MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 210

Trimm… Trimm… Trimm… Trimm…

The sound of a ringing phone was heard in a dark room and without any light.

"Any news?" A harsh voice was heard when the person answered the phone.

"Leader, we found the place where the NPC is hiding. After arriving at the location, she stopped moving quickly." The voice on the other side was discouraged.

"Why is this discouraged?" The so-called leader asked curiously.

"Because the place the NPC went to is the Swamp of Perdition"


"I see… Invite everyone as many low-level players as you can. Tell them that we are paying fifty silver coins for them to enter the swamp, and if they discover any new information that will help us move to new areas, they will receive ten gold coins. The farther they can go, the more gold coins the player will receive "The leader thought for a while before answering. He had an idea to find out more information about the swamp.

The idea of ​​using low-level players to explore the swamp is an old one, but it was very flawed because these players died in less than a second after they entered the swamp. This was because they walk the wrong paths and die to the traps.

Many wealthy and powerful guilds have lost great fortunes because of these attempts to explore the swamp. But none of them had such a quest to complete. The guild leader was determined to complete the quest.

"Leader, this will spend a large number of coins from our vaults" The person on the other end was startled when he heard the orders from the leader. He had seen this scene before.

"Just do as I say. We need to complete this quest at all costs. " The leader spoke in a stern and authoritative voice, he did not like the fact that his subordinate questioned his orders.

"This subordinate understands and will follow orders"

"I hope for good news"

"Yes, leader. Leader, it looks like some player managed to get a quest with the NPC, because of that she managed to get to the swamp so quickly. "

"I see… That was to be expected. An NPC will always have a quest for a player. It is up to the player to decide whether he will accept it or not. "The leader hung up the call before being thoughtful.

"Swamp of Perdition… I haven"t heard that name for a long time… It looks like this part of the quest will be the most difficult, and to make matters worse, a player or a group of players is helping the NPC. This became a fight against time, whoever manages to complete the quest first wins "The leader murmured before being silent again.

The dark room became calm with deadly silence again.

"Surround the two entrances !!!! Bring in the newbies !!! " The two swamp entrances were surrounded by players, each of which was separated by groups with different flags. This showed that they were from different guilds.

Hundreds of players appeared in front of the mountain"s entrance, each of them wearing s.h.i.+ny armor.

Several players opened portals, then several thousand players, who wore only cloth clothes emerged from the portals, each of whom was nervous because they had a difficult task ahead of them. These players were newbies.

The large guilds used the transport skill to take novice players to explore the swamp for them. Thus, they spent only energy and money and did not lose levels.

Preparations took almost an hour before the two entrances were full of novice players, a large crowd was formed.

"Your work is simple. You just need to enter the swamp and discover new paths that lead to the deepest parts of the swamp. Rewards will be given automatically, but can only be received once.

The player, who succeeds in reaching new locations first, will be the winner of the reward. The map has been modified to be updated automatically, rewards will be given when new locations are found.

One thing you need to know about the swamp: any wrong move, you will die. But since each of you is below 10, there is no problem with that. You can start entering the swamp "

Hearing the orders, the novices began to enter the swamp in an orderly manner. The groups were entering one at a time. The situation was happening at the two swamp entrances.

However, seconds later, hundreds of players appeared on the portal. They were the newbies who entered a few seconds ago. These newbies died the instant they entered the swamp because they stepped in the wrong place and died.

(It looks like this will be more difficult than expected ...) The two people who were running things came in sighed internally. They already knew that exploring the swamp would be extremely difficult. But the situation showed that it was worse than they thought.

The novice players knew nothing about the swamp, they only received information that the place was very dangerous and the death was 100%. The newbies only accepted the job because of the money, since they were at level 1 and had nothing.

The situation was already predicted: Thousands of newbies dying hundreds or even thousands of times taking just a few steps into the swamp.

To make matters worse, the large number of players made it difficult to walk, that is, many died because they had no s.p.a.ce to walk in the correct place. This was a great irony and disgrace.

Going back a few hours ago ...

The moment Liu Yang and the princess appeared in the swamp. The two were shocked by the scene before them.

Contrary to their imagination, the swamp was not as the name says.

(This is the Swamp of Perdition? The name is not wrong, is it?)

The scene was as if the place was paradise. Trees full of life swaying in the gentle wind, plants dancing as the wind blew, the sunlight was warm, the climate pleasant, the fragrant smell of the plants followed the wind, the crystal clear lakes full of fish, the white clouds standing in the sky, the birds sang, the b.u.t.terflies danced. The current image of the Swamp of Perdition was like a heavenly garden in the world.

(There must be something wrong with that ... Otherwise, the swamp would not be called Swamp of Perdition. Something must be happening) Liu Yang imagined that something was wrong with the image in front of him.

Ding ...

Skill: See Souls Activated

The sound of the system echoed in his mind, suddenly his pa.s.sive ability was activated.

The scenes before Liu Yang began to change suddenly.

The bright trees turned into dead and dry trees, the tall plants disappeared and only the low, dry remained, the sunlight disappeared and the only thing left was the black clouds in the sky with many rays and thunder, the wind it became cold and penetrating, the scent of flowers became a rotten and horrible smell.

The lakes, which were once full of life, became polluted and rotten water with a horrible smell, skeletons could be seen floating in the brown water. The previous heavenly scene became a horrible h.e.l.l.

(This is the true appearance of the Swamp of Perdition !!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in his mind. He was not surprised to see this scene, it was already expected for him.

This was the same scene that the newbies were seeing, but they couldn"t escape the illusion like Liu Yang.

"Princess??? What are you doing???" Liu Yang held the princess"s arm to keep her from moving forward.

The princess suddenly started walking aimlessly, her eyes lost brightness and her face without emotion. She seemed to be hypnotized by something.

"s.h.i.+t ..." Liu Yang managed to stop the princess from walking, but she was still in a trance because of something.

"What can I do to wake her up? Should I kiss her again? Or should I try something else? " Liu Yang didn"t know what to do at the moment. This was the first time he was in this situation.

"I will try several things. Whether she wakes up or not, I will think about it later. "Liu Yang set aside the consequences. He hugged the princess and kissed her delicate lips again.