MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 162

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:08 PMChapter 162

Hearing Liu Yang"s command, Little White charged toward the skeleton and used its Light Burst and Light Penetration ability .

Booom !!! Booom !!!!

The skeleton"s HP was almost instantly reduced by thirty percent because of Little White"s two abilities, which happened for the following facts .

The skeleton"s HP was almost halved instantly because of Little White"s two abilities, which happened for the following facts .

First: The skeleton had no magic defense, because of that, it would receive one hundred percent of the damage dealt .

Second: The skeleton was an undead, any light attribute spell would do double damage to this creature .

Third: The level, the skeleton was only level 105, and Little White"s level was 239, that was 134 levels of difference . For every hundred levels of difference between the two sides, the damage received was increased by one hundred percent and another ten percent for every ten more levels . That is, Little White would do one hundred and thirty percent more of the original damage . That was more than double .

Adding all three facts, the damage caused by Little White has become very high .

When Liu Yang looked at those two red numbers that popped over the head of the skeleton, he was shocked and frightened by the damage Little Little did, those numbers were absurd .

Before Liu Yang had time to think about it, the skeleton attacked Little White with the Horizontal Seep, the scimitar cut horizontally toward Little White . At that moment Little White jumped back and dodged the skeleton"s attack .
The skeleton miss in its ability, Little White took this opportunity to activate both Light Burst and Light Penetration abilities again .

Boooom !!! Boooom !!!

Two more explosions have taken place and two numbers appear on top of the skeletons head again, 15,000, 20,000 . The skeleton had already lost seventy percent of its HP in just a few seconds .

Crack… Crack… Crack…

Several sounds of breaking bones could be heard, the skeletons were activating the Skeleton Fury ability . A few seconds after the crackling, the flame in the eye hole became more intense and completely covered the skeletal head .

"Little White, caution!!!! The skeleton went into fury mode !!! "Liu Yang shouted, he was worried that something might happen to Little White .

Liu Yang"s worries weren"t necessary before the skeleton could do anything after going into rage mode, Little White activated one of the skills . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!!

Both skills. .h.i.t the skeleton directly and two red numbers popped up over its head, 15,000, 20,000 .

Crack… Crack… Crack…

Several cracking sounds emerged from the body of the skeleton before it collapsed to the floor and turned the sea into black lights that floated where the skeleton was defeated, that was the only thing left in place . The skeleton did not drop any items .

Counter: 1

Liu Yang received several system messages about leveling Sophie and Little Blue, Sophie gained thirty levels, while Little Blue gained fifteen levels . The amount of experience the skeleton gave when it was defeated was so high that the two leveled out more than ten times .

The experience was split into three group members, Liu Yang, Nina, Sophie . The two horses could not be leveled because they were

The experience Liu Yang received, he had to share with Little White, Little Blue, and his armor set . In the case of Nina and Sophie, they didn"t have to do that because their set armor sets leveled differently .

Looking at the place where the skeleton was defeated, Liu Yang saw a fair amount of black smoke as he looked at the information, shock appeared in his eyes . A thought seemed in Liu Yang"s mind after he saw that .

Dark Energy - A ma.s.sive cl.u.s.ter of dark energy .

"Nina, what do you think about that?" Liu Yang called the two girls .

"Young Master, it looks like it might help my set level," Nina said enthusiastically after seeing the information from the black smoke .

"Nina, do you know how to absorb this smoke and level your set?" Liu Yang asked he figured Nina knew how to do that .

"Yes, young master, but I think we"d better defeat the other four skeletons first before we do that," Nina said, she thought it best to defeat the five skeletons first before using the set to absorb the black smoke .

"All right . You two get back there first, I and Little White will do the same thing again . "Liu Yang said in a relaxed way, he never imagined that Little White could beat these skeletons so easily .

"Yes, Young Master" Both girls understood that they didn"t need to do anything at the moment .

"Little White, let"s go . We"re going to do the same thing again, okay? "Liu Yang started walking again after the girls returned to where they had been before .

"Auuuu" Little White howled in agreement with Liu Yang .

It took a few minutes for the five skeletons to be defeated, the black smoke of the five skeletons gathering in the center of the room before forming a small ball the size of a ping pong ball .

Dark Energy Sphere - A sphere that contains a large amount of dark energy .

"Young master, what are we going to do with this?" Nina asked, she was relieved to suggest absorbing the black smoke after defeating the skeletons, otherwise this sphere could not have appeared .

"I think we should keep it for now, and see what happens in the next halls . " Liu Yang understood that the energy sphere appeared for some purpose and at the moment they had no use for the sphere, but there could be later . Liu Yang pocketed the sphere and began guiding the group into the next room .

After the five skeletons were defeated, a door appeared at the end of the hall, this was the exit to the current hall and the entrance to the next hall .

"Is everyone ready?"



" Hiin in in hinir"

Everyone made a sound agreeing with Liu Yang"s words .

The door was made of stone with dozens of ancient inscriptions engraved on it, Liu Yang could not understand these inscriptions because he did not learn to read that language .

The moment the door was touched, it glowed before it began to slowly open . What appeared on the other side was another hall identical to what Liu Yang and his group were, the same .

The group could no longer go back, the only way out of this place was to complete the instance . The group went through the door to reach the second hall .