MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 93

Commander Erich Cotton pretended not to see players who weren"t trying to kill the demons dogs, as this was evaluated at the end of the expedition. Those who were doing their best would be the most rewarded in the end.

Liu Yang and Little White were the players who were doing the least damage in the group, even those who weren"t attacking often did more damage than the two together. This was because their powers were so low, but they were attacking nonstop to compensate for their lack of power.

Liu Yang and Little White"s experience bar was rising at a rapid pace, Little White had already leveled five times after the expedition began. The elite creatures at level 150 gave a good deal of experience, even though there are over five hundred people in the group.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

Several roars were heard from where the group was, this was one of the abilities of the Doomdog, Summon Companions. This ability called other demons that were nearby to attack the targets.

"Pay attention to the other creatures, it is calling their mates. Tanks, attention! "The captains shouted at the same time, they were scanning the surroundings and was not fighting like the other soldiers.

Hearing the screams of the captains, tanks attacking without using aggro skills looked around and saw that ten demon dogs were running toward the group like wild beasts.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

Ten tanks rushed towards these demonic dogs and activated their aggro-generating abilities, soon after, abilities began to rain. The time to defeat these creatures was twenty seconds each.

Liu Yang and Little White were always attacking the same demon, along with other players and NPCs. Whenever demon dogs used a skill, captains would give the warning to alert players.

This scene lasted several hours in a row before the group stopped for a break. Several bonfires were lit and a large camp was set up.

Some players and NPCs started cooking, the delicious smell of food boosting morale after a long journey.

"Does anyone want food?" Several cooks said.

"I want to!!!"

"Me too!!!"

"Me too!!!"

Many shouted at the same time, which showed that they were already hungry. Although they were not eating real food, the flavor still existed, meaning in the players" mind they were eating real food.

Liu Yang also requests some food, although he had the ingredients, he could not cook because he could not do so yet.

In New Earth, there were two ways to achieve manual skills, the first way was by doing things with one"s own hands to learn the skill, the second way was to go to a master of the profession and learn.

Currently, Liu Yang had only the knife cutability, as he used to cut things for Little White before.

"This is delicious !!"

"The food is very good!!"

Many screams were heard because of the taste of the food.

"I"m glad you enjoyed the food," The cooks said, they were happy that the soldiers liked their food.

The break lasted two hours before the group again fought the demon dogs.

While Liu Yang was doing his best to defeat the demon dogs and level.

In another place far from the human kingdom…

The place was surrounded by green forests and natural landscapes, the howl of wild beasts could be heard from all sides. This place was part of the kingdom of white elves.

The white elves liked to live in dense forests to camouflage their enemies, their looks were beautiful and charming to both women and men.

"Don"t let her get away !!!" A heavy voice was heard in the middle of the forest.

As we approached the forest, we could see a young woman of the white elf race, she was covered with heavy wounds, much blood could be seen streaming down her body. The young woman was mounted on a blue tiger, which was also covered with injuries.

Far behind the girl were a large group of people dressed in a black cloak, each holding a type of weapon in their hand. That was a chase.

"We have to capture her in all ways, don"t let her get away !!!" The person who looked like the leader shouted.

"Roger !!" The group increased their running speed, some were using mounts in pursuit.

"Blue Snow, go, if not, we"ll get caught." The young woman turned pale when she saw her pursuers speed up. She tried to encourage the blue tiger to run faster.

"Roar !!!" The tiger just roared and a faint glow covered its body, and its speed exploded several times.

"s.h.i.+t…!!! The tiger will use the Speed ​​Blast, stop it !!! "The leader shouted, but it was too late.

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Boom !!!

A sonic explosion occurred when the blue tiger used its ability, and dust was raised seconds later that neither the tiger nor the young woman could be seen.

"d.a.m.n!!!!! She ran away, that d.a.m.n NPC ran away !!! "The leader spoke with a heavy one.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" One of the subordinates asked.

"Let"s go back and report to the leader, he"ll know what to do." The group started backing off after seeing that the NPC had successfully escaped.

Somewhere several kilometers away…

A blue glow appeared, and two bodies appeared, they were the young elf and her blue tiger.

"Blue Snow, are you alright?" The young elf stroked the blue tiger"s head, watching it pitiful appearance, the young elf felt her heart stab.

"Hmm…" The tiger just grunted in response, it was very tired.

"Alright now, we"re safe for now, you can rest." The young elf pulled out a small cage that was tied around her waist and tucked the blue tiger inside. That was an animal cage.

"Looks like I"m deep in the woods, I have to find a place to rest and take care of my injuries…" The elf spoke with a heavy tone, she suffered much damage during her ambush and a little more during the chase.

The young elf took some herbs and potions, she took care of her wounds before continuing to walk through the forest.

"Forest Spirits, please guide me to safety." The elf knelt before a large tree and began to pray.

A light wind blew into the elf"s ear before blowing in another direction. She looked to where the wind was blowing with solemn glances.

"Forest Spirits, thank you." The elf bowed and thanked them. She walked toward where the wind was blowing without hesitation, which showed that the young elf believed in what just happened.