables, chairs, and other things. Since these things are already broken.

When the workers are cleaning, ask them to left everything back in place again, because I want to see some things after the house is cleaned up. "

"Young master, Linda understood the request, I will do my best to meet the young master"s expectations"

"I"ll be looking forward to seeing the result." Liu Yang smoothed Linda"s soft hair.

"Young Master…" Linda was embarra.s.sed by this action by Liu Yang, she realized that he was different from the rich young people she met during the time she worked in the guild. Liu Yang was not arrogant or rampant like them. This has improved his image for Linda.

After Linda left the mansion in search of workers, Liu Yang walked back through the mansion, he was going to the master room, the room that belonged to Arch Merton.

When Liu Yang entered for the first time, he found some clues of the vault and hidden treasures, not only in the room but also in various locations scattered throughout the mansion.
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Liu Yang began to turn the paintings inside the room, in one of them was a vault behind the wall. Glancing at the vault, Liu Yang saw that he had a pa.s.sword to open, but he didn"t know the pa.s.sword, the only way to try would be to look for clues inside the room.

So Liu Yang began looking around every corner of the room for clues to try to open the vault, after completely overturning the room, Liu Yang found that there was a small hiding place in the bookcase. Inside the hideout was a piece of paper with dozens of notes.

Ding… Ding…

When Liu Yang opened the piece of paper, the sound of the system echoed in his mind.

Quest: In Search of the Hidden Treasures - You have found the information about Arch Merton"s hidden treasures, but to find the treasure, you need to find the other information. Rank: E.

Objective: Search the mansion grounds for treasure information.

Reward: ??? "

"Looks like I found something interesting…" Liu Yang was surprised by the sudden appearance of the quest. Seconds later, the surprise became animation, he was very happy about it, as he could gain more wealth than before.

Liu Yang wanted to try to complete the quest, but that was impossible at the moment, since Linda was at the front gate along with a hundred people, each of them wearing cloth clothes and holding a type of instruments like a sickle, shovel, hoe, and other things. The gate opened with the thought of Liu Yang.


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the young master"s mansion, your task is to clear this place and leave it as good as possible." Linda talked about the task to the hundred people, they were NPCs, all of them.

"Niece Linda, is this your young master"s mansion? I thought this place had been abandoned for hundreds of years. "

"Yes, indeed that is true, but everything changed after the young master found the deed and became the owner of this mansion. If you don"t believe it, just wait, the gate will open, "Linda explained, she didn"t need to talk about it too much.

"Niece Linda, if what you are talking about is true, your young master must be someone amazing, because he found what everyone in this city is looking for"

"The young master is amazing, he is even willing to pay a good amount of money for our work"

"Niece Linda, your young master is indeed someone rich and generous to pay us that good amount of money. The money he"s paying us is what I get in a few months. "

Before they could continue talking, the gate opened automatically, a large amount of tall gra.s.s was shown, the scene looked like a small dense forest made of gra.s.s.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can start work," Linda said, she had confidence in the work of the people she hired.

"Niece Linda, this place is messier than we think, despite the hard work to fix this place, the payment will still be worth it. Guys, come on, we can"t do the little Linda lose face with her beloved young master "

"Uncle, you…" Linda was embarra.s.sed when she heard those words, a slight flush appearing on her face.

"Haha… We will do the best work of our lives. Let"s go!!!"

The group of NPCs, who were carrying sickles to mow the lawn, started work, the rest were waiting for the first group to finish to start work.