MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 255

A great battle began at the four gates of the capital of the kingdom of the white elves.

The players were doing their utmost to defeat the creatures and prevent them from reaching the city gates. The millions of players look like ants at the giant size of the creatures.

In the control room of one of the big shots, a middle-aged elf man was looking at the screen, he was watching the fight against the creatures outside the capital.

A player entered the room before bowing.

"Guild Master, the situation is very complicated. Generating aggro from these giant creatures has been very difficult "

"I know that. The amount of damage the tanks are doing is still not enough to control the creatures" movement. We need more damage "

The easiest method of fighting creatures was to get their attention and control their movements using tanks. As codes programmed by the system, they will always follow the system"s commands, and the command was very simple, attack the player who has the greatest amount of aggro.

"Guild master, should we ask for their help?"

"It is not yet time. They are in the Federation of Independent States at the moment, they are doing an extremely difficult quest at the moment "

"Guild master, I received reports that some of them have returned and are already preparing to attack the creatures since they are the ones most likely to defeat the creatures"

"Yes, I heard those rumors too."

"Guild master, what should this subordinate do?"

"You don"t have to do anything at the moment. Things are going as expected. Any news on the ident.i.ty of The True or the player who helped the princess? "

"The ident.i.ty of The True is still a mystery, even if we gather information with the other kingdoms, we get little information about that person. The only thing that is known is that this NPC is very dangerous and is recorded in the history of the four kingdoms. "

"I see ... And the player who helped the princess, any information about him?"

"So far, we haven"t been able to find any information about him. We asked the player who helped him during the quest, she was the one who blew everyone up during the fight at the entrance to the capital. "

"Ohh ... Is she from any powerful guild?"

"No. She"s just an ordinary player, her name is Captain Link. Her guild found information about the princess" helper, she ordered to follow him. But somehow, some members sold the information to both allies and traitors.

The guild was disbanded after many players left the guild after receiving a large fortune for selling the information. But they all regret the decision after Captain Link got a small, and poor property away from the capital and started to develop that place.

According to the information, she spent tens of millions of gold coins to improve the village. News NPCs started to visit the village, because of that, many players also went there. The village started to prosper because of Capital Link.

I think this property was donated by the princess as a reward for her help. While the player who delivered the princess to the capital received a property of his choice within the capital, luckily he chose the auction house of the Elven Fury Guild, it helped us to overcome them. "

"I see… Is there any information about the thief who stole the Black What about the human who invaded our kingdom? I think these investigations are still going on, right? "

"Guild master, investigations are still ongoing. But so far, no information about the thief has been found, it seems that this person has disappeared from the kingdom. Information about the human is also missing, no player or NPC knows about it. This is very strange because a player from another kingdom can"t stay alive for so long without being discovered "

"It seems that this player got help from some player in the kingdom. It is very simple to deceive less experienced players, just give a little money or rare equipment. They will do anything for that kind of thing. "

"Guild master, should we try to find these players?"

"It will be useless. The kingdom has millions of players, and the vast majority belong to common backgrounds, anyone can be suspect "

"Our biggest suspicion so far is the player named Captain Link, since she was his a.s.sistant in the previous quest."

"Yes. Start with her and the members of her old guild. I want to know everything about them, investigate everything "


The big shots of the elven realm were doing their best to try to find out information about Liu Yang, but it was difficult because no one would have guessed that a human would help an elf. Besides, there was no connection between Liu Yang and players from the elven realm.

This fact made the search for information even more difficult.


To help with the kingdom quest, former retired players came out of retirement to help with that quest. The kingdom needed them and they came after the call, level 800 or 900 players. The most powerful players in the kingdom.

Each big shot called these players back into action, as the chances of stopping the army of creatures were very small.

While a great war was taking place in the kingdom of the white elves. In the other kingdoms, the situation was not much different.

The orc kingdom was still in a great civil war, where the new warlords were struggling to rise to the throne. The son of the royal family who survived the ma.s.sacre joined the struggle for power.

The war was still far from over.

The human kingdom was still calm because the succession to the throne has just ended, but The True"s shadows were still rooted in the human kingdom. The real war was yet to come.

In the kingdom of the black elves, the situation was a little worse, the war exploded and the kingdom was on fire. On one side was The True, while on the other were players and NPCs loyal to the kingdom.

The kingdom of the black elves was the first kingdom to fall into disgrace, The True began its plans in this kingdom. Because the player who is with him belongs to the kingdom of the black elves.

News about wars going on, the skeleton NPC and the unknown player, began to spread across all four kingdoms. No one had ever heard of this NPC, The True, as it is rarely shown in historical books. Only those who achieved rare quests about the past of the four kingdoms had information about this.

Despite this, the governments of the four kingdoms and the big shots began to invest a lot of money to try to discover The True"s ident.i.ty. Players who get quests on that NPC or the unknown player will receive huge rewards.

The big shots will not stand still and see that someone was trying to destroy all the investments made by them during that time. Several tens of years of investment and effort, who would let that happen? n.o.body.

But as much as everyone tried, it was very difficult for someone to discover something related to The True, because he is someone who has been erased from history. And the NPCs who were given a quest to betray the kingdoms, they don"t know about The True.

The only players who know information about The True are Liu Yang, the mysterious player who is always with The True, the players who have Great or Exalted relations.h.i.+ps with the most important NPCs in the kingdom, and those who accidentally find information about the subject matter.

Apart from these groups, no one else knows about The True.

Now, the new trend of the four kingdoms is to look for information about The True, any kind of information related to him.