MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 229

"What is happening??"

"How did I get here?"

"Why am I in the royal hall ??"

None of them knew why they appeared in the royal hall. They only saw that there were three people close to the throne, Liu Yang, Nina, and the king.

"Your Majesty, what is going on? Why was I suddenly called here? " A thin man asked. He was wearing clothes from the n.o.bility.

"I have nothing to do with this matter. You need to settle these matters with this person. "The king pointed to Nina.

"You!!!!" The man recognized Nina. After the shout, everyone looked in Nina"s direction and recognized her. Cold sweat began to fall from their faces.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for my actions !!!" The players and NPCs bowed to Nina. They were afraid of the things that could happen now.

"You must know the crime you have committed, right?"

"No!!!" None will admit what they did. Never will they do that.

"I don"t need your words, I know who is responsible for the things that happened in the Stone Village and for persecuting me. The real culprits and those who did the dirty work. "

"We apologize for that. We were just following orders "An NPC shouted. They were already sweaty because of the pressure exerted by Nina. The players were also nervous, as they were the ones who received the quests to do the dirty work.

"I know that. But I will give you a chance to reduce your sentence. If you point to the person who ordered these crimes to be committed, I will reduce your sentence by twenty percent. " Nina looked at the large group on her knees and spoke fairly.

"Him, it was him !!!"

"He was the person who asked us to capture your majesty" The NPCs and players pointed to a middle-aged man in the middle of the group. He was already kneeling and s.h.i.+vering from fear. He is an NPC.

"I ... I ..." The man started to stutter.

"Will you plead guilty to your crimes or will I have to do that?"

"I ... I ... I plead guilty !!!" The man"s voice became distorted and threatening. He seemed to be possessed by something.

"Who are you??" Nina realized that the man was being possessed.

"Hahaha… It"s great to see that you"re alive, princess. It seems that my p.a.w.ns were very weak and were unable to kill you. You have managed to be recognized as the true ruler of the human kingdom. I congratulate you for that. "

"Who are you?" That was the only question Nina had to ask, as it was the only thing that mattered.

"Who I am?? I am just a shadow, a remnant of what I was before. But I can speak my name. The princess must never have heard my name before. The True, it is a pleasure to meet you "

"The True ?? I never heard of that name "

"I was already expecting that. Princess, we will see each other soon, when your kingdom falls. Hahaha!!!" The middle-aged man started to dry before turning to dust. His body disappeared and was blown away by the wind.

"The main culprit has already been… As for the rest of you. You will go to jail for a long time and you will have properties confiscated. Do any of you have complaints? " Nina cast a penetrating look at the kneeling group.

"No" None of them dared to speak up. Mostly the players saw that Nina was an NPC of Tier G.o.d. Fighting against her was beyond both capabilities.

If even the king allowed her to do what she wants, who were they to object?

"Throw them in prison and confiscate their belongings and territories. You will keep only twenty percent for them "Nina promised to reduce twenty percent of their territories.

A group of soldiers appeared and took everyone to prison. This news shocked the human kingdom, no one imagined that many big shots would disappear overnight.

The loss of territories and properties broke many allied guilds. Many other guilds took advantage of this moment and swallowed up the remaining territories, but the properties in the cities still belonged to these fallen guilds.

"This matter is over. I"m leaving to resolve another matter "

"Is there anything I can do for your majesty?"

"I have"

"If it"s within my reach. I will do my best."

"I need you to write a decree for me and lend me a squad of soldiers."

"No problem" The king took out a pen and a scroll. He wrote what Nina asked for and loaned a squad of elite soldiers from the kingdom.

"I thank the king for your cooperation" Nina waved her hand and everyone disappeared from the scene.

"It looks like the kingdom is going to undergo major changes ..." The king sighed. At least he continued as the king. That was the best result he could ask for.

Somewhere a little far from the imperial capital ...

The place was a large territory that belongs to a n.o.ble family. The territories were good for planting and fis.h.i.+ng.

As it was lunchtime, a large table was set up in front of a large mansion. Many men, women and young people were wearing high-quality clothes while eating happily.

Suddenly, a portal opened and a large group appeared.

"Who dares to interrupt my lunch ?? Guards, show up !!! " The middle-aged man screamed in anger when he saw the large group of soldiers.

Several soldiers appeared and surrounded the invading group.

"Old b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I came back to recover what belongs to me !!!!" A girl in the group screamed. She was beautiful and was wearing exquisite clothes. She was Sophie.

"Hahaha!!!! Look who showed up. If it"s not my little niece who escaped death. After so many years, have you finally decided to return? " The middle-aged man was Sophie"s uncle, Gefferd Penny.

"Dad, is she that little girl who escaped years ago?" A young man next to his asked. He was looking at Sophie"s beautiful body with l.u.s.t.

"Yes. She is your dead uncle"s daughter. She"s just an ant, you don"t have to worry about her. I let her slip away before, but I never thought I would see her again "

"Dad, can I make it my personal toy? She looks great for playing in bed "The young man commented lasciviously.

"Hahaha… Of course, you can, she"s just anybody. n.o.body will care if she disappears "

"I care. If you dare say anything bad about little Sophie again, I will kill you all. "Nina spoke up, her overwhelming power fell on the guards and everyone on the scene.

"Who are you??" Gefferd Penny realizes that Nina was a very powerful person. He didn"t know how Sophie got such a strong helper as Nina.

"I"m just a friend of little Sophie. This one is a decree of the king. All properties that belonged to Jordon Penny will belong to Sophie Penny. All of it!!!" Nina read the royal decree, which she asked the king to write.