MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 206

(Swamp of the Perdition!!!!!!!!!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed when he heard that name. He has never seen this place, but he has heard about this swamp.

According to the information reported by the white elves, the Swamp of the Perdition was the most dangerous place in the whole white elf kingdom. There were no creatures at the site, but there is a reason why it is the most dangerous place in the kingdom of the white elves and one of the most dangerous spots in New Earth.

If there were no creatures in the swamp, how could this place be considered dangerous? The answer is simple: the swamp itself was a dangerous place.

The Swamp of the Perdition was a great forest of dead trees and rotten mud. Once someone enters the swamp, that person was automatically considered dead. Nothing that enters the place can leave alive.

Players in the kingdom of the white elves refuse to go there, even the older generation, who were already at extremely high levels, did not dare to enter the swamp.

The swamp was a place full of deadly traps, the place was a big maze that once lost, it was very difficult to get back on the right path.

The reason why no one dared to enter the swamp was very simple: Anyone who enters the swamp and dies, that person will lose a hundred levels. That kind of situation was something that n.o.body wants.

Only a group of players had the courage to enter this place, but they couldn"t because it was too far away and none of them had the money to get there. Level 1 players. They can die as many times as they want and there would be no penalty.

Level 1 players from the kingdom of the white elves were used as a guinea pig to explore the swamp, the big shots hired them to do this job.

However, because of not paying by the big shots, everyone started to refuse to do the job. This made the big shots give up on that idea.

Ding… Ding…

Quest: Exchange - Princess Elyen Oddmind want to do an exchange, if you help her to reach the Swamp of the Perdition, she will help you enter the capital of the kingdom of the white elves without suffering any kind of punishment.

Rank: ?????????????

Objective: Go to the Swamp of the Perdition.

Failure: Loss of one hundred levels.

Reward: Special pa.s.s to enter the capital as a member of the kingdom "

"Accept - Refuse"

(Another quest with an unknown rank !!!!!! Why am I taking so many quests of this type? A normal player wouldn"t be able to take a quest of this type playing for a lifetime, but I"ve already taken more than one. That"s insane. But the reward is worth the challenge, a pa.s.s of this type is worth more than any equipment in certain situations) Liu Yang shouted in his mind when he saw the quest rank.

"I accept" Liu Yang could only accept the quest, as it was the only way to get to the capital of the white elves without suffering any kind of punishment within the city.

Whenever a player from another kingdom enters a neighboring city, any city or village, the system warns about it. A crowd of players will try to kill the invader.

Until the player enters any type of town or city, the system will not warn. With the help of the princess, Liu Yang is more likely to infiltrate the capital of the kingdom of the white elves without any problem.

Ding ...

"Quest Accepted"

"Princess, do you know where that swamp is?" Liu Yang asked, he started researching the swamp, but he thought the princess had more information than he did. So, Liu Yang asked the princess.             

"Yes, I know. But we will go the other way. The normal path is being watched by those who want to capture me. "

"I see ... Princess, do you know who they are?"

"Yes, they are the servants of a group that are trying to usurp my father"s throne"

(It"s them again !!!!) Liu Yang still remembered the change of dynasty in the orc kingdom. Some players activated the extremely rare quest that changed a kingdom"s dynasty.

(It looks like someone was trying to change the dynasty in every kingdom. I also received a quest like this, but mine seems to be different on the other side) Liu Yang figured that was the case. His quest was to find the real successor to the human kingdom while the white elf kingdom already had a successor, but someone wanted to change the bloodline of the kingdom"s rulers.

"I see ... It seems that there is a group behind this ..." Liu Yang murmured on purpose, he wanted to see if he could trigger another quest.

"Have they done this in another kingdom?" The princess was shocked to discover this, she never imagined that another kingdom had a bloodline change.

"Yes, in the kingdom of orcs. Someone killed the royal family, now, the kingdom is in chaos to choose a new ruler. The great warlords are fighting among themselves to see who the future leader of the kingdom will be "

"It seems that I will have to go as soon as possible to the Swamp of the Perdition. If not, a big problem is going to happen in the kingdom of the white elves ... Human, are you ready for this trip? " The princess murmured a little before asking Liu Yang.

"Yes. I"m always ready "Liu Yang spoke solemnly, he wanted to show a little disposition to the princess.

"It"s all right. Come on, time is running out while we talk. Human, do you have any kind of mount that can fly, but also quite fast? "

"Yes," Liu Yang looked at the pet window and saw Little Black. The three-eyed crow was already the size of a giant bird.

"Come" Liu Yang summoned the crow.

Cua !!!! Cua !!!! Cua !!!!

The crow made some happy sounds when it saw Liu Yang, it spread its big black wings and started jumping.

"Good bird" Liu Yang patted the crow"s head.

Cua !!!! Cua !!!! Cua !!!!

"Princess, is it enough?" Liu Yang never flew using Little Black, this would be the first time.

"Yes. It is enough. As a legendary creature, it has great powers. But it is a pity that it is very weak at the moment. "

"Little Black will become strong in the future, very strong. Right, Little Black? "

Cua !!!! Cua !!!! Cua !!!!

Little Black agreed with Liu Yang"s words, it was looking forward to growing up and getting much stronger than now.

"Come on" Liu Yang grabbed the princess"s waist and jumped up to ride Little Black.

"Dirty and perverted human, you are not allowed to touch me again" The princess was embarra.s.sed and irritated by Liu Yang"s bold action.

(This perverted human has taken advantage of me before, now, he is doing it again ... When we get to the swamp, I will show you !!) The princess thought of getting revenge on Liu Yang because of the two perverted actions he did to her.

"What are you doing?" The princess asked flushed and angry.

Liu Yang had already carried a kiss, holding her waist. Now, the princess had to ride on the crow sitting in front of Liu Yang, that is, he was sitting behind the princess. His arms were at the side of her delicate waist while the two bodies were glued together.

"Princess, I"m holding you so that you don"t fall while we"re flying" Liu Yang spoke fairly. But his motives were very unfair, he just wanted to take advantage of the princess, although it is true the part of her does not fall.

(Just wait, I will punish you properly for this perversion) The princess held back if she let Liu Yang take advantage of her for now.

"Little Black, come on !!!" Liu Yang ordered.

Cua !!!! Cua !!!! Cua !!!! Cua !!!!

Little Black screamed with joy and spread its big black wings.

Shuooo !!!!

Little Black fired like a rocket into the sky. The trees parted to clear the way for Little Black to pa.s.s.