MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 94

Several days later…

Returning to the Crystalline Caves, the expedition was proceeding smoothly, despite the delay, progress was steady.

Erich Cotton"s group could handle a hundred demon dogs at the same time.

Liu Yang and Little White levels were rising rapidly to a certain extent. The quest he picked up in Doom City was already complete.

The expedition quest had a duration of three months, the ten groups had this time to defeat twenty thousand creatures to complete the expedition quest.

When the first two thousand demons were killed, the demons" levels on the spot increased by ten levels, which was a considerable increase. This level increase was to increase the difficulty of the expedition.

Where Erich Cotton"s group was, the members of the groups were separated into ten smaller groups of fifty members each, and each group was dealing with ten demon dogs at the same time. The experience gained would go to all members.

Liu Yang and Little White were the ones who won the most so far, they leveled many times, especially Little White, who was level 115 when it arrived at the place, Liu Yang was currently at level 174, and Little White was at level 152.

Their leveling speed didn"t surprise the other players, it just proved that they were at the lower levels, as some others were.

The situation on the spot was fairly controlled and smooth, the captains were giving orders and the soldiers following. Players were much more powerful than NPC soldiers, it made it much easier to fight the demons. The same was true for the other groups as well, they were also able to deal with the demons as long as the amount was within the limits of the tanks and healers.

However, the situation would not always be the same, the creators would not let the players complete the expedition quest as simple as that.

The more demons the players defeated, the less it had on the place, this meaning the groups had to explore the site to find more, but there was a detail to that, the farther the players went, the greater the concentration of the demons, the number of demons will increase exponentially as the groups advance further.

The game"s developers were forcing players to go further, as the number of demons at the beginning of the map was not enough to complete the expedition quest. The quest would only be complete if players advance to the end of the map, which was the place with the most demons.
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Since there were ten groups commanded by ten commanders, the number of demons was even smaller for each group.

After a few days, the demons in the early area were defeated, all of them. The ten commanders came together and talked a little about the subject before leading the way forward.

"Let"s go on, all areas of the early part have already been defeated, we"ll have to go to the other part of this cave if we want to find more demons," the commanders said.

"Roger !!" The soldiers shouted together.

The ten commanders were leading the groups, they were the ones in front. The groups walked for a while until they reached a deeper part of the cave, the place had less light than before.

A frightening scene could be seen ahead, tens of thousands of demons, but this time there were not only dogs but also black-striped white crows and red-striped black snakes. Levels of the three demon types increased to 180 and were still elite creatures.

"Everyone, get ready to charge" The commanders shouted, they were just on-site to supervise the soldiers along with their subordinates.

"Roger !!!" The soldiers shouted with fervor. But none of them dared to be the first to charge, for in the face of that many creatures, charged without protection was suicide.

"Tanks, be ready to charge!!! Healers, watch out for soldiers" HP bars. Range attackers, be prepared to attack when the tanks get the aggro. "Commanders" subordinates began giving orders to the soldiers.

"Roger !!" Players could only grit their teeth and hear the orders, if any of them refused the orders, they could be punished according to army rules.

Tank-cla.s.s players and heavy-armored soldiers from each group charged at the same time toward the demons.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

The demons began to roar as the soldiers reached the aggro range, and also began to charge. Tank s.h.i.+elds flashed seconds before impact on both sides.

Pang !!!! Pang !!!! Pang !!!! Pang !!!!

Hundreds of knocking sounds were heard, that was the moment the demons. .h.i.t the heavy s.h.i.+elds of the tanks.

"Attack !!!" The players shouted at the same time.

Where Commander Erich Cotten"s group was, Liu Yang and Little White were more engaged than ever, they were following as much as possible. Although only normal attacks.

Since Liu Yang had no cla.s.s yet, he could only use sword cuts, and Little White only used the claws to attack. Liu Yang didn"t allow it to use its skills, this was to avoid problems, as normal wolves didn"t have the skills Little White had.

The other players in Liu Yang"s group had already realized that he was only wearing ordinary sword cuts and did not use any combat skills. A thought popped into their minds.

(This masked player, is he some kind of clown or something? He"s only using common attacks to attack the creatures while we"re using our abilities to the maximum. And he"s leveling quickly because of us, that"s unfair) That was the thought of some.

(What a strange player, he is only using basic attacks and no skills, plus his level and his pet are increasing very fast. Could he be out of cla.s.s and have a low level?) That was the thought of another portion of the players.

(What did this player come here to do? He"s just being a leech of all our hard work. If he just died…) That was also the thinking of some players.

(This masked player is so much better than us, he"s just here to level off as a leech, while we have to use part of our strengths only and pretend we"re fighting full force)

Many players had different thoughts about Liu Yang, but all had the same conclusion: He was being a leech who was receiving benefits for the little work he was doing.

Time went by slowly…

Every twenty minutes, ten demons were defeated, it showed how difficult it was to defeat the demons in this part of the cave.

The five hundred players and a few dozen NPCs were able to level several times while on the spot.

The biggest problem with this type of quest was that players had to disconnect, those who stayed had to wait for others to come back or suffer a little more because of those who left and would not return until much later.

Liu Yang did not leave the game and went to school, he missed cla.s.s to play again, as he did not want to miss this opportunity to level and quickly complete the quest. If he fails to complete the quest he received from souls, he would have to enter the expedition again and it would be another three months inside the crystalline cave. And that was something he didn"t want.