MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 236

"After I pa.s.s through this forest, I will reach the Thunder Mountains" Liu Yang looked at the map and murmured. He was already almost on the mountain and using Little Black to fly.

After killing those eight players before, Liu Yang continued to walk through the forest while holding his compa.s.s. He found many allies and traitors. The traitors were killed, while the allies pa.s.sed through Liu Yang"s group as if they were invisible.

Despite being walking, the journey was smoother. Because he didn"t have to run away all the time, so no deviation was caught.

Clang !!! Clang !!!! Clang !!!!

During the walk, Liu Yang heard sounds of guns clas.h.i.+ng with guns ahead. Out of curiosity, he walked and hid behind a tree.

Seven meters ahead, a large group of fifty players was facing off. One group had an advantage because of the large number of players, 30 x 20.

"Flyer, you are too shameless to ambush us here !!!" A young woman, wearing s.h.i.+ny leather clothes while holding a bow in her hands. She seemed to be the leader of the Allied group.

"Lily Plant, I can only say that it"s your bad luck. You and your group came my way, we didn"t ambush. Guys, attack !!! They are worth a few points to us !!! " The young man on the other side was wearing light clothes and was holding two daggers. He was part of the group of traitors.

"Yes, boss" The group roared and attacked frantically.

"It seems that it is useless to talk to you. Even if we die, we will take some of you !!! Attack !!! Kill as much as possible !!! " Lily Plant knew that her group of twenty members had no chance against Flyer"s thirty members. She could only defeat as much as possible before she down.

Swords. .h.i.tting swords, spells. .h.i.tting all sides, arrows flying, healers doing their best to heal. This was the scene before Liu Yang.

Looking at the two groups fighting each other, Liu Yang thought about letting them die, but when he remembered that the allies were protecting the princess. He had a duty to help them, even a little. For the allies chose to help the princess.

"Archer, you will attack that idiot who is holding two daggers, wait for the magician to cast his magic first before attacking. Mage, you will attack that group of long-distance players with Meteor Shower. Healer, you will use Healing Source to heal allies, use magic when the archer attacks "Liu Yang ordered.

The archer"s soul took out his white bow and pulled the rope, he didn"t attack yet, as he was waiting for the magician to cast his magic. The magician took out a white staff, a red light began to form under his feet, it took a few seconds to finish.

A great magic circle appeared in the sky, no one paid any attention to it because they were focused on the battle.

"Why is it getting hotter all of a sudden?" Flyer commented, but before he could hear the answer, something surprising happened.

Shuoooo ... Shuoooo ...



The two arrows. .h.i.t Flyer"s chest, and two red numbers appeared on his head.

The soul used Double Shot to attack, as it was instant death.

Everyone at the scene stopped attacking when they saw the two red numbers and Flyer"s body lying on the floor. None of them believed that anyone would make a sneak attack at the time.

"Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!" Someone in the Flyer group shouted. He noticed something wrong when he heard Flyer"s question when he looked at the sky and realized what was happening. He shouted, but it was too late.

Booooom !!!!! Booooom !!!!! Booooom !!!!!






Dozens of red numbers appeared when the Meteor Shower fell, the magic was like a shower of giant fireb.a.l.l.s.

The place where the magic hit turned into several holes of fire.

All the long-distance players in Flyer"s group died instantly. Without having time to react, a strong white light covered the land where Lily Plant"s group was located, the light began to heal all members of the group.

"Someone is helping us !!!"

"Finish them !!!"

"Attack with full force !!! They already lost their supports !!! "

Lily Plant"s group managed to easily defeat the rest of the Flyer group. The fight was unilateral, thirty against fifteen.

"Unknown friend, we thank you for your help" Lily Plant"s group bowed in thanks for the help. They knew that a group of powerful experts helped them.

Players capable of taking more than ten thousand years were high-level players.

As the other side did not respond, the group imagined that they had already left the site.

"Princess, it seems that some guild is impatient and has sent powerful players to help the princess of the kingdom. I think the traitors should also send their players out soon" s

Someone in the group commented.

"Yes. Time is very short, almost a day has pa.s.sed since the beginning of the quest. We only have thirteen more days. We need to be quick and find the princess so that we can protect her. "

"Princess, have you sent the message to the guild leader yet?"

"Yes, I already did. They are dispatching a squad of level 500 to sneak around the kingdom princess"s location. This is also to avoid being found by the killers of the traitors "

"Princess, are we going back? Or will we keep looking for the princess of the kingdom? "

"Let"s continue. We also need to do our part of the quest. "

"The subordinate follows the princess"s orders" The group took out the compa.s.s and began to follow.

The compa.s.s always returns to normal after Liu Yang moves 100 meters away from the compa.s.s. But if another compa.s.s is a hundred meters from Liu Yang, it will go crazy again.

"Things are going to get more difficult from now on. News of a group of high-profile players looking for the princess in the forest is likely to spread to the big shots. They must also send their top players to that location. Especially the traitors, since only traitors were killed by me, they must find some great shot already sent high-level players here "Liu Yang and his group of souls continued to walk towards the Thunder Mountain, they were already close because of the black clouds and the thunder that exploded in the sky.

(Master, watch out. There are two killers following you) Alexali spoke in Liu Yang"s mind. She had noticed them before, but they didn"t know if they were following Liu Yang or not.

(Alexali, do you know where they are?) Liu Yang asked. He was not surprised that Alexali could detect hidden targets.

(They are twenty meters away. The two were walking in sync while following the master)

(I see ... Are they strong?)

(A little weaker than the master)

(Alexali, keep me informed if they make any strange moves. I will pretend that I don"t know anything.)
