MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 95

Two months later…

The expedition group had been in the Demon Cave inside the Crystal Caves for a little over two months. The number of demonic creatures was drastically reduced, but it was still insufficient for all groups to complete the expedition quest.

Because everyone was dividing the creatures equally, this was part of the game system for players to continue until the end of the map. Players could not attack each other inside the cave while in the quest, as they would be punished by the commanders.

The people who received the most benefits were low-level players like Liu Yang because they were the ones who leveled the most. But none of them could beat Little White, like a pet that was only level 115 when he entered the cave, although receiving only ten percent of Liu Yang"s experience, it was still enough to level a few dozen times.

The groups advanced several times to the deeper parts of the cave, and the concentration of demons began to get much higher than before.

This would be the last trip, if the groups can defeat the huge amount of demonic creatures in front of them, they will have completed the quest. All ten groups.

The demonic creatures in this part of the cave were already level 200 and still elite, but the variety increased as well. Now there were turtles, bears, ants and many other kinds of demonic animals. This variety made it very difficult for players, as each player had a different weakness.

"Soldiers, attention !!! This is the last battle, if we can defeat this great horde of demonic creatures, we will have completed our mission !!! "

"Whoaa !!!" The soldiers shouted in fervor.

"Now is the time!!! Charge!!!! "The ten commanders shouted at the same time.

"Roger !!!"

"Tanks don"t come too close, as this will attract many creatures at once, come close only to attract the aggro of the creatures in front !!!!" The captains shouted.

Because of the large number of demons in the area, if the tanks get too close to them, a large amount could be attracted, and that was something no one wanted. The distance between one group of demonic creatures and another was small, so tanks had to maintain a reasonable distance to attract only one group at a time.

The players understood this principle and already knew how far to go, before taking the expedition quest, they had already seen community tutorials about it.

By the time the tanks reached five meters, the wolves and dogs realized something, but it was not yet in the aggro range. Four and a half feet, the wolves and dogs have already risen and looked around, and the snakes and ants felt something, but it was not yet in the aggro range.

By the time the tanks reached four feet away, the wolves and demon dogs howled before loading, that was the aggro band, while the snakes and ants were looking around. But another creature appeared alongside, the eagles, though it were further back in the horde, it"s aggro area was much larger.

Seeing the demonic creatures loading in their direction, the tanks began to run and retreat into the attack range of the groups.

When the tanks reached seven meters away from the group, they turned toward the creatures and raised their heavy s.h.i.+elds, activating their abilities at the same time, and then the screams of the attack were heard.


"Melee cla.s.s, focus on wolves and dogs. Archer and wizards focus on eagles !!! "The captains shouted at the same time.

Flying creatures were the hardest to deal with, as only ranged players could hit them. And the tanks could do nothing to pull the aggro unless they went down to the ground and at that moment, the tanks activated the aggro abilities.

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Pang !!! Pang !!! Pang !!! Boom !!! Boom !!! Boom !!!

Sounds of something pounding heavily on the metal were heard, and at the same instant, explosions caused by the abilities were heard. Melee players were focusing on creatures that were on the ground, while ranged players were focusing on eagles.

"Reserve Tanks, Attention !!!" The captains shouted as they saw the waters flying over the fighting tanks, they gave the orders to the other tanks that were standing by to activate their abilities and protect the archers and wizards.

By the time the eagles were within a meter of almost reaching the players, the tanks acted, they attacked the eagles with their s.h.i.+elds and pulled the aggro successively. And then, the eagles were taken away from the group behind.

Roar !!!!!! Roar !!!!!! Roar !!!!!! Roar !!!!!!

When the wolves and dogs were about to be defeated, they started howling, that was the ability to call their mates. A few dozen wolves and dogs started running toward the group after the howl. So did eagles when they were about to die.

That was the strategy to defeat the creatures in this part of the cave. First, the highly mobile tanks or had to attract a fair amount of demonic creatures and then had to return to where the rest of the group was.

After that, depending on the type of creature attracted, a strategy would be made at the time of combat. And whenever the creatures were about to die, they would howl and use the ability to summon their mates.

Time went by slowly, the fights were the same as always, the only thing that changed was that some players had to leave and come back much later.

Liu Yang was one of those people, after missing a day, and seeing how things would turn out. He decided to stop missing because it was more advantageous to go to cla.s.s and come back later.

If Liu Yang missed school so much, he would have to justify the reason for the absences, and that was something he didn"t want to do, as he could have his secret revealed.

Moreover, the expedition would last for three months, he did not think it would be impossible to complete his quest, because only in the first three days of the expedition, the group had already defeated a large number of demonic creatures. Because of this, Liu Yang decided to stop missing because of the event.

When more half of the month has pa.s.sed, ie two and a half months in total. The expedition quest has finally been completed, the amount of creatures needed to complete the quest has finally been reached.

Although there are still tens of thousands of demonic creatures inside the cave, players need not defeat more than necessary to complete the quest.

"Soldiers, very well, you did it. It"s time to go home. "

"Whoaa !!!!" The soldiers shouted in excitement, after more than two months locked in this place, the players and the NPCs will finally come out of this dark and dimly lit cave.