MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 212

"Princess, are you ready?" Liu Yang and the princess had rested for half an hour, but that was not enough for her to fully recover her MP.

"I can create a few dozen branches, but it is enough for us to walk many steps. Let"s go"

The princess handed the branch to Liu Yang and the two followed the direction indicated by the compa.s.s.

As the Swamp of Perdition had no creature whatsoever. The walk of Liu Yang and the princess was smooth, the problem was the hidden dangers and the pursuers.

With every hundred steps the pair walked, the hidden dangers became much more hidden and dangerous. As each minute pa.s.sed, the screams grew louder.

After a few hours of walking slowly and resting, Liu Yang and the princess were finally seen by some players.

"Look !!! There are two people there !!!! " One of them shouted. The images of Liu Yang and the princess could not be seen, but their shadow was still being shown.

"Who are they??!!! How did they manage to get this far in the swamp ?? !!! "

"It looks like they are the people the guilds are looking for !!!"

"The reason why we were invited to this swamp should be those two !!!"

Many cries of opinion were heard after the players saw the shadows of Liu Yang and the princess.

Neither of them knew why they were suddenly recruited to enter the swamp, but after seeing their shadow, the newbie realized that the guilds they hired were looking for someone in the swamp.


"Chief, we have found our targets. The two are way ahead of us. "

(It looks like someone got the quest with the NPC… This is making things more and more difficult for us. They must have some kind of support item for them to have gotten this far in such a short time…) That was the thought of the two leaders, who were at the two entrances.

The two realized that their mission would be more difficult than expected. Especially after seeing that some player was with the NPC they were chasing.

"Send the orders. Pay double for those who can find new pa.s.sages to advance in the swamp "

"Yes leader"

(Desperate situations require desperate measures)

"What???!!! The rewards were doubled ??? !!! "

"Is this serious ??? !!!"

"It seems that those two targets are really very important for guilds. This can be part of a great legendary quest "

"This is amazing!!! We are part of a legendary quest !!! "

The newbies started screaming with excitement. Their imagination started to fly as crazy thoughts popped into their minds.

They were more motivated than ever.

"It looks like your pursuers are desperate. They even doubled the rewards for finding us "

"Those d.a.m.n traitors. When this is over, I will find out who they are and what group they belong to. Their territory will be confiscated, and many of them will be arrested for betrayal. I swear by the name Oddmind that if I don"t do that, I won"t have that last name anymore "The princess swore. She was irritated by this situation.

The traitors were doing their best to try to capture her.

"Princess, say those words when this matter is over. In the meantime, we need to hurry. Princess, try drinking this "Liu Yang gave the princess a potion to recover MP faster. He hadn"t tried this before, but how he was being rushed because of the pursuers. Liu Yang took a drastic method.

"This?" The princess smelled the liquid inside the bottle. The smell was sweet and seemed to be juice.

"This is to recover the adventurers" MP faster, but I don"t know if it works for you" Liu Yang was curious to know about it.

The NPCs, Nina and Sophie, could eat and drink this type of thing to restore their HP and MP, but Alexali and Silali could not, as the effects did not work.

Liu Yang guessed that the reason for this was that the two girls were low-rank NPCs, while the other two were high-rank NPCs. However, he did not know if the effects of this type of potion will work on the princess, who despite being a low-rank NPC at the moment, the princess is an important NPC for the kingdom and the quest.

"Ward, this potion worked. I recovered my energy faster. " The princess was not surprised to see that it worked, as she had already drunk something like that, but it was made by the castle"s NPCs.

"I see ... Drink a few more before we walk again" Liu Yang gave the princess a few more bottles.

(It looks like the developers didn"t stop players from giving potions to the princess. It made things a little easier)

"Ward, come on. I already drank them all and recovered at least half of my energy "

"It"s alright. This is enough."

Liu Yang and the princess followed the compa.s.s again.

As the princess could drink the potions and restore her MP faster, their walking speed multiplied several times. Liu Yang had a large stock of such things in his inventory.

The pair managed to get out of sight of the pursuers quickly ...

After a few days walking slowly as if they were blind, using a compa.s.s to guide themselves along the way.

Liu Yang and the princess reached the second level of Swamp of Perdition.

When they pa.s.sed by the road and entered a new world. The scenarios were the same as the previous one, as when they entered the Swamp of Perdition for the time being.

The scenarios of a heavenly paradise have been shown again. The same scenarios, however, had something that it didn"t have before: members of the white elf race.

The white elves in the place were wearing thin clothes while playing flutes and dancing as the wind blew. Many of them were singing and smiling, while others were harvesting fruit from the sacred trees.

The moment Liu Yang saw this scene, he knew it was an illusion. His ability to see souls was already activated and the scenario changed shortly thereafter.

To avoid the previous situation, Liu Yang has already embraced the princess and prevented her from walking. He had to kiss her again for her to wake up.

"You did it again !!!" The princess cried out in shame, she has been kissed by Liu Yang several times.

"You entered the illusion again. This is the only method I know of to wake you up, princess "Liu Yang spoke in a fair tone.

"Was that another illusion? It felt so real "

"Yes, it was another illusion. Princess, you can look at the scene in front of you now "Liu Yang was hugging the princess before, he turned her body so she could look at the scene in front of her.

The princess went pale when she saw it. The scene was much more terrifying than the scene at the entrance to the swamp.

The scenery on the site looked the same, but with the addition of skeletons of various types of humanoid creatures and races. Giant and small skeletons, mountains of bones and rotting flesh can be seen scattered throughout the swamp.

Some places even had rotting water bubbling as if it were boiling, rotting bubbles explode at one time or another in these lakes.

Another thing that was still the same as before is that there were no creatures in the place, only hidden traps.

"It seems that this place here must be much more dangerous than the previous one. Princess, are you ready? "


The pair knew that this second part of Swamp of Perdition would be something much more dangerous than the first part.