MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 263

After the first collision of the two wolves.

Little White took about thirty steps backward, while the corpse stood still. This showed that the corpse had more advantages because of its level. It was about one hundred and seventy levels above Little White, that difference was very big.

(This corpse is much stronger than Little White, I need to do something to stop this corpse. If the wolf"s soul could manifest itself again ...) Liu Yang was referring to the soul on the bracelet he received from Little White"s mother.

"Evil Spirits!!!!" The dark elf did not stop and started using her abilities to summon Evil Spirits. Despite her high level, the skill level was still average.

She only managed to summon 20 Evil Spirits, as the skill level was only 4. Liu Yang had more advantage in this regard because of the Jewel of the World.

Unlike Liu Yang"s Master of Souls cla.s.s, the dark elf cla.s.s was Master of Evil Spirits.

Dark and distorted shadows appeared around her after she used the ability. The Evil Spirits were weaker than the summoned souls, thus, they were in greater quant.i.ty.

"Summon Souls !!!" Liu Yang did the same. He summoned his group of souls to fight the Evil Spirits.

Twenty Evil Spirits against five Summoned Souls.



Liu Yang and the dark elf screamed at the same time. The summons charged towards each other.

The evil spirits flew from side to side while screaming in agony and pain, their methods of attack were to pa.s.s through the body of the targets and cause damage. While the attack of the souls was magic and skills of the

"Use your skills !!!" Liu Yang"s souls began to conjure up his abilities. The warriors used the skills of Taunt, while the magicians cast the spells and the archers shoot the arrows.

"Defeating my evil spirits will not be that easy. Ghost Scream !!!! " The dark elf ordered.

"Kflakawflfawlãwawflaç !!!!!!!" The twenty evil spirits began to scream wildly as if they were in great pain and agony. The groups began to affect souls and their abilities.

Taking advantage of this moment, spirits began to pierce souls" bodies. They started to become transparent. This showed that they were already dying.

"It won"t be that easy !!! Potencialize Souls!!! " Liu Yang strengthened his souls so that they could counter-attack. But it was difficult, the disparity in levels was very large.

The dark elf did not stop and continued to press Liu Yang.

"Vengeful Spirit!!!!!" She screamed again. A giant shadow appeared, unlike distorted person-sized shadows. The shadow that appeared was the size of a house and looked like an inflated and distorted balloon.

The Vengeful Spirit is formed by a mixture of thousands of Evil Spirits.

"So you also have a skill like that. Let"s see who"s stronger. Summon Powerful Soul !!!! " Liu Yang also used his ability to summon a stronger soul.

A strong light shone and a warrior appeared. Unlike the ordinary warrior soul, the powerful Soul was much larger and looked like a Megazord holding a giant sword.

"Attack!!!!" The two screamed at the same time.

Booooom !!!!!

aodskdasdklawldk.a.w.kwlkf !!!!!!

ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!

Explosions, screams, and hisses were heard in the sky. The two sides were having a difficult and arduous battle. But only the two wolves, the souls, and the Evil Spirits were fighting.

Liu Yang and the dark elf were looking at each other. Since the two were that use summons to fight, the two had no offensive or defensive skills. They were completely dependent on the summons and beasts contracted.

Unlike the battle on the ground, where players and NPCs were fighting side by side against the creatures, the battle in the sky was much more exciting. Hundreds of thousands of souls fighting hundreds of thousands of evil spirits.

The dark elf"s evil spirits had the advantage because she was much stronger than Liu Yang. The nearly two hundred levels above helped the dark elf at that time.

Princess Lyna and The True were staring at each other without moving, they were a.n.a.lyzing each other while souls and spirits were fighting. They did not meddle in Liu Yang"s fight with the dark elf.

"Potencialize Powerful Soul !!!!" The Megazord shone before it got much stronger than before, but it still wasn"t enough to deal with the Vengeful Spirit.

"Union of the Evil Spirits !!!!!" The twenty evil spirits and the vindictive soul began to merge. The result of the merger was the dark shadow of a chimera.

"Roar !!!!!!!!!!" The chimera roared madly and began to attack souls as if they were insects.

(s.h.i.+t !!!! She is much stronger than me. The difference between the two of us is very big !!) Liu Yang saw that the scene was getting difficult.

"Little Blue, Little Black, appear !!!!!" Two lights appeared before turning into a giant bear and a giant crow.

"Roar !!!!!!!"

"Cuaaaa !!!!!!!!!"

The two beasts roared and carried towards the evil soul, the two joined the fight with the souls. Even though there are no light attacks, the abilities of the two beasts affect the chimera.

"Two creatures of Legendary Tier ??? !!!!" The dark elf was shocked when she saw this. She never thought that Liu Yang still had two such powerful creatures at his command.

"What is that???"

"They are two creatures of Legendary Tier !!!!!!"

"How is this possible????!!!!"

"How does a player have so many powerful beasts ???? !!!!!"

"This is insane!!!!!!!!!!!"

The players on the ground saw the two beasts in the sky. Liu Yang did not hide the Tier of the beasts this time, just the name.

During the previous quest, he had hidden the name and the Tier. This was to avoid players" jealousy and envy.

"s.h.i.+t ... It looks like I"m going to have to force things ..." The dark elf saw that her chimera started to struggle to deal with Liu Yang"s summoned souls after the two beasts joined the battle.

Booooooom !!!!!

The battle between the two wolves was getting more intense, but the corpse was taking advantage. Little White was very weak in comparison.

The two wolves separated and returned to their masters" side.

"It"s time for the main event. World Summon. Army of Evil Spirits !!!! " The dark elf clapped her hands and made the seals.

A middle gate appeared behind her, along with a hideous and dangerous aura, but it was not as scary as the gate opened by The True in the beginning. One was the summoning of a player of level almost in the 700 while the other side was an NPC of Tier G.o.d. The difference between the two sides was very big.

"Oaifafaiwihifhawiwifafji !!!!!" Screams of pain, madness, and agony were heard when the gate opened and two hundred dark shadows came out.

Before whoever used the World Summons was The True, now, the dark elf who used the ability.

(Does she still have this ability ?? !!!!) Liu Yang was shocked when he saw her using the World Summon. His situation is getting more and more difficult.

(Master, use me)