MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 237

"Chase them !!!! They are with the princess !!!!!!!!!! " A player shouted. He was one of the allies, but because of the greed of taking the princess, he was shouting and calling out to his group.

A large group of a hundred players was chasing a pair of players.

As they were allies, they could not attack the pair, they could only follow them. The same was true for the pair, they could not attack.

As time pa.s.sed, more and more players appeared. Until a large crowd was chasing a pair of players.

The crowd had allies and traitors. They started attacking each other while chasing the two players.

The duo just wanted to cry, but they had no tears for that.

Half an hour ago ...

Liu Yang was walking calmly through the forest. He was getting happy that he didn"t encounter many enemies along the way.

He did not even find the forest.

(Master, another group of has appeared. They are following the who are following the master) Alexali"s voice echoed in Liu Yang"s mind. She detected a new group of

(How many of them? Alexali, can you tell me if they are allies or traitors?) Liu Yang was surprised to hear that. He did not think that other would be chasing his pursuers.

(They are seven, they seem to be traitors. Because they are looking at the two killers as if they are being arrested) Alexali commented. For her, this game of mouse and cat was child"s play.

(I see…)

(Master, you also need to be careful with them. They are holding the compa.s.s. If the master lets them get too close, their compa.s.s will go crazy too.) Alexali warned. She got to see the things that were happening around.

(It makes things a little more interesting)

Liu Yang started to run suddenly, the five souls also did the same. This sudden action by Liu Yang scared his two pursuers. They also started to run, and the other seven also started running with the compa.s.s in hand.

(Do you think they found us?) One of the killers asked the other.

(I don"t know, but it"s hard to say. We are eighty meters away from them, it"s very difficult for a player to detect us at this distance)

(I think he must be closed and the compa.s.s must be crazy)

(This is likely. We will continue to follow closely)

This was the conversation of the two who were chasing Liu Yang. They were chatting using private chat.

(Leader, do you think these two have located the princess?) One of the seven asked.

(I think it"s likely, they haven"t found us out yet. When the time comes, we will kill those two and kill the princess too.)

(Leader, can you see their compa.s.s?)

(No, I think this distance is very difficult to see. None of us can see things from a long distance. But judging from the way they"re running. Their compa.s.s must be spinning crazy, it shows that the princess is close)

(Leader, let"s follow them until they find the princess. But remember: we have to be subtle so as not to attract the attention of other players, especially the allies.)


This is the conversation of the other group of They were the seven who were chasing Liu Yang"s pursuers.

None of them imagined that the pair were chasing another group.

(Separate !!) Liu Yang gave the order for the souls to separate. Each went to one side. While Liu Yang moved on. He would have started his plan. Alexali had already given the necessary information to Liu Yang.

(What ??? Did they split ??? Is it possible that the princess is around ???) The pair looked at each other before discussing who they were going to follow.

(Who will you follow ???) The two asked at the same time.

(Choose a side soon)

(I will go to the left.) One commented.

(I will go right then. If you find the princess, let them know in the guild chat and call everyone)

(Same to you)

The pair split up, each of them followed one of the souls.

(They split up. It looks like the princess is nearby, the compa.s.s suddenly started going crazy, they must have located her trail. You guys also split up !!! The three of you come with me, while the other four follow the other side )

(Yes leader !!!) The seven also split up. Each small group followed one of the

"Where are you?? I saw you run around here. " The stalker who went to the right started to mumble, he saw a person wearing a black cloak running, but suddenly, that person disappeared.

"Where did you hide ???" He was walking and looking around until he stopped at a certain bush.

"This is ..." The stalker saw a black cloak abandoned at the scene. He thought it belonged to the person from before.

Before he could throw it away, something shocking happened.

"Ahh !!!" The black cloak covered the body of the He was dressed in the black cloak. Now, he was an unrecognizable player because of the cloak covering his body.

Piiiiiiiiiiiiii… !!!!

The compa.s.s in his hand suddenly started to beep. This showed that the target was found.

But the couldn"t see the princess anywhere. Where was she ??

(Where is the princess hidden ??? The whistle of the compa.s.s indicates that the princess is nearby, but where ???) The stalker did not know about it. Until he heard a scream.

"I found!!! Princess, the time has come for your death !!!!! " One of the seven killers screamed and attacked.

(What ??? Am I the princess ???? How is that possible ???? s.h.i.+t !!!! That group deceived me !!!!! I have to run !!!) Without thinking twice, the player used Stealth and disappeared into the shadows. He started running as fast as possible. He was running as if his life depended on it.

(Storm Rider !!! I was tricked !!! Now, I"m being chased !!!!) The other chaser shouted in the chat.

(Battle Fury, you too ?? !!! I was also deceived !!!! That d.a.m.n group deceived us !!!) Storm Rider was the name of one of Liu Yang"s pursuers.

(Were you also cheated ??? Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, if I find them. I will kill them all up to level 1 !!!)

(Let"s run-first !!! I have four players chasing me. How about you ??)

(Three !! Three killers are chasing me. They are all at level 400-500)

(The same here. It looks like they are elites from some big guild.)

(I already sent a request for help to the guild. They should appear in a few hours. Until then, we must survive !!!)

(Just run for your life !!)

Storm Rider and Battle Fury were furious at Liu Yang"s shameless actions, they didn"t know it happened. They didn"t even have time to think about it, the only thing they thought about doing was running.