MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 207

"Where are we at?" Liu Yang asked while looking at the horizon. He and the princess had already been traveling together for a few days. As he was not from the kingdom of the white elves, he did not have a map to locate himself, he had to buy it in a store.

Little Black always stopped to rest for a day or two before flying again.

The princess used the safest way to travel, otherwise, they would have a lot of problems if they were to travel on the road. Since many players and NPCs were chasing the princess.

"We are in a place called Plain of Flowers, this place is for people to enjoy the scenery, there is no type of creature in the place. Just players and NPCs. Here is a good city to buy supplies, but it is not a good time for that. Let"s continue, ahead there is a big mountain, we can rest there "The princess wanted to see the flowers, but this was not the right time for that.

"Princess, do you have the pa.s.s with you? I can buy some things and you can enjoy the flowers "Liu Yang had the ring of the two snake sisters, which can keep people inside. If they allow, Liu Yang could keep the princess inside when there is a problem.

Only NPCs of Legendary Rank or G.o.d can detect anything below these two ranks, no other NPC will be able to detect anything. This method is very safe for Liu Yang.

"I do, but how are you going to let me see the flowers? The instant I show up in the city, my pursuers will find me "The princess asked curiously, she wanted to know what kind of method Liu Yang had to help her see the flowers.

"Give me the pa.s.s, which I will show you" Liu Yang spoke mysteriously.

"..." The princess was thoughtful when she heard Liu Yang"s words, she didn"t know if she should lend the pa.s.s or not. After a brief thoughtful moment, she decided to lend it to him.

"Take it, you can only use it for two hours. After that time, the pa.s.s will disappear. Understood?"

"Yes. We are going to get off in a safe place with no one. Little Black, let"s go down and get some rest "

Cua !!! Cua !!! Cua !!! Cua !!!

Little Black landed in the middle of a forest, Liu Yang guarded it while equipping the pa.s.s. The princess followed him from behind, she was curious as to how Liu Yang will be able to let her enjoy the flowers.

"Princess, use this to hide your face. This will help a bit "Liu Yang gave the princess a black cloak to hide, he was also wearing a black cloak.

Since Liu Yang had no pointed ears, he could only hide in a black cloak.

"Hold my hand to avoid getting lost" Liu Yang joked.

"Pervert" The princess spoke just one word. She understood Liu Yang"s intentions. But she agreed to take his hand. After several days of suffering the perverted actions of Liu Yang while flying, the princess got used to it. Despite being a little embarra.s.sed.

The two looked like a strange couple wearing a black cloak as they walked hand in hand through the forest. After some time walking, they finally reached the Plain of Flowers.

The location was beautiful with tens of thousands of flowers dancing in the cool, gentle wind. Players and NPCs were walking and picnicking in various locations while enjoying the weather and the scenery. This place was like paradise.

(Beautiful. This place is beautiful. If I have any chance in the future, I will bring the girls here) Liu Yang thought the girls would really like this place.

The pair drew the attention of those around them, as they were the only ones wearing robes that covered their bodies. Some were even curious to know more about them.

(Are they the ones who invaded our kingdom and stole the two Black That was the thought of all the players when they saw this scene. But that thought was dismissed when Liu Yang entered the city. If the system did not touch, it showed that they were elves at least.

Someone having a pa.s.s to travel through the other kingdoms was very rare, almost n.o.body in the game had anything like that. For it was very difficult to be able to stay alive in another kingdom for a long time. n.o.body believed that Liu Yang would have anything like that.

Liu Yang and the princess enjoyed the landscape of the flowers for some time before entering the city and renting a hotel room. They went out sometime later to buy supplies and wanted to get out of the city quickly.

But before they could leave the hotel room, something happened. A large group of players and NPCs appeared and surrounded the city. Each of them was wearing s.h.i.+ny armor while holding their weapons.

"Attention!!! We want your attention !!!!! " A young man shouted in the middle of the group.

Everyone in the city looked towards the group. When everyone saw the flag that some NCPs and players were carrying, those who knew the design became serious.

The flag was that of a wolf holding a dagger in its mouth.

"Look, they are from the Wild Wolf guild. What are they doing here with all these members? "

"I do not know. But for them to do something like that, they must have accomplished some kind of rare and difficult quest "

"Depending on how the situation is resolved, they may end up offending many other guilds. His arrogant way irritates me "

Many kinds of comments began to echo through the town square when members of the Wild Wolf guild appeared. They seemed to be an extremely arrogant group.

Most players in the city did not like them because of their exaggerated att.i.tudes towards the less influential.

"Wild Wolf guild, what do you want? You must know that this city belongs to me and if any of you cause confusion here. I will punish you heavily "A young man appeared and spoke arrogantly. Behind him was also a group of players and NPCs wearing s.h.i.+ny armor.

The Wild Wolf guild group got serious when they saw the other side.

"Little Shanks, we"re just looking for one person." The young man spoke courteously. As his group was in the city of another player, he had to be respectful in order not to have problems in the future when he visited the city again.

"I see ... White Sword, do you need so many people to search for one person?" Little Shanks understood that the other side seemed to be chasing someone, but he didn"t know if it was an NPC or a player.

"Let"s say that this person is a little slippery. I had to call this group to capture this person "White Sword did not comment on who they were looking for, as it was a very secret matter for his guild.

"As long as it doesn"t cause confusion within my city, you can do your searches" Little Shanks did not stop others from searching his city. Since many players appeared to do this.             

"I thank the city chief for that. Go"White Sword and a few more NPCs took out a compa.s.s.

But a strange thing happened, the compa.s.s started to go crazy and rotate in all directions as if it were broken.

"What is happening?" White Sword couldn"t believe what he was seeing, the compa.s.s was working until a few moments ago when they arrived in the city. But now, the compa.s.s has gone crazy.

(The person we"re looking for must be in town, but where? Someone must be helping this d.a.m.n NPC to hide. Otherwise, the compa.s.s wouldn"t be like that) White Sword was annoyed when he saw this scene. He understood that someone managed to take a quest with the NPCs and help her.