MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 256

"Big sister, look at this" Tears on Sky showed Rose a screen. This scene attracted the attention of the other two girls, Little Thorns, and Sick Woman.

The four were packing up at their office in the City of Diamond Snake.

"What is it?" Rose was in doubt.

"I believe you will be surprised to see this"

"What are you seeing?" Sick Woman was curious to know what it was, while Little Thorns understood that the subject was about Liu Yang.

"This is an excerpt from the elf kingdom quest, the kingdom quest that all players above level 100 had to partic.i.p.ate in." Tears on Sky projected the video on the screen.

The video shows someone wearing a black cloak on top of a large brown wolf, but suddenly, the wolf shone like a galaxy and shot forward like a rocket. Soon after, the wolf grew and became a giant.

The next scenes are when Little White returned to the cage of a player who arrived later.

These scenes were of Little White carrying the youngest princess towards the capital.

"That"s ..." Rose and Little Thorns understood the meaning of the video because they had seen a similar scene before. But Sick Woman didn"t know Liu Yang or Little White, she didn"t know about it.

"Do you know this person?" Sick Woman noticed the surprised faces of the three girls and asked. Her intuition said yes.

"The wolf doesn"t look like this because the wolf we know. The wolf we know is white, but I don"t remember it growing in size, "Rose explained. It was true that she never saw Little White grow up in the middle of a battle. But her female intuition said that this brown wolf was Little White, as one of the abilities used by the brown wolf was equal to Little White"s ability.

Besides, Liu Yang also said that he was in the realm of white elves doing a quest. Liu Yang had also said that they will find out about it later.

These reasons led the girls to believe that Liu Yang was playing with the white wolf.

The three girls had a tactical understanding and waved at each other. They want to know what each thought. The three were thinking the same thing: Liu Yang was helping the elven kingdom on a quest, but why? That was the question they had in their minds.

Rose, Little Thorns, and Tears on Sky wanted to ask Liu Yang about it, but they held on in the end. They will wait for him to talk about it.

"Sister Rose, is that person your boyfriend?" Sick Woman asked. She was feeling something strange in the mood. Her feminine curiosity was aroused.

"Why do you ask?" Rose was surprised by the question. She knew that Sick Woman was perceptive, but realizing something like that, she was thinking a lot about it.

"Because I remember that your boyfriend was in the realm of the elves. Did he go back there after he came to visit that day? " Sick Woman was referring to the day Liu Yang visited the city and spent a few days with the girls separately, one at a time.

"I don"t know if it"s him. To tell you the truth, I don"t even know where he is at the moment. After he visited me, he had to leave quickly and come back to complete a quest that he had to do before. " Rose explained. She couldn"t let Sick Woman know that yet. At least not at the moment.

"I see… It seems that your boyfriend hides many things from you. Does he have another lover? " Sick Woman thought of the worst of possibilities. From the way Liu Yang did things, it looked like he had some lover.

"Yes. He has a few lovers, even female NPCs with exalted relations.h.i.+ps. " Rose spoke vaguely. Little Thorns and Tears on Sky were embarra.s.sed by Rose"s words, as they were the lovers.

"Do you allow that? Sister, do you let your man have lovers? " Sick Woman was surprised to hear that. It is very rare to find an open-minded woman like Rose, who accepted the fact that her man had lovers.

"Yes. I even encouraged him to do that. I knew I couldn"t have him just for me, at least, he gives me enough attention, even if it is a little "Rose spoke strangely. She realized that their relations.h.i.+p was very strange.

"I see… Older sister Rose, you are the first open-minded woman I know some women that share their man with other women. He must be a pervert for wanting more than one woman. Sister Rose is already so beautiful, I can"t imagine your man wanting other women "

"Yes. He"s a pervert. "Rose didn"t deny those words. It was true that Liu Yang was a great pervert, even though he doesn"t show that side in front of others. At least, he showed to them, his women.

"Big sister Rose, do you know his other women? NPCs too? " Sick Woman was curious about that. She knows some players who have NPC lovers as well.

"Yes. I know some of his lovers. As for the NPCs, I only know one or the other. " Rose did not hide and commented. But she didn"t say who Liu Yang"s other lovers were.

Little Thorns and Tears on Sky were quiet, but they were nervous inside. Because Rose was talking about it.

"I think this is normal to happen. Many male players have in-game NPC lovers. But I didn"t expect older sister Rose to accept this openly. "

"I know I can"t monopolize it for myself, so I decided to share it with others" Rose commented.

She was the second woman who fell in love with Liu Yang, the first was Little Thorns. As the two were young mistress and maid, they talked and shared Liu Yang. But due to some things, Rose changed her plans and added more women to the group of lovers, like Tears on Sky, at least Liu Yang also liked her.

Liu Yang felt he owed a big favor to Tears on Sky. Because if she hadn"t sold him the key to Herman"s box, he would never have piqued Rose"s interest, turned into a Master of Souls, had the wealth he currently had or the achievements he had achieved.

All of this was only possible because Tears on Sky sold him the key. She could have refused to sell too, and many things could have changed.

Tears on Sky knew this little secret because Liu Yang told her when the two were alone, but he only said that what he has achieved so far is thanks to her. What happened along the way and what he did, Liu Yang did not tell.

That was the couple"s little secret. Tears on Sky was happy that Liu Yang could share this secret with her. It shows that he really thinks of her in his heart.