MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 241

In a city in the middle of a large lake with crystal clear waters. The place was beautiful and had beautiful landscapes. The climate was pleasant to see and feel.

Anyone who came to this city, he would enjoy the beautiful scenes of nature. The birds sang the fish swam in the lake. The cool, refres.h.i.+ng breeze blew from side to side.

The city was common like any other, but there were no walls or barriers. The city was created just to be used as a place to enjoy the surrounding countryside. The name of this city was Cristalline Lake City.

Normally, the city was calm and peaceful. The only sounds that were heard were birds singing and the wind blowing.

But now, the only thing you could hear was screams from the players.

"Search in every corner of the city !!!!"

"The princess is hiding somewhere !!!!!!"

"Stupid allies !!!!

"Imbecile traitors !!!"

This scene only happened after Liu Yang fell into the city. At the princess sister"s mansion to be more exact. The guardian threw Liu Yang into the mansion"s territory.

The instant Liu Yang arrived in the city, all the alarms in the city were activities at the same time. Almost instantly, the city was packed with players. Because of this, the silent city has become extremely noisy.

While everyone searched the city, no one knew that the target was in the safest place in the city. The younger princess" mansion, only authorized players and NPCs can enter.

As the princess was sick at the time, no one was allowed to enter. Even though the person has the key, the princess had the key.

Inside the room of the youngest princess ...

Liu Yang and the older princess were looking at the beautiful young girl lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Her body was extremely pale and cold. She looked like a corpse.

The younger princess was beautiful, despite not having a s.e.xy body like her older sister. She was still quite beautiful.

"Ward, do you have any way to help my little sister?" The princess asked. She had a sad look on her face when she saw the young woman elf.

"I need to test some things before" Liu Yang was seeing the status of the NPC, he saw that she was being possessed by an evil spirit.

Lymseia Oddmind (Tier Elite) - Possessed by an Evil Spirit

Looking at Lymseia, Liu Yang saw a black spirit screaming in agony behind her.

The spirit was completely black and distorted.

The instant Liu Yang touched the youngest princess, something happened, his book left the inventory and was opened. The book he received when he changed, the Book of the Lord of Souls.

"Ward, what book is this?" The princess was surprised when she saw the book, she had never seen those symbols before.

Information about the evil spirit appeared on Liu Yang"s screen.

Evil Spirit (Common Tier) - A soul that has been tortured in every way possible by someone. Negative emotions began to take over the soul until it became an evil spirit that roamed the world looking for people to possess.

Spirits are divided into three types, Common, Elite and Super. Each tier has different powers.

Common: They can possess someone and make them sick.

Elite: Insufficient level to see the information.

Super: Insufficient level to see the information.

Purification Method

Common: To purify a common spirit, Pure Water, Silver Dagger is required. Leave the dagger in a container with pure water for five minutes. Take the dagger and cut the spirit.

Elite: Insufficient level to see the information.

Super: Insufficient level to see the information.

"Princess, do you have Pure Water and a Silver Dagger?" Liu Yang put the book away after reading the information.

"Yes. The kitchen cupboard must have these things. Do you need anything else? "

"Yes. Also, bring a large bowl to fit the dagger and enough water to fill the bowl. "


The princess went to the kitchen and then returned. She was holding a bucket and inside it had an ornate silver knife and a bottle of water.

Kitchen Knife, Bucket, Bottle of Pure Water. These were the names of the items.

"Ward, is that enough? If not, I can get more water "

"This is enough." Liu Yang left the knife in the bucket and poured the water into the bucket. The knife was immersed in water for five minutes.

"Let"s see if it will work or not" Liu Yang took the dagger and cut it towards the Evil Spirit.


"KSpaksfklsa !!!!!!" The spirit began to scream wildly and squirm. Its image slowly began to disappear. The process was quite simple and easy.

Looking at the princess again Liu Yang saw that she was back to normal, Lymseia Oddmind (Tier Elite).

The color on the princess"s face started to turn pink, while her breathing was normalizing.

"Ward, you did it. You saved my sister !! " The princess jumped for joy and without knowing it, she kissed Liu Yang on the lips.

When she realized this, it was too late.

"Ward ... I ... Now ..." The princess lowered her head in embarra.s.sment, she did it without knowing it.

"Princess, won"t you thank me for saving your sister?" Liu Yang laughed a little in this situation.

"What you want?" The princess avoided looking at Liu Yang in the eye. She had her head down.

"What does the princess think?" Liu Yang hugged the princess"s delicate waist and whispered in her ears.

"I don"t know ..." Her voice got lower because of her shyness. The previous action contributed to this.

"I would like to continue with the princess"s action"

"This is ..." The princess just closed her eyes while Liu Yang lifted her face with his finger.

The four lips were pressed against each other while the tongues were intertwined. Liu Yang tightened his embrace as the princess wrapped her arms around Liu Yang"s neck.

Ding ...

"Your relations.h.i.+p with Elyen Oddmind has improved to Good."

Time pa.s.sed slowly, the couple"s hot kiss went on without them knowing.

Lying on the bed, the younger princess"s eyelashes fluttered. Her eyes were opened slowly, the first thing she saw was the familiar roof.

But when she looked away, her eyes went wide. She was not believing what she was seeing, a human man and an elf woman. The two were having a hot and pa.s.sionate kiss.

"Ahhhh !!!!" The princess screamed when she saw this.