MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 205

When this posting was done, many players opened it immediately. For it was the same person, who had announced the new city before.

An uproar was created after the players finished reading the post, none of them believed that the girls would already build another city in the desert. The most incredible thing was that it would be in a place with creatures level between 400-500, which would be a new place to level.

The best leveling locations to reach level 500 have already been monopolized by the big shots. They treated it as their hunting ground, it made the less influential groups resent it, but they couldn"t do anything about it. For there were still other places of leveling.

The reason n.o.body wanted to level up in the Golden Sands Desert or nearby because there is the Super World Boss was wandering around. n.o.body wanted to find something like that in the leveling, the main reason for that was that when a player was killed by a Super World Boss, he lost ten levels. n.o.body dared to test their luck.

But now it was different, the Diamond Snake was defeated and the territory claimed. This gave the players the courage to return to level in the desert.

The problem was that there was no city nearby or anything for players to rest.

To increase the difficulty in leveling, the developers created an insane rule. When a player left the game within the city, his character also left the game. However, when the player left the game outside the city, his character was still in place for six hours before disappearing.

In other words, leaving the city was almost a suicide and loss of a level. n.o.body dared to do that unless there was a guard group to protect the characters.

If a city were to be built on a leveling site for players in the desert, many players with more humble backgrounds would fill that place. Since they were a large majority.

Only ten percent of the players belonged to the big shots, the rest were of smaller or medium backgrounds. That amount was absurd.

Rose and her group could earn much more than five hundred million in a few minutes with the new city.

Because of this situation, the human kingdom was in an uproar.

On the one hand, were the most humble and average groups, they were strongly hoping that Rose and her groups would build the city as quickly as possible.

On the other side were the big shots, they were divided between two sides. One side wanted Rose to build the new city so that they could enjoy a share of the profits. While the other side did not want the city to be built, as this would give less influential players more places to level. No big shot wanted the less influential to get stronger.

One of the things that made the most humble players spend more money in the city was the fact that Liu Yang deactivated the PK of his territory, that is, as, within a city, players could not attack each other. This decreased the theft and death rates within its territory.

The girls made hotel prices much more expensive than in other regions, but in return, no player was at risk of being killed by another player. Everyone accepted this, as it was better to pay a little more in a hosting than to buy other equipment.

"Your Majesty, it looks like a new city has been built without Your Majesty"s permission" A person in armor knelt before an old man with white hair.

The old man had majestic clothes and a golden crown on his head, he was the king of the human kingdom.

"In what territory was the city built?" The old man asked.

"It was in the Golden Sands Desert area, the territory of the Diamond Snake"

"Did something happen in this area?" The king was shocked when he heard those words.

"Your Majesty, it looks like some adventurer managed to defeat the Diamond Snake and claimed her territory"

"Who is this adventurer? Why didn"t he come to see me after do that? "

"We don"t know who this adventurer is, the only thing we do know is that he let his girlfriend build a city in the desert. Your Majesty, this is against the rules. Besides, our information tells us that in less than an hour, the city has collected more than one billion gold coins "

"What????!!! One billion gold coins ??? !!! How is this possible??"

"We don"t know why, but it seems that many adventurers are interested in this place. Although they did not notify us about the construction of the city, they paid us the taxes of the month "

"I see… It seems that they don"t want us to intervene in the city. Is there still more? "

"Yes. Your Majesty, that letter arrived a few minutes ago. "The soldier took out a letter with the symbol of a stamped snake.

"Open this letter" The king had a vague idea of ​​what this letter was about.

The soldier opened the letter, but there was nothing inside.

"Your Majesty, the envelope is empty. Is this some kind of joke? "

"No, you are mistaken. Drop that envelope "

When the envelope was dropped on the floor. Something surprising happened.

The envelope turned into a paper snake before it caught fire and disappeared.

"This is ..." The king was shocked when he saw the paper snake, he understood the meaning of this.

"Your Majesty, what just happened?"

"Prepare a battalion of soldiers. I want you to make this city safe for me "The king solemnly ordered.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" The soldier was shocked when he heard the king"s orders.

"This is an order. Do it right now. Choose good soldiers, who want to go to the desert to train and make them the city guards on my behalf. Tell everyone that the city is under the protection of the king. Those who cause trouble in the city will be punished according to the laws of the kingdom "

"Yes, Your Majesty" The soldier left immediately after hearing the king"s harsh words, he understood that the matter is very serious.

"Who was the person who said that the Diamond Snake was defeated? She is still alive and kicking. Even I dare not cause trouble in her territory. At least the other side is also not causing any problems for me and they are still paying taxes.

They are already giving me some face doing this, I have to do the same at least. Someone who has enough power to tame that snake is no ordinary person. It is better for me to maintain a good friends.h.i.+p with the owners of that city than to have them as enemies "

The king thought about this for a while before leaving the throne room and going elsewhere.

The soldiers sent by the king arrived a few days later. A commander brought in a total of a thousand soldiers to secure the city.

The arrival of these soldiers shocked everyone in the city, as they did not imagine that the king of the human kingdom was willing to protect the city and even sent a thousand soldiers to be the guards.

Rose had a vague idea about what had happened. She knew that the Diamond Snake is still alive and accompanied Liu Yang on his journey.

To improve soldiers" accommodation, Rose expanded some areas in the city so that soldiers could live and train. She spent a lot of money to do this, but it was worth the expense. The amount spent to do this was next to nothing if compared to the total amount of coins from another one that Rose has earned since the city"s inauguration.

The owners of the cities had a panel to check the status of the city, such as wealth, housing, sanitation, security, and other things.

Rose had prioritized wealth, as she had to make the city get rich first. After that, she spent several hundred million on sanitation and housing, then it was entertainment and lastly, it was security.

As the king"s soldiers came to help, it made things much easier.

An interesting thing was that soldiers could recruit players through quests to be city guards. Many humble players accepted this as the payment was good and they still provided some consumables. For that to happen, Rose invested several hundred million gold coins.

With each pa.s.sing day, the city became extremely prosperous and rich. As more and more players appeared every day to level and do quests exclusive to the city.