MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 154

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:16 PMChapter 154

Amid a forest and evergreen trees, the weather in the place was calm and cozy, and from time to time one could hear the roar of the wild beasts . The breeze from the wind was light and smelled of nature .

Somewhere in the forest, you could see a big fast river, inside the river were three people and three animals, a giant wolf and two horses . The three people were wearing masks, which covered their faces, and ordinary clothes, the animals were using ropes to pull something .

The group was Liu Yang and his companions after he accepted the quest, Liu Yang had to go to the river and get water and food .

The river water was clean and could be used for drinking, Liu Yang needed thirty barrels of water to complete the quest, but each barrel was made of metal and weighed five pounds and when the barrel was filled with water, the weight was very bigger but the biggest challenge of the quest was to take the barrels, as they could not be placed into the inventory . The game developers did this to make players more difficult .

In the game system, for each point in the strength attribute, the player could take something a hundred grams more than before . If the player tried to grab something beyond its limit, the item could not be moved manually .

To circ.u.mvent this there was inventory, players could put anything in their inventory, and the weight of the item was overridden so that players could put more items into inventory .

But when the item was removed from inventory, its weight would return to normal . Thus, the that had the most attribute strength were better able to complete quests that required manual strength .
One of the items that can help players get more items is the s.p.a.ce backpack, like the backpack Liu Yang received from Mrs . Veola in the Lands of Fire . This type of item was extra inventory for players .

"Young master, I"m getting tired of doing this, can we have a little break before?" Sophie said, she was the weakest of the group, and couldn"t stand much of the time .

"Young master, I agree with the idea of ​​little Sophie, we"ve been doing this for several hours straight"


" Hiin in in hinir" The horses neighed too, all already covered in sweat and tired after several hours of hard work .

"Alright, let"s take a break and rest . " Liu Yang was already covered in sweat and panting .

The group went to the riverbank and made a small camp, the girls lit the fire and Liu Yang started cooking . A delicious smell began to be felt in the place .

Everyone was already salivating from the smell except the horses, Liu Yang prepared something else for them . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

It took a few minutes for the food to be ready and everyone to start eating .

"Young Master, the food is very good," Nina said, she was happy to be able to eat delicious food like that .

"Yes, I agree with this perverted girl . Young Master, you are getting better every time you cook . "Sophie also commented, she was enjoying eating Liu Yang"s food .

"Auuuu" Little White also spoke, although no one could understand what it was saying, everyone understood the meaning of howling from the smiling expression on Little White"s face .

The horses were eating magical fruit juice that enhances the attributes of wild beats . This kind of thing was not recommended, giving mystical food to common animals, as it could kill them . Fortunately, Liu Yang has diluted the effects of these fruits and created some potions for the average animal to drink .

Liu Yang and his group were eating calmly and quietly until a group of players appeared in the forest . They were looking at Liu Yang"s group with greedy eyes . This group was thinking that Liu Yang and his group could be rich players because the items they used seemed to be expensive .

Appearances were deceptive, for the clothes the group was wearing were casual and could be bought at any auction house for a few gold coins . This amount of money was not much for the players doing handicrafts .

The group thought that Liu Yang was a player who had a high level of craftsmans.h.i.+p and figured he would have a lot of money .

When the male players looked at Nina and Sophie, they were surprised at their beauty, they were beautiful . Some have even been jealous that Liu Yang has two beautiful NPCs traveling with him .

This group of players was wearing bright and flashy armor sets, it shows that they were strong and came from influential groups .

"h.e.l.lo, what can I do for you guys?" Liu Yang asked when he saw the group approaching, he understood that the group had no good intentions from their eyes .

"h.e.l.lo, we would like to know if you took the quest to get water and food from the Sharp Fang Village . " The person in front spoke . He looked at Liu Yang, and saw that he was wearing a mask that covered half of his face, and then looked at Nina and Sophie, he saw that although they had a mask covering half of their faces, their bodies were beautiful . This person was the leader of the group .

When he realized that they were NPCs and that Nina was a Tier Elite NPC, envy and jealousy filled his heart, as getting a Tier Elite NPC was extremely difficult to achieve .

"Yes, I got the quest, I and my teammates are trying to fill the barrels with water and food, but it"s very hard to do that" Liu Yang said despondently, he was trying to figure out the goal on the other side .

"It"s hard indeed, without the help of other players or having a lot of strength attribute, it"s really hard to complete this tiresome quest . By the way, how many barrels have you got? "The leader also said dismally, he seemed to be interested in how many barrels Liu Yang had been able to fill .

"We have only been able to fill thirty barrels of water and two barrels of food so far, which is very tiring to do . We took some days to do this, fortunately, the village chief has accepted the water barrels, for now, he is waiting for us to deliver the barrels of food . "Liu Yang spoke honestly, he said what he had done to see the reaction on the other side .

"I see . . . Alright then, we won"t bother you" The group leader said, and took everyone away .

Liu Yang and his group ate again after the other side left, but that didn"t stop them from being alert .

"Young master, what did they want?" Nina spoke with a serious face .