MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 153

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:17 PMChapter 153

After cla.s.s, Liu Yang returned home, he sighed with relief that his school was not the first to be visited, but Liu Yang knew that at someday, it would be his school"s turn, and that can"t be changed .

Returning to the game, Liu Yang saw that he was still inside the room at the princess"s house in the Forest Guardian Village . That was where he and Sophie had their first time, due to Nina"s help, Sophie submits to him .

When that happened, the system sound of the game beeped and the relations.h.i.+p between Liu Yang and Sophie jumped from Good to Exalted all at once, because Sophie completely gave her heart to Liu Yang after that moment .

The quest Liu Yang had with Sophie changed, it was no longer the bet between the two, now, Liu Yang just needed to level Sophie and help her get back what belonged to her . In the end, Sophie would still be a maid of Liu Yang, and she would have much more status and wealth than before .

The relations.h.i.+p with Nina also increased and reached Great, and all that remained was to reach the exalted . But that would take a too long time .

Leaving the room, Liu Yang did not see the two girls, he imagined they were walking around the village, Little White was lying in the room . Smelling Liu Yang, Little White advanced on Liu Yang .

"Auuu…" Little White was quite happy to see Liu Yang, it jumped on him and started licking his face like a dog .

"Hehe . . . " Liu Yang grasped Little White"s large body and stroked its head .

"Young Master, you came back" At that moment, Nina and Sophie entered the house, they were sweaty after exercising around the village . They were doing basic training to move better .

"Yes, are you hungry?" Liu Yang asked he knew the two girls were hungry after several hours of exercise . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Yes," They both answered at the same time .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I"ll prepare the food, you two can take a shower first" Liu Yang was about to go to the kitchen, but he heard Sophie"s shy voice and ambiguous words .

"Young master, could you let us have dessert first?" Sophie said with a suggestive tone, she had a slight blush on her face . Nina was extremely embarra.s.sed to hear these words, the scenes from the night before began to appear in her mind .

Although she has not lost her purity, it does not mean that Nina did nothing, on the contrary, she did many perverted things . But only Sophie lost her purity, because of jealousy and envy, Nina did a little test, she tried to sit on the hard thing of Liu Yang, but it was useless, the moment the thing was going to enter, a small barrier appeared and blocked .

This scene frustrated Nina, the princess had already warned them not to try, but it seemed that she did not trust both of them and created protection for Nina, this was her guarantee that Nina would not lose her virginity . However, this was only limited to the front, her back door was unprotected .

Liu Yang and Nina only discovered this when they tried to use the back door .

Some hours later…

After an early dessert and a late lunch, Liu Yang and his group began making the trip out of the village, they would even out . Liu Yang used the three skills he had received from the princess, his combat power greatly increased .

Currently, both Tame and Summon the Beasts were at level 6 due to the effects of the World Jewel . That helped Liu Yang a lot, he can tame six more beasts and summon the six to help him fight .

Each player had the right to have only one pet as a companion, whether riding, helper or both . But the players could only be one .

Within the game were some special and skills that allowed players to have more than one tamed and summoned beast . Players can tame and abandon beasts, the same as beasts; if players are bad and mistreat its, it can abandon its masters .

Liu Yang wanted to tame six more beasts, but he didn"t know which ones to choose, for now, he would only have Little White . The two girls already equipped the sets that the princess had given as a gift, their attributes increased a lot . Mostly Nina, who was already at level 250 .

Sophie was still at level 1, but that didn"t stop her from using the set, as the requirement was only level 1 . Sophie still needed to level enough to reach the other three .

The way that Liu Yang and his group was going was the opposite way back to Stone Village, the group was traveling to a village called Sharp Fang Village . The village was named after the wild beasts that lived around the village .  

The journey from the Mountain Guardian Village to the Sharp Fang Village took five days, all the way around, the group saw no creatures, they only saw trees and more trees . This was because the guardian of the human kingdom drove all the beasts around the guardian village .

After several consecutive days of travel, the group finally saw Sharp Fang Village, the first thing Liu Yang thought upon seeing the village was: Quest .

The village was destroyed, the thatched houses were broken with great scratches and sharp nail marks, the villagers were lying on the ground and agonizing with pain from their injuries .

Liu Yang and the two girls were wearing black robes to avoid being recognized .

When they arrived at the village, the NPCs looked at them as if they were their saviors .

"Help, please . " One of the NPCs said, he was covered in injuries and his blood was strewn over his body .

"Adventurers, please give us a hand," another pleaded .

The village NPCs began to kneel before Liu Yang"s group, they were asking for some help . Despite being heavily injured, some NPCs still moved to ask for help .

"Young master, can we help them?" Nina asked, she felt depressed to see this scene, she could become the ruler of the human kingdom in the future, and this was something she would not want to see happen to her people .

"I will try to do something to help them"

"h.e.l.lo, do you need any help?" Liu Yang asked, despite an obvious question, he still did it to see whether or not there was a quest .

"Adventurer, could you help us all with our injuries?"

"Yes, what do you need?"

"Adventurer, we need clean water and food . Could you bring that kind of thing to us? "

Ding… Ding…

Quest: A Little Help - The Sharp Fangs Village has been attacked by wild beasts, this is something that happens every five months, and this is the worst period for the villagers . The villagers are very injured and hungry from the destruction caused by the creatures . You need to get water and food to help the villagers, the barrels to get water and food are in the village warehouse . Rank E .

Objective: Get 30 Water Barrels and 20 Food Barrels .

Reward: A Gift from the Village "

(Interesting… Seems like this quest is quite simple, but it requires a lot of money to complete…) That"s what Liu Yang thought when he saw the quest .

The quest did not ask to kill creatures, it only asked for water and food, but to have these things required a reasonable amount of money . Liu Yang had a lot of money in the bank, but he didn"t know if items purchased from NPCs in the city could be used for the quest .

"I will do my best to try to bring these things in as soon as possible"

"Quest Accepted"

"Young adventurer, our village thanks you for your help"

"Don"t worry about it, we must help the needy," Liu Yang said humbly . He finished talking to the NPCs and headed toward the warehouse to pick up the barrels .

The warehouse was destroyed, and the things inside were broken . Fortunately, Liu Yang managed to find fifty intact barrels .


"Unable to store in inventory"

A system sound appeared to Liu Yang as he tried to store the barrel .

(What ???? !!!! Can"t keep the barrel ?? !!! Does that mean I"ll have to carry one barrel at a time for everything I do ?? !!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in In his mind this task was insane, tiresome and tedious . For he would have to go back and thirty times to get water, and twenty more times to get food .

That was another slave work .