MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 264

Silali"s voice echoed in Liu Yang"s mind. She wanted to join the battle after so long confined within the ring. Silali had a playful personality and liked to fight, but it was not her time to appear yet.

(Silali, you cannot appear yet. They will discover that I am human. Alexali, can you appear?) Liu Yang prevented Silali from appearing this time. He didn"t want his ident.i.ty as a human to be discovered by other players. This would bring great chaos in the human kingdom and many problems for Rose and her group.

If the information that the girls" boyfriend was in another kingdom and helping them. This would become a great problem.

(Master, why can"t I go? You giving more importance to the older sister) Silali was dissatisfied with Liu Yang"s decision. She was throwing a tantrum like a child in her room.

(Silali, it"s because everyone knows you. If you go out, they"ll know that I"m a human. I don"t want that to happen. Shall we make a deal?) Liu Yang tried to calm Silali.

(What kind of deal?) Silali was curious about Liu Yang"s deal.

(Silali, when there is war in the kingdom of humans, you can fight. What do you think of that? Your older sister can fight now and you fight later) Liu Yang spoke of his proposal.

(...) Silali did not answer. She was pondering this in her room.

(Master, I accept this agreement. But the master must comply with this agreement. Otherwise, I will be very upset) Silali spoke in a dissatisfying way. She was like a little girl.

(I will keep my promise) Liu Yang was happy with Silali"s acceptance of the agreement. This was the best possible resolution.

(Master, can I leave now?) Alexali asked she was nervous. For it was the first time that she had fought in a battle.

(Alexali, can you appear in your true form? Like Silali, or don"t you have a snake form like her?) Liu Yang preferred that Alexali had a snake form like Silali, so she can disguise herself.

(Yes. I have my original form. But it is very big) Like her younger sister, Alexali"s original form was gigantic.

(This also works. It can help us deal with a certain issue)

(Master, I"m ready)

(You can go out)

"Let"s see who has the strongest a.s.set. Alexali, appear !!! " Liu Yang screamed and a light came out of his body.

The light shone brightly before turning into a light green snake, its scales were s.h.i.+ny like jade while white stripes run along with its long body hundreds of meters and two meters high.

The snake"s head had two horns on the sides and two sharp teeth out. The snake tongue was sticking out occasionally. At the end of the tail was a dark green jade crystal.

The instant Alexali appeared, a shadow covered the city before powerful and majestic pressure was felt by everyone on the battlefield and in the capital.

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw giant pale green snake hundreds of meters high.

Jade Snake (Level ???????) (Tier G.o.d)

"Oh My G.o.d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What is it??????!!!!!!!!!!!"

"How is this possible???????????!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Who was it that brought this contract beast ??? !!!!!"

"It seems that it was that player who is on the princess"s side. I saw a light come out of his body before I turned this giant snake !!! "

"Who is this person????!!!!!"

"How can he have two Tier G.o.d and two Legendary beasts contract ??? !!!!"

Millions of screams echoed across the battlefield when they saw the giant snake in the sky. None of them believed that Liu Yang would still have yet another contract beast from G.o.d Tier.

"How is this possible???!!!" The dark elf didn"t believe what she was seeing in front of her. She never imagined that Liu Yang would have a trump card of this magnitude saved.

(Alexali, do you have any way of capturing that corpse?)

(Young master, I can"t do this. But you can do this, the bracelet on your arm still has the soul of Little White"s mother. The bracelet can do this job)

(Okay. Alexali, attack the wolf !!! Try to capture her !!) Liu Yang mentally ordered.

(Yes, master.) Alexali"s giant body charged towards the wolf"s corpse. She opened her mouth and spat a green liquid at the corpse.

"Come back!!!!" The dark elf saw that Alexali"s target was the corpse, she couldn"t let that happen and tried to keep the corpse back in the magical s.p.a.ce of the contracted beasts.

"It won"t be that easy !!! Stunning Shot !!! " Liu Yang ordered the archer soul. He had predicted this dark elf action.

Before the dark elf finished ordering, an arrow hit her chest and Stun"s effect activated. She couldn"t do any action, her character was stopped for two seconds.

Two seconds was long enough for the green liquid to hit the corpse.

Splash ...

The liquid hit the corpse, but nothing happened. The corpse just howled as if nothing had happened.

But seconds later, the effect was activated. The corpse could no longer move or take any action. The green liquid was a paralyzing liquid.

As the user was a beast of an unknown level, the effects were very strong. Even though the corpse is almost at level 700.

(s.h.i.+t… They must have some way of capturing the corpse !!! I can"t miss it) The dark elf was anxious because she was still paralyzed. The two seconds have not yet pa.s.sed.

(Master, hit the corpse"s head to free it. The power of the bracelet can be activated) Alexali commented on Liu Yang"s mind.

(Okay) Liu Yang got on Little White and started running towards the corpse.

"Healer, use Speed ​​Enchantment !!!" Liu Yang ordered the soul. Little White"s running speed exploded. He ran a hundred meters and arrived quickly in front of the corpse.

But before he could attack with his fist. Something happened.

"Human, it won"t be easy to steal that corpse while I"m here. Spirit Curse. " The True spoke ominously. Alexali"s appearance completely changed his plans.

An extremely powerful evil spirit appeared and charged towards Liu Yang.

Shuoo ...

An arrow hit the evil spirit before it could attack Liu Yang.

Poff ...

The evil spirit disappeared as if it were made of air when it was destroyed by the arrow.

"Princess, do you really want to go against me?" The True asked sinisterly. He was irritated by Lyna"s meddling.

"The True, do you really think you"ll make it out of this?" The princess already had her bow ready.

"Princess, you really underestimate me. Skeleton Dragon, grow up !!!! " The True shouted. The small skeleton dragon began to grow until it became gigantic.

The dragon was the size of a large building with dozens of floors. A powerful and frightening pressure fell on the players on the ground, they felt like a mountain was pressing on their bodies. The dragon made a great roar.

"Roar !!!!!!!!!!!"

Skeleton of the Dragon G.o.d (Level ??????) (Tier G.o.d)

"Another G.o.d Tier creature ???"

"Oh My G.o.d!!!!!!!!!!"

"What is going on????!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Is the world ending???!!!"

"How can five beings from Tier G.o.d come together in one place ???"