MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 161

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:09 PMChapter 161

After hearing about the skills of the two girls, Liu Yang became thoughtful .

"I see… Alright, I"ll think of a way to get through this challenge . " Liu Yang sat on the floor and opened the community page, he wanted to look for information on how to lure creatures .

Looking at the posts, Liu Yang found an interesting topic: Guide - How to Lure Any Creature .

Opening the post, Liu Yang saw that the post had many explanatory videos and detailed texts on how to lure any kind of creature . Be it a boss or a normal creature .

Looking at that huge amount of video, Liu Yang searched more specifically, he wanted to know how to lure a boss who was with other bosses or creatures .

The search engine was efficient, on the same page Liu Yang found the text and video he was looking for .

"To lure a boss that is amid other creatures or bosses, there is a method that can only lure one of them and defeat one at a time . But you need to remember that if something goes wrong while using the method, more than one creature may be lured .

The method is to lure the most distant creature first before the others, if the group of creatures is in line, try to lure the one at the end . If it is a circle, try to lure the one closest to you . If the creatures are scattered, try to lure the farthest creature from all others .

If you still have questions about the method, watch the three how-to videos . Each video has other more detailed explanations of each case . "
Below the text was three videos, one for each method .

Liu Yang clicked to see the first one, as he was in the first situation .

The video begins with the player explaining how to lure a creature and the method it will use . Liu Yang advanced the video, he did not want to hear what he had read before .

Skipping to the part where the player starts using the strategy, Liu Yang stopped skipping the video and let it play normally .

The first thing the player did was to be as far away from one of the ends of the line creatures as possible, the player was on the same line as the creature he would lure . The player had the option to choose right or left .

After choosing the target, the player began to walk slowly towards the creature, each step being counted, the player"s steps were not wide but short . Whenever the player walked, his foot was just in front of the back foot, meaning he only walked the distance of his foot with each step . This was to know how far the creature"s aggro was .

The player was ten meters from the creature when he started walking .

Nine meters… Eight meters… Seven meters… Six meters… . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

When the player was approaching within six meters, the creature moves, the player was close to the creature"s aggro zone, but it was not enough to make it move . The player still needed to get closer .

Five and a half meters… Five meters…

When the player reached five meters from the creature, it finally moved, it turned and charged toward the player, he jumped back before turning and running to pull away and pull the creature away .

Liu Yang closed the video after seeing this scene, he managed to understand the basics of the strategy .

After closing the page and looking toward the creatures, Nina and Sophie realized that Liu Yang had thought of some plan .

"Young master, did you think of any plans?" Nina asked curiously .

"Yes, let"s try something out first . Sophie, you will stay behind Nina, she will protect you if anything goes wrong . Little White and I will attack first, all right? "Liu Yang replied, he didn"t say the plan .

"Yes, young master" The two girls answered . Sophie was a little upset that she was being protected, she wanted to attack too, but she knew this was not the time for that right now .

"Little White, follow me when I ask you to stay still, you stay, understand? No matter what happens, don"t move until I tell you, "Liu Yang told Little White .

"Auuu" It answered with a howl only, it showed that Little White understood Liu Yang"s words .

"Nina, use you all buffs skills on me and Little White . " Liu Yang did this to increase their chances of survival .  

"Yes young master" Nina began to cast all her spells, dozens of lights began to s.h.i.+ne on the bodies of Liu Yang and Little White .

"Let"s go" Liu Yang called Little White, the two started walking .

"Careful young master" Nina said worriedly, Sophie was also worried about what might happen if something went wrong .

The hall seemed to be a hundred square meters, the place looked like a large arena, Liu Yang walked to the same line as one of the end skeletons, he and Little White were twenty meters from the skeleton .

"Little White, you stand here until I tell you, you don"t move, all right?"


Liu Yang started walking slowly, one step at a time, he had confidence this time, because of the attribute points used and the buffs he received from Nina .

Nineteen meters… Eighteen meters… Seventeen meters… Fifteen meters…

When Liu Yang reached fifty feet from the skeleton, the skeleton moved its white head to see if anything was nearby, after noticing anything, it returned to normal .

Liu Yang kept walking slowly, step by step .

Fourteen meters… Thirteen meters… Ten meters…

When Liu Yang reached ten meters from the skeleton, the skeleton looked towards Liu Yang with its holes that had two white flames burning, the scene was a bit strange . Liu Yang successfully pulled the aggro from the skeleton .

The skeleton began charging toward Liu Yang, but its speed was so slow that it looked like it was walking and not running . Liu Yang looked at this scene and thought it was funny, he had forgotten those skeleton creatures were slow, or at least ninety percent of them were slow .

With each step the skeleton moved forward, Liu Yang took a step backward, that was to keep step and maintain aggro .

As the skeleton moved fifty feet from its original position, Liu Yang finally stopped walking and let the skeleton slowly approach .

"Little White, get ready, we will attack when the skeleton is six squares in front of us . " Liu Yang was referring to the floors, which were separated by squares like tiles .

10… 9… 8… 7… 6…

"Attack !!" Liu Yang shouted, though there was only him and Little White on the front line to attack .