MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 239

(Master, a wars.h.i.+p is following us) Alexali"s voice echoed in Liu Yang"s mind, he was focused on looking at the black clouds and avoiding thunder.

(s.h.i.+p ?? Are they adventurer??) Liu Yang was curious about the s.h.i.+p. As he was not attacked, he imagined that they would be allies. If they were players.

(Yes. They are an adventurer. But they don"t seem to intend to attack. They must be afraid to hurt the princess) Alexali did not feel any kind of murderous feeling from the s.h.i.+p"s group. She imagined that they were allies.

(I see ... They must be allies for fear of hurting the princess. But they must follow us until they find the right time to approach us)

(Master, you just need to fly to Crystal Lake City. They shouldn"t interfere with the master, especially in the middle of a big lightning storm. Using a s.h.i.+p in this type of place is suicide)

(Yes. Also, as allies, they can"t even attack us. They can only follow us. That should give us enough time to reach the city.)

"Little Black, let"s keep flying" Liu Yang looked back before looking at the black clouds. Sometimes it was possible to see lights s.h.i.+ning through the clouds.

brrr-booom! brrr-buuum! trommm! brrr-booom! brrr-buuum! trommm!

A storm started to rise in the skies. Lightning and thunder illuminated the dark sky.

"Little Black, this is the time to show your reflexes !!" Liu Yang shouted in alarm. He saw the great amount of lightning and thunder pa.s.sing through the skies like snakes writhing.

"Cuaaaa !!!!" Little Black screamed and flew at full speed towards the rays.

"Little Black, what are you doing ?? !!!!! It is to avoid the rays, not go towards them !!! " Liu Yang shouted in alarm when he saw this scene. He didn"t think Little Black would be crazy and would fly towards the lightning storm.

"That player is crazy !!!! Is he trying to kill the princess ???? !!! " The captain screamed when she saw this scene.

Everyone knows that the person who started the quest for the kingdom was a player who had to protect the princess. But what he was doing was the other way around, he was trying to kill the princess by entering a violent lightning storm.

"We have some unwelcome guests !!!! Captain !!! "

"Are they the traitors ??" The captain was shocked to find that another group appeared in the sky.

"Yes. They are mounted on a War Chariot. Look!!!" The images of a giant carriage being pulled by stone horses was shown. They were also heading towards the lightning storm.

"How did they find out ?? Did any of you spread the news ?? " The captain looked at her subordinates.

"Captain, let"s be realistic. We have no chance of winning this quest. " A female elf commented. She stood up and spoke with an apologetic tone.

"Light Snow, did you sell the information to the traitors ?? Do you know what will happen to us if the traitors are the ones who complete the quest? " The captain was very dissatisfied with the actions of her group member.

"Captain, I know that. That"s why I sold this information to the allies. I didn"t sell to traitors, "Light Snow replied, she didn"t know who the person was who sold the information to traitors.

"If it wasn"t you. Who was?" The captain looked at everyone on the s.h.i.+p"s deck and asked.

"Captain, I did it" Another player spoke up.

"Rain Bow, why did you do that?" The captain was shocked to hear his words.

"Captain Link, I agree with Light Snow"s words. We never had a chance to be the ones to complete this quest. We better use this moment to make wealth before it"s too late "Rain Bow made his comment on the question. For him, this was the best occasion to earn wealth.

"But why are traitors ?? If they complete the quest, we will lose half of our belongings" Captain Link did not understand why Rain Bow did these actions.

"Captain Link, allies or traitors. The two sides are the same. The only thing that matters is how much they will pay for the information. "

"Rain Bow, you should know that if the traitors win. Are you and all of us going to lose half of our resources? "

"Captain Link, did you forget that I haven"t chosen a side yet? After receiving payment for the information. I made up my mind, besides, me and other members of the guild are leaving" Rain Bow spoke maliciously. He clicked on the quest and chose the side of the traitors.

"You ..." Captain Link didn"t know what to say at the moment, she was frozen in place looking at everyone on deck. She did not believe that some members of her group chose to leave after receiving the benefits of selling the information.

"Goodbye Captain Link. The time I spent in the guild was good, but it is not enough for me to take such a risk for the guild. " Rain Bow took out a return scroll and disappeared, he and a few others.

"Captain, this was already expected. It was easier for the captain to sell the information than to pursue the princess. Out of respect for our friends.h.i.+p and the time we spent together I will give some of my payment for the information I sold to the allies "Another player commented. She sent the items through the post box, as she didn"t want to send them through the trade window.

Several lights flashed on the s.h.i.+p"s deck and all disappeared, only one NPC left to pilot the s.h.i.+p.

Captain Link couldn"t believe the scene she was seeing. The players she called a companion, they betrayed her when the possibility of gaining wealth arose. It was very shocking and sad for her.

Without knowing it, tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes. The memories of her and her guild friends spending time together started to flash through her mind. Captain Link never imagined that the situation would end this way.

"Captain !!! Are we still going to chase that blackbird? " The NPC saw that her master was feeling very sad and decided to intervene a little. She didn"t know what to do at the moment.

"I ... I ..." Captain Link didn"t know what to do. She was just standing there looking at the void.

After the events of just now, her mind was empty. She couldn"t think of anything.

The NPC said nothing and continued to pilot the s.h.i.+p until it descended into the sky. A light covered the s.h.i.+p before disappearing.

Captain Link and the NPC appeared, the s.h.i.+p returned to Captain Link"s inventory.

"Alea, what am I supposed to do?" The captain asked. She got her mood back a little.

The two women sat under a tree.

"Captain, what is your wish? I will follow you to the end "Alea was the captain"s NPC, the relations.h.i.+p between the two was Exalted. But the method for achieving this was different from Liu Yang.

"I ... I don"t know what to do ... Many members of the guild have left."

"Captain, just follow your heart"

"My heart?"


"Your heart"