MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 240



"Explode these traitors !!!"

"Wreck these stupid allies !!!!

Boooom !!!!!!! Boooom !!!!!!! Boooom !!!!!!! Boooom !!!!!!!

Explosion sounds were heard along with lightning and thunder. The sky covered in darkness was fully lit.

Looking closely, we can see a large fleet of wars.h.i.+ps, chariots and many other types of flying transport firing cannons, energy cannons and many other types of attacks.

The scene was like a great naval battle, but instead of being at sea, the battle was taking place in the sky.

The players were attacking each other, and no trace of Liu Yang can be seen.

But how did that happen? As if a small chase of a single s.h.i.+p turned into a war in the sky.

Going back a half-hour before…

"Little Black !!! Watch out!!!" Liu Yang shouted when he saw a ray as thick as a snake coming towards him.

"Cua !!!" Little Black shouted. It spread its giant wings and turned to the side. The beam pa.s.sed a few inches from Liu Yang.

"Almost ..." Liu Yang was in a cold sweat when he felt the heat of lightning pa.s.sing over his head. Little Black barely deflected.

Suddenly, a big explosion happened not far from where Liu Yang was.

Booooom !!!!!

Fortunately, he suffered no damage.

"What happened????" Liu Yang looked back and was startled by what he saw.

Dozens of explosions were going on around him.

(Master, be careful !!! A large fleet of s.h.i.+ps is chasing you) Alexali spoke in Liu Yang"s mind.

Within seconds, a fleet of flying s.h.i.+ps, dozens of flying s.h.i.+ps appeared. They all had the same flag drawn at various locations on the s.h.i.+p, a white tiger eating a leafs, drawn.

"Attack!!!!!!! According to the information, the princess is hidden somewhere in the middle of these clouds !!!! "

"Whoaaaa !!!!"

Boooom !!!!!!! Boooom !!!!!!! Boooom !!!!!!! Boooom !!!!!!!

The wars.h.i.+ps began to bomb random locations in the clouds. Luckily, Liu Yang was a little further away and the guys can"t reach him.

"f.u.c.k…!!!! Did someone find me while I was flying ??? " Liu Yang realized what was going on after hearing people shouting on the s.h.i.+p. He didn"t know how he found out.

These wars.h.i.+ps belong to a large guild called Tiger Woods, they were famous for having a large fleet of flying s.h.i.+ps. Their symbol was a tiger eating leaves.

The Tiger Woods guild is one of the hundreds that chose the side of the traitors. The greed for the reward was very great.

"Little Black, fly faster. The pursuers will overtake us "Liu Yang was desperate now.

If he is. .h.i.t by one of the cannon shots, Little Black will be forced to return to the cage. And it will fall to the ground.

"Cuaa !!!" Little Black increased his speed, a red line was left behind.

The problem with increasing speed was that Little Black will get tired much faster.

"The compa.s.s is back to normal, our target has fled !!!! Increase speed !!!!!!!! "

The fleet of s.h.i.+ps increased speeds. The thrusters behind were activated and fired forward.

Those groups that appeared were the ones that bought the information from Light Snow, Rain Bow and other players in Captain Link"s group.

After discovering that the princess was flying, the traitors quickly sent their troops to kill her. Since the allies cannot let the princess die, they were forced to act and protect the princess, at least to let her escape from the traitors.

"s.h.i.+t!! They also increased the speed !!! "

(Master, the fleet of s.h.i.+ps has also increased speed. They are coming towards us !!!)

(Alexali, is there an allied fleet ??) If there was a fleet of traitors, it was also possible to have a fleet of allied s.h.i.+ps.

(Yes, there are two fleets of allied s.h.i.+ps coming towards us. But at the same time, one of them is facing another s.h.i.+p fleet several hundred meters away)

(How many different groups do these fleets belong to?)

(At least seven different groups.)

"Cuaa ..." Little Black started to get tired.

(Master, ask Little Black to climb forty meters. You can rest for a while when you do that)

"Little Black, can you fly higher? You can slow down "

"Cua ..." Little Black was using his last energies to fly higher.

(Master, you can jump)

(Jump ?? Are you sure ??)


Receiving confirmation from Alexali, Liu Yang closed his eyes and jumped. But the sensation of falling did not happen, he just felt himself falling into something hard as if he were on the ground.

"Little Black, you can stop flying." Liu Yang stroked the head of the giant crow, he was already tired and panting.

"Cuaa ..."

"You worked well. I thank you for your help "


"Go back and rest."

"Cuaaa" Little Black went back to the cage and slept.

(Alexali, what is this thing I"m stepping on?) Liu Yang was unable to see anything because of the black clouds. Not even the rays managed to illuminate the ground he was standing on.

(Master, you are on top of one of the subordinates of the Supreme Guardian of the kingdom of the white elves) As a guardian created by the princess of the kingdom of humans, Alexali knew the guardians of the other kingdoms. At least information about them.

(Is this serious ??? He won"t kill us because we"re stepping on him ??)

(No. Master, I already talked to him and talked about the current situation. He will take us to the Crystal Lake City.)

(Can"t he take us to the capital?)

(No, the City of Crystal Lake is the limit.)


(The trip will be quick. We will arrive in a few minutes)

(Okay) Liu Yang didn"t know what kind of animal he was sitting on.

The only thing he knew was that the animal had scales, because he was sitting on one.

(Alexali, what kind of beast is this?)

(A snake)

(A snake ?? That snake must be very big)

(Yes. This guardian is a little less than little Silali in her transformed form)

(I see ...) Liu Yang was startled to hear the snake"s full size.

Silali"s true form was gigantic, she was three hundred meters long and forty wide. Her body was already big.

The guardian of the elven kingdom was slightly smaller than her, it showed how big the snake was.

While Liu Yang traveled using a shortcut. The s.h.i.+ps clashed. The Allies began to fight against the traitors.

Since all the great guilds were rivals, everyone was always competing with each other, even if it was a hidden fight.

Thousands of kilometers behind Liu Yang, a war was going on. The wars.h.i.+ps were shooting at each other. They don"t even know that their target has already disappeared on the horizon.

This fight was a good opportunity to weaken rivals, especially those who chose opposing sides.