MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 107

While the NPCs were doing their work, Linda was inside the mansion territory, as the first part was already cleared, she was able to enter. The gate was already closed to prevent onlookers from seeing what"s going on inside.

Liu Yang was looking at the NPCs working through the corridor window, he was pleased with the workers Linda had arranged.

The NPCs were slas.h.i.+ng, cleaning, they wanted a good job to impress Liu Yang, as he was already being very generous in giving a gold coin and a bonus of a gold coin if the job is done well. Which one didn"t want this bonus? A gold coin amounted to several months of hard work if in just one day they would get that amount, why would they refuse the offer?

So, the NPCs were working hard to successfully impress Liu Yang and have another job opportunity.

Several hours later…

The tall gra.s.s was already cut to ground level, the current gra.s.s was only a few inches long, the dirt all over the ground cleared, the small houses for the employees were also cleared, the mansion was cleared. Everything was cleaned the best way possible, the place doesn"t even look like an abandoned place anymore. The mansion and surrounding areas looked like a new house.

"Niece Linda, I hope your young master likes the work we did"

"Uncle, the work is amazing, it doesn"t even look like the house has been abandoned for hundreds of years." Linda was surprised by the work of the NPCs.

"Hehe… We did our best to show our skills."

"Fine, I"ll talk to the young master. But before that, take it, this is the pay for the work. If the young master finds the work amazing, he will give you a bonus of one or two gold coins. Wait a minute. "Linda handed out a hundred gold coins, one to each worker.

"Niece Linda, we thank you for the kindness of your young master." A hundred NPCs bowed and thanked Linda, she entered the mansion and walked over to Liu Yang.

"Young master, what did you think of work?" Linda asked expectantly.

"Linda, they did a great job, it doesn"t even look like the same house as before. You did well to hire these people. "Liu Yang patted Linda"s head before straightening her straight, soft hair.

"Young Master… I"m glad you enjoyed their work, they are the best I know" Linda was extremely happy with Liu Yang"s compliment, and there was also a little shyness in her heart because of Liu Yang"s actions.

"Linda, give each of them, three gold coins as a bonus for the good work done. Linda, when it comes to furniture, how long will it take? "

"Young master, I"m glad you enjoyed it. As for furniture, it will arrive tomorrow in the morning."

"I see… Linda, I can only stay here until tomorrow morning, I have to take a trip and I can only come back in a few or several days. I hope you can take good care of the mansion until I get back. "

"Yes… Young master… I will do my best to meet the young Master"s expectations…" Linda was sad when she heard Liu Yang"s words, she understood that the adventurers were always traveling. But she wanted to spend a little more time with Liu Yang, even if it"s a bit.

"Linda, this tonight, come to my room," Liu Yang whispered in her ear.

"Young master…" These words made her extremely embarra.s.sed, her heart began to pound faster and her face was slightly flushed.

"We"ll talk later, first, you must finish your task," Liu Yang said, and then left, leaving Linda lost in thought. Liu Yang wanted to test something to see if it works or not, she only returned to normal sometime later.

(I"m looking like someone who is about to commit adultery… I hope Rose and Little Thorns forgive me for this…) Liu Yang thought internally, he knew that to make the relations.h.i.+p between a player and an NPCs reach the Exalted, they have to go through many challenges together.

But that depended on the NPC, some NPCs were easier than others, one of the examples was Linda, Liu Yang only needed some ambiguous words and actions to get her as a maid. While others might have to do many things together or quests to increase this level of relations.h.i.+p.

"Yes, young master" Linda is happier than before, as she could spend more time with her young master before leaving. Various kinds of strange thoughts began to pop into her mind because of Liu Yang"s request.

Outside the mansion…

"Uncle, the young master enjoyed your work, he asked me to give you the bonus." Linda handed out three hundred more gold coins.

"Little Linda, that"s ..." The NPCs didn"t know what to say about this scene, they thought they would win a coin or two, but not in their dreams, they think they would get three gold coins as a bonus.

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"The young master enjoyed your work and decided to give it an extra reward. I hope you don"t mind that, "Linda explained. She didn"t need to talk much for the NPCs to understand what was going on.

"Niece Linda, tell your young master that if he needs us again, we will do our best to fulfill his requests." The NPCs swore, they were glad Liu Yang was a good person.

"I will pa.s.s this message on to the young master. Now that the task is done, you may go, if the young master needs something like that again, I will call you. "Linda said, she had known them for a long time and were the best for this kind of service.

"We thanked niece Linda for that." The NPCs bowed and thanked Linda again before heading out the gate. She started walking back to the mansion.

"Young master, they are gone. They sent the message, if the young master wants to do something like that again, you can call them to do the job again, they will do their best. "

"Linda, if you want to call them, you can, that"s your job as my maid," Liu Yang said, he didn"t care who the people were doing the work, as long as they are reliable.

"Yes, Young Master" Linda was glad Liu Yang trusted her so much.

"Linda, can you cook?"

"Yes young master, wait a minute, I already bought the ingredients, I"ll prepare the meal."Linda was excited to be able to cook Liu Yang"s first meal in his new home.

"Linda, I"ll be strolling around the mansion"

"Yes, young master"

Liu Yang started strolling the mansion while Linda was headed for the kitchen.