MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 230

"What?????!!!!!!! How is this possible?????!!!!!" Gefferd Penny shouted when he heard Nina"s words. He looked at the scroll and saw that it was an authentic royal decree.

The players and NPCs around them began to kneel before Nina, as the royal decree symbolizes the king"s words. Even Gefferd Penny"s wife was in a cold sweat because of the situation.

"This can"t be happening ..." Gefferd Penny fell to his knees in despair after realizing that the king was supporting Sophie.

"No ..." Gefferd Penny"s son fell to the ground before pa.s.sing out, he couldn"t take the shock of hearing Nina"s words. He was scared because he just said very bad things to Sophie in front of Nina.

"How is this possible?? You are just any child, how can you have the support of the king ?? " Gefferd Penny didn"t know how Sophie got the king"s support. He thought that she had become the lover of some rich son of the palace.

"You don"t have to know that. Guards, you can take them all to prison, "Sophie ordered. She was already holding on to not have them all executed.

The guards did not dare refuse Sophie"s order, they realized that Nina was with her.

"Yes, Miss" The guards handcuffed the players and NPCs who were part of the plot to murder Sophie"s parents. These players" guilds were also punished.

Those who remained at the scene were the ones who knew nothing about the situation.

"You can go back to work. There"s nothing to see here, "Sophie said in a stern tone. The players and NPCs went back to doing what they were doing before. None of them dared to make a single sound.

The players who were at the site started posting in the forums about the matter that happened in the Penny family territory. This also shocked everyone, because the same NPC who was holding the royal decree, was the NPC who became the new ruler of the human kingdom.

And the person wearing the black cloak is probably the player, master of the two NPCs. The big shots were doing their best to discover the ident.i.ty of the person wearing the black cloak.

The only thing that was discovered is that the person in the black robe was also the owner of the Broken Village because it was he who took the two girls out of there. Many felt jealous and envious of Liu Yang because of his luck in getting two influential NPCs from the human kingdom.

"This is all your fault !!! If you hadn"t asked us to do that d.a.m.n quest, we wouldn"t have lost so almost all territories and properties !!! " A group of players had a meeting inside the prison. Each of them was a leader of a large guild that fell overnight.

Everyone was looking with ugly faces at a middle-aged man in the corner of the prison cell.

"This is not just my fault. You were the ones who wanted to join me on this risky quest. Just because the quest had an unknown rank, you went crazy because of the rewards "The man tried to justify himself. He was the person who got the quest to chase and kill Nina in the Stone Village.

"Frozen Frost, that may be true, but your incompetence was greater than anything. How could you not capture a simple little girl? We even gave you a lot of resources over the years. "A middle-aged woman spoke to a stern.

Everyone at the site was angry at Frozen Frost, they all gave a lot of resources to his guild in exchange for a part of the unknown quest reward. Everyone knows that the rewards of unknown rank quests were very precious and rare.

A player from the human kingdom managed to complete a rank quest unknown in the past, he received a large territory to manage. From one day to the next, he created a guild and became one of the most influential players in the human kingdom.

This type of temptation was very difficult to resist, even though the punishment for the failure of the quest is very severe. As the sentence already said: No pain, no gain.

After the quest failed, everyone was blaming the person who took the quest and showed it to them.

"I am not the only one to blame this. You are also guilty, the girl was inside in the Broken Village all these years and you never find her. How could you not find her? She was just a girl with no recourse "Frozen Frost expressed his discontent. He couldn"t believe how Nina managed to stay in hiding all these years.

Frozen Frost or any other player in the group did not know that one of the NPC"s had spared Nina and prevented her from being tracked.

"This may be true, but Frozen Frost, you are the one who had the quest. You should have the methods to find the NPC, or the NPC who gave the quest to you should know something"

"I couldn"t get any more information because I couldn"t complete the requirements for the other mission. None of us did it. "

"The mission in other kingdoms? This is suicide. None of us can go to the capital of another kingdom and stay alive. Especially now, we have all lost eighty percent of our properties and territories. Our guilds are already finished. All because of this d.a.m.n quest !! "

Pang !!!! The middle-aged man hit the floor hard. He was very angry about this situation. They could not even escape the heavy punishment they received.

"Worst of all, our territories and properties were given to the player with the black cloak that was with that NPC. He took everything that is ours "A beautiful-looking woman spoke discouragingly. She was one of the leaders of an average guild. But everything was lost because of her greed.

"Has anyone managed to find out who that player is?"

"The only information we have is that this player is the owner of the Broken Village. And now, he also got the territories of a n.o.bleman near the capital. His other NPC has become the owner of a large territory. "

"Who is this unknown player ?? And what kind of background does he have ?? Nothing has been discovered so far ?? How is this possible???"

"Someone with that kind of skill must not be someone unknown, he must have some powerful background to do such things"

"I have already sent messages to some allied guilds. They told me that nothing has been found so far. The only information we know is that he is the owner of the Broken Village and probably also the owner of the first World Jewel"

"So is it really him?"

"We do not know. This is just an a.s.sumption made by the players who saw the player with the black cloak in the Broken Village. He disappeared for some time and soon after, the world announcement happened "

"It looks like we have to do our best to find this player." Each of the guild leaders had different thoughts about what they would do when they met the person in the black cloak, Liu Yang.