MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 211

Liu Yang felt the princess"s delicate lips again. He was enjoying this moment again.

The two languages ​​were already intertwined while the princess was embraced warmly and affectionately. Time stopped for both of them, while the hot kiss took place.

Sometime later…

The princess"s lashes trembled, she opened her eyes slowly. The scene before her completely shocked her.

"Ahh !!" Liu Yang suddenly shouted he was bitten by the princess. She bit his lip and tongue.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yang was upset to be bitten by the princess. He was helping her, but she did it to him.

"You despicable human, you took advantage of me again while I was sleeping." The princess was angry and embarra.s.sed by Liu Yang"s actions. She didn"t think he would do something like that again.

"Princess, you are accusing me unfairly. I just did it so I could wake you up, you were in a trance for some reason and started walking towards the swamp. I had to hold you back to avoid this "Liu Yang spoke fairly. That was true, but he also wanted to take advantage of the princess.

"This is ..." The princess did not understand Liu Yang"s words at first but soon realized after looking at the scenery. She was scared because everything changed.

The beautiful surroundings became a nightmare.

"Ward, what happened here?"

"Princess, this is the true shape of the swamp. What we saw before was just an illusion. " Liu Yang imagined that the first players to enter the swamp underwent this illusion and were killed.

"It looks like this place is more dangerous than I thought." The princess finally realized how dangerous the Swamp of Perdition is.

"Take the compa.s.s, we need to run. Your pursuers must be arriving "

"Okay" The princess took out the compa.s.s again, however, it didn"t show the way. The compa.s.s showed only the final destination, the path needed to be found by Liu Yang and the princess.

"It looks like we"re in trouble ..." Liu Yang saw that there was a road in front of them, however, he didn"t know if it was a trap or not.

(Can the ability to see souls show me the way?) Liu Yang thought. If the ability managed to help him see through the illusion, the ability must have the power to see the way.

Liu Yang started to stare at the ground in front of him for a moment. The princess was curious to know what he was doing.

"Ward, what are you doing?"

"Nothing. It seems that we have to do it the old way. Come on "Liu Yang took a sword from his inventory. He pierced the ground and started to drag the sword.

A line was formed as Liu Yang walked, he was trying to see if there was a hole in the place or not. He looked like a blind man walking with his tool.

"That"s the only way we have to walk ..." But before he could finish speaking. Something happened.

Crack !!!!

The sword broke and turned to dust.

"What???!!!" Liu Yang was shocked when he saw this scene. But he soon realized that it would be very easy for someone to complete the Swamp of Perdition by doing what he was doing.

Players in the white elf kingdom have already done what Liu Yang did and many other things to try to advance in the swamp. But it was all in vain, no matter what kind of method they tried, none of them managed to complete the Swamp of Perdition.

(It seems that the developers did create this difficulty to prevent players from doing what I just did. It would be very easy to complete the swamp this way) Liu Yang understood a few things after seeing his weapon broken.

"Ward, if you want something to check the floor in front of us. I can help you a little "The princess waved her hand and a tree branch grew on the ground, she had the power of wood.

(That"s it !!!!!! It seems that the requirement to walk safely through the swamp is to have the quest with the princess. Completing the Swamp of Perdition must be a quest related to the future of the kingdom of the white elves) Liu Yang imagined that possibility after seeing what the princess did.

"Take it. I just hope it can last a long time. "The princess did not have much hope that the branch would last long.

"Let"s test it" Liu Yang dug the branch into the ground and started to drag. After ten steps, the branch broke and turned to dust.

"Ten steps. We can walk ten steps at a time. Princess, how many times can you create these branches? " Depending on the quant.i.ty, the two can advance faster.

"Only a hundred every hour"

"I see.."

(It seems that the system prevented the princess from creating too many branches to prevent the quest from being completed too quickly. A hundred branches equal a thousand steps. That should be enough per hour)

"We can start walking, but always follow me. It"s all right?"

"Yes." The two understood that they cannot walk apart or side by side, just one behind the other.

The princess created another branch and they started walking. The branch was always in the front while Liu Yang pushed. Every ten steps, the branch breaks, and the princess had to create another.


"Ward, what happened?"

"It looks like there"s a hole in front of us." Liu Yang saw that the branch sank after hitting a certain spot. He moved the branch around and noticed that the hole was large.

"Princess, is the compa.s.s indicating which direction this time?"

The two shared the tasks. Liu Yang walked ahead while looking for possible traps while the princess stood behind holding the compa.s.s to see the direction they had to walk.

"The compa.s.s is showing to the left."

"Left? But the left has a hole. Do we have to get around this hole? "

"It seems so. Turn right to see if there is a way "

"We will see"

Liu Yang moved the branch to the right and saw that it was not a hole. He took the first step and felt that the ground was firm.

"We can go this way."

"Take it" The branch broke again after Liu Yang checked a new path.

After following the compa.s.s and walking a thousand steps. The pair stopped and sat down in a safe place. The MP of the princess was already finished.

"Princess, do you know the total size of this swamp?" Liu Yang did not know how far they had to walk. When he opens the map, the only thing that appears is an unfinished map.

The only things it showed were the places he already pa.s.sed. The rest of the map was just an unknown black spot.

(I need to complete this swamp to be able to complete the map. That must be worth a lot of money in the future) Liu Yang was thinking of selling information about the complete swamp map.


"Let"s continue!!!!"

Suddenly, the pair heard hundreds of screams in all directions. These screams were from the novices who were hired by the princess"s persecuted.

"Princess, they arrived" Liu Yang was solemnly when he heard the groups.

"It seems that they managed to escape from illusions. Otherwise, none of them had a chance to scream "

"Yes. We need to hurry "

"Ward, but I don"t have the energy to create more than ten branches at the moment. Can we wait a little longer? Until they find us, it should take some time, as they must walk at random until they find the right way here "


(To have so many players on the site, the pursuers must have invited low-level players or even novices. They must not have provided important information about the swamp, as it were secrets. I think we have a few minutes before they start finding the correct way.

Due to the number of players, many of them must die at random before finding the correct path. Luckily, the path that the princess and I took was restored after a few seconds. Otherwise, they can easily locate us) Liu Yang did not answer the princess"s question and thought about her words.

The lines that Liu Yang made on the ground with the branch were restored after a few seconds, the ground returned to normal as before. This made it difficult for the pursuers to follow the two for some time.

Liu Yang and the princess had some time to rest before they started walking again.